Chapter 325

Chapter 296 Insect Sweep Strikes (Subscribe!)

The mighty army of gods arrived at the border city, whether it was a low-level god or a high-level god, even the newly awakened quasi-god joined the battlefield.

Of course, most of them are still in charge of logistics, and the real battlefield is a low-level god or above.

And there are those dependents, almost endless dependents were released.

The border city is full of troops.

War fortresses, terror behemoths, densely packed strongholds, and trenches filled with various war weapons.

The coalition forces of the three major empires, even on the periphery of Gaia’s sky, are in front of the dense array of foreign gods.

Under the oppression of the worm wave, not only the three great kingdoms, but also the gods of Outer Realm chose to face it together.

The tide of worms descended and slowly approached from the void, and countless horror illusions were born in the minds of the gods.

The power of the Worm’s Nest Fleet is very powerful. When they shuttle through the space, the space around the Worm’s Nest Fleet for several light years will be distorted by extremely penetrating forces. This force can even prevent the sending and receiving of information.

At the same time, this energy will also prevent surrounding ships from entering subspace to jump or space shuttle, because the channel is affected and distorted and the ship is forced to jump out.

At the same time, space shuttle is not possible. It is the same as the subspace jump. The reason is the same. The space becomes unstable. This is why the army should be called out in advance.

Because once the Zerg arrives, it will not be able to open the space door, which means that it is impossible to replenish troops, especially the Gaia Celestial God.

Under the influence of the insect swarm, even high-level gods could not open the space door.

The first to appear in the eyes are countless live Zerg warships that are larger than the planets, and the Leviathan Zergs surrounding the live warships, each of which is a super giant, and can even fight with gods.

“Insect tide is coming…”

An Outland God murmured subconsciously, because they had been fighting with the insect tide all the year round, they were more able to appreciate the horror of the insect tide.

That kind of endless, even if you try your best, you can only watch the powerlessness of civilization being swallowed up a little bit.

Even if they are gods, they cannot be omnipotent in front of them.


At this time, a cold sound of 23 A resounded across the battlefield, making all the illusions and fearful gods who were affected by the environment come back sober.

“I don’t need to say more about what you should pay attention to when fighting against the Zerg. The worm tide is terrifying, but we are not bad!

The Outer Realm God King said loudly, this is not entirely true, but it is roughly the same.

When the worm tide invaded the world, the gods of the Outer Lands had resisted, and successfully turned the worm tide fleet many times.

It’s just that you have to pay a heavy price every time.

Even Gaia’s sky world once had a car over the Zerg.

It’s just that the price is equally tragic.

In contrast, Ten Thousand Realms can be regarded as a multi-universe system, while the endless kingdom of God and the world connected with it is another system.

But there are points of conflict and coexistence between the two.

Gaia Sky God often goes out to invade other worlds because of the kingdom of God, and there are some worlds in the Ten Thousand Realm System.

As a result, there was a gap between the two sides, and later as the number of incidents increased, it slowly evolved into a war.

Until the arrival of the last worm wave, it not only brought disaster to the Gaia sky world, but also caused a large number of worlds to be engulfed by the worm wave.

The God of Outer Land believes that it is because the god of Gaia Sky created the world, which in turn affected the Zerg.

The Gaia Cangtian people think that the bugs are brought by outside gods, after all, they have a lesson from the star-swallowing beast.But the senior officials on both sides actually know that there is no reason for the arrival of the bugs, or as long as they still exist and the bugs still exist, then this day will come.

It’s just that this worm tide seems to be much more terrifying than the last time.

“Isn’t that the Oggs fleet?”

“The Devourer Fleet?

“Is that the Gulades Fleet?”

“Why did the foreign and non-good type fleet also come?”

At this time, a cry of exclamation sounded in the Outland God’s phalanx.

For worms, there are differences between the Zerg species evolved from different maternal reproduction, and sometimes this difference will be very obvious, resulting in the emergence of two different Zerg species branches.

In addition to the fleets that are named for combining their own characteristics, there are some Zerg fleets that are ordered by the names of the world they found destroyed.

