Global Login: I Know the Story, I Can Do Anything

Chapter 1080 The appearance of disguise

Ye Changge also didn't take what Thor said to his heart. In his opinion, Doctor Lizard is completely reliable, more reliable than those so-called Avengers.

Ye Changge couldn't help yawning, and without saying anything else, he was about to leave.

But Thor was going to tell Ye Changge.

Ye Changge felt very speechless after hearing this, and then said to Thor: "I will have my own ideas~.

When Thor heard Ye Changge say this, he moved his lower lip but didn't say the second half of the sentence, so he could only helplessly leave.

Dr. Lizard also came out slowly and asked what was going on, but Ye Changge just pretended that nothing happened.

Dr. Lizard still felt very strange, but when he saw Ye Changge's clothes, he didn't want to tell himself, so he could only shut his mouth.

Erickson naturally guessed something when he saw Ye Changge's appearance, but he didn't speak.

Ye Changge pretended to look around the scenery, and then slowly left here.

After coming to Earth, Ye Changge suddenly found a very strange figure in front of him.

After he walked over again, he found that it was a man.

The man at this time was constantly pounding the ground with his fists, but every time he hammered the ground, the ground would shake violently!

Ye Changge also instantly understood that the guy in front of him was probably someone who acquired super powers by accident for some reason.

But it is obvious that the person in front of him at this time has not grasped his own strength, but intends to use his own strength to test it.

Ye Changge just crossed his arms when he saw him like this, with a mocking look on his face.

Then the man who had been smashing the ground before also raised his head and looked at Ye Changge.

Especially when he noticed Ye Changge, he instantly understood that Ye Changge in front of him was those who were stronger than the Avengers.

There was some surprise in the man's eyes, and he subconsciously wanted to walk in the direction of Ye Changge, but he looked at his fist, which was about to be thicker than a truck, and instantly understood that he looked a bit like a monster at this time.

But Ye Changge really felt very speechless and asked what he was doing here.

The man's voice became even deeper and he said to Ye Changge, "Am I just here to adjust my strength?"

Ye Changge pretended to understand after hearing this, but then pointed to the destroyed houses around him and said to the man, "But how to explain these things around?

The man originally wanted to answer that it had nothing to do with him, but then when he saw that there was almost a ripple under his feet similar to the aftermath of an earthquake, he also instantly understood that he really caused such a situation around him.

But a man doesn't care about these things. In his opinion, having power is an absolute benefit, especially when his own power becomes stronger and stronger, the more he can surpass others!

The man thought so, and looked at Ye Changge with more anticipation: "Those were just mistakes, and I didn't want to do that.

Ye Changge just sneered when he heard the man say that.

Then the man went on to ask Ye Changge: "I remember that you and the Avengers are not in the same team, why do you want you to imitate them and arrest me? 55

When the man said this, his voice also laughed softly as if he was saying a joke.

Ye Changge, is he yawning as if he didn't understand what the man said?

The man kept his previous appearance for a moment, and then asked Ye Changge what he planned to do next.

Ye Changge sighed and gently stretched out his index finger, the man also felt very strange about Ye Changge's posture?

The next moment, no man reacted, and a light flew directly from Ye Changge's fingers and hit the man's heart.

The man only felt a huge force pushing his body and instantly exploded out.

The man's body flew out, and his fist, which had become as big as a car, also smashed the surrounding cars at this time.

The man fell to the ground and couldn't get up again.

Ye Changge looked at him with a look of sympathy on his face and said, "Although I'm not the same as those guys, but you are destroying things here, I think you should pay attention? 35

Hearing Ye Changge's words, the man suddenly burst out laughing and then said to Ye Changge with more hatred in his life: "Then they destroy those things, why not punish them?35

The man held his huge hands on the ground and kept his body balanced.

...for flowers

He saw the Hulk walking towards this place again, and his expression became more solemn and said to Ye Changge: "Today is good luck for you, there are members of the Avengers to help you, then don't think about it in the future. 99

Before the man's words were finished, Ye Changge had already appeared behind the man, and then Ye Changge punched the back of the man's head.

The man's body fell to the ground.

The members of the Avengers came here quickly, saw the chaos around the ground, and looked at the man who fell to the ground and turned into a monster, and instantly understood what was going on.

The Hulk came over to Ye Changge and said, "Just leave this kind of guy to us. 35

Ye Changge also threw the man away very casually, turned around and walked in the other direction.

Not long after Ye Changge left, the appearance of the Hulk slowly changed, the skin on his body gradually fell off and a man with a red hood appeared.

At this time, the man just laughed out loud, and there was a little more playfulness in his voice. Looking at Ye Changge's back, he continued: "I thought how powerful it was, but it turned out to be me..."

But then the man wearing the red leather jacket in front of him felt that something was wrong, he looked around with a complicated expression, and noticed that Ye Changge was not actually walking but was standing behind him.

The guy in the red hood became flustered and said to Ye Changge, "Didn't you just leave? Why did you appear again!"

Ye Changge felt speechless and said to him: "If it's not like this, how do you think I might be gone?"

After saying this, Ye Changge had already punched his fist, and he had not touched the Red Skull with his fist. Instead, a huge wave of light shot out from Ye Changge's fist, directly penetrating the Red Skull!

Red Skull's body flew uncontrollably to a farther place.

But Ye Changge didn't wait for the Red Skull to fall to the ground, but instead, he appeared near the Red Skull one step ahead, and used the power of the Power Stone to punch through the Red Skull's heart.

Red Skull opened his eyes wide, with a complicated expression on his face, and shouted: "Impossible, you can never kill me?"

Although he shouted so, the blood slowly floating on his body has proved that what the Red Skull said is a lie.

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