There are also some named in memory of heroes who have performed prominently in the tide.

For example, the Oggs fleet, Oggs is now one of the high-ranking kings of the Outland Gods, and the fleet named after him was overturned by his car.

For the Outland Gods, if there is a Zerg fleet named after you, it will be the supreme honor.

It’s just that these honorable people have cold hands and feet at this moment.

Note that the car overturned fleet does not mean annihilation. As long as the Zerg mother body does not die, it is undoubtedly wishful thinking to destroy a fleet.

At most, it can be said to be a temporary repulsion, or it may be the evacuation of civilization from under the worm wave.

Since the emergence of worms, no god has completely wiped out a fleet of zerg.

But the current known three Zerg fleets were destroyed because they were fighting each other on their own.

Yes, some Zerg fleets also clashed with each other, and they fought more fiercely than the gods.

Therefore, someone once suggested that the Zerg should not be allowed to kill each other, but the people who raised this issue were quickly wiped out by the gods.

The conflict of the Zerg fleet does not mean that the Zerg will kill each other across the board. After all, for the endless Zerg, a fleet is like two ten-man squads in a million army clashing with each other.

At best, it’s normal to have a little trouble.

But this does not mean that the emergence of so many fleets is normal.

Generally speaking, at most two Zerg fleets can appear on the battlefield in one direction.

Because insects develop while they fight, as they advance further, the more planets they swallow, the more battles that occur, and the insects will continue to grow stronger and more numerous.

Therefore, the general situation is a fleet of Zergs that sometimes have only one Zerg mother body and then continue to develop.

Just like cancer cells.

Once there were people in the ten thousand realms who were so dead that they summoned a Zerg larva through a summoning technique.

As a result, an insect plague occurred in that world, and then the world was destroyed by the gods, and the summoning technique was also erased.

Just like Greenskin, Zerg individuals carry their own race genes, and a system of Zerg can be developed with one.

It’s just that they are not as mutated as the green skin, just a little cell. The worms need complete larvae, as well as flesh and blood energy, special energy and the like.

But compared with Greenskin, Zerg has more mutations. Each born Zerg may mutate due to the environment or what the mother eats, and it may even mutate during battle.

The green leather will be born, everything has been set, of course, the variability of green leather is more manifested in their weapons or locomotives and equipment.

“So many fleets, they are purposeful…A god king can’t help but feel terrified by so many fleets.

At the same time, his mind turned sharply, and he began to calculate various possibilities.

In the Zerg Origin universe, it is a universe called “Tara”.

The Zerg is like using that universe as a base, spreading in all directions.

Note that it is spreading, not looking for one direction and slamming.

But now, it seems to have looked for this side, and transferred all the Zerg fleets that spread out.

Does the Zerg have a command?

There is no doubt that there are, whether it is the mother of the fleet brothers, or the tyrants on the battlefield or even the graded node worms, brain worms, queens, etc., they are essentially Zerg commanders.

But apart from that, the Zerg still has a master.

It is a cluster of insect swarm consciousness. The swarm consciousness cannot communicate, has no emotions, and cannot understand it. It just executes the instructions of the swarm to swallow everything in accordance with the highest efficiency.

But that does not mean that there is no wisdom in the dominating will. Maybe the wisdom of the dominating will is too high to understand, or it may be that the “wisdom has” alone cannot describe the meaning of dominating existence.

But in any case, this time is not an unconscious expansion of the swarm.

On the contrary, it is like a targeted war!

In foreign wars, insect swarms sometimes use tactics. Of course, they use the most, and the most iconic tactic is insect tide.

After all, in front of this force, tactics are a joke.

But sometimes in order to adapt to the environment, it can also be called a kind of tactics, although more people think that this is a kind of adaptive evolution and change of the insect colony to the environment.

However, the swarm will often send out many spies before attacking.” They will assimilate into the image of the enemy, including parasites, mutations and even births.

Then manipulate speech, launch an uprising, etc. to paralyze the enemy’s resistance first, or it may be to summon a swarm of insects to descend in some way, and so on.

Once you get the response from the swarm, then it will be the mouth of the swarm that is waiting for that world, and then there will only be a feast of the swarm.

But with so many fleets appearing together, it is obvious that the dominant will is intervening.

“You mean those insect swarms have a purpose?”

The Jade Emperor’s face was pale. Long ago, some people thought that Gaia Cangqi continued to create the world and one day would be caught by the worms.

The world was born naturally, but the god Gaia violated this law.

Although the kingdom of God built by the realm and the power of faith and slave sentient beings is the same as the world, this kind of world is destined to be plundered uninterrupted from its birth.

Plunder resources, plunder faith, plunder the world!

In essence, there is no difference from the Zerg. No, there is a difference. The difference is the difference between a sheep and a shepherd.

The countless gods in the Gaia sky are sheep, and the Zerg is the shepherd.

Otherwise, how to explain the last time the insect infestation has receded?

You know, apart from Gaia’s sky, no other world has escaped the destruction of the worms.

But in that game, although Gaia had the upper hand, the three gods and emperors joined forces to repel the dominating will.

The endless family army was led by the gods to repel countless invading zergs.

However, there are endless zergs outside the Gaia sky, and the dominance will only be repelled without injury.

The price paid by Gaia Cangqi is indeed the death of countless gods, the destruction of dependents, and the shattering of the world.

Even Gaia’s world consciousness was almost shattered by the Domination, and the continent was broken into countless pieces.

It was the Three Emperors who relied on the will of the world to barely maintain at the price of being suppressed forever and unable to leave.

It can be said that as long as the Zerg attacks again, the Gaia sky will be destroyed.

But the Zerg did not, but faded away.This scene makes people have to think of a lot. The biggest conspiracy theory is: “Because the God of Gaia can create the world, the more worlds the Zerg waits for the God of Gaia to create, the more it will be devoured.”

It’s like raising sheep.

It is because of this view that indirectly promoted the war between Gaia Canggong and Ten Thousand Realms.

In essence, Gaia’s firmament is also one of the ten thousand realms!

This is all right, in order to prevent the development of Gaia firmament from being fattened by the Zerg, but also because the development of Gaia firmament brings disasters in other worlds.

The two sides fought indiscriminately and fought a thousand-year-old war on the border.

It is wrong to say that it is a thousand years, because the world has a high level, and a day in Gaia’s firmament is longer than a year in other worlds.

It was precisely because of this war that Gaia’s strength was indeed weakened, but many geniuses were also born.

The age of peace is indeed different from the age of war, which has also cultivated Gaia’s concept of respecting strength.

Originally thousands of years ago, before the Zerg invasion, the gods created very few worlds. There were a large number of academies with civilized civilization as the core in Gaia Cangqi 860.

At that time, it was also called Tiandao Academy, and it was hailed as the goddess who brought wisdom and civilization when he traveled through the Ten Thousand Realms.

It was later that he became an enemy, but until today, there are still many world Bong San who have been goddesses.

At that time, the gods were generally kind to their family members, but they would not be called family members, but believers.

Unlike now, so utilitarian, with strength at least.

Although he waited for a long time, it was time to come into contact with the insect swarm. During this period, the consciousness of the insect swarm had caused many weak family members to have hallucinations.

It even affected the real space, the sky became blood red, the flowers and plants withered, and a sour and bloody smell peculiar to Zerg filled the nasal cavity.

At the same time, it is accompanied by various horror hallucinations, and people with low willpower may even be scared to death.

At the same time, the gods also turned on their defensive power, because there was a very tiny parasite in the swarm, which might have been released.

If one’s family members are parasitized, they will soon confuse the team and cause chaos.

After countless years of struggle, the swarm that has swallowed the endless starry sky has long since known how many variants have evolved.

It is not the quantity that makes countless gods fear, but the feeling that countless unknown variants descend together.

You should know that each fleet will evolve different swarms because of different swallows, but as long as you know the characteristics of the swarm, there will always be a way to deal with it.

For the enemies of insects, the only thing that cannot be dealt with is the steady flow of numbers.

But with so many fleets at this time, each fleet represents a different swarm system.

God knows how many unknown variants are there?

It can be said that this time is more dangerous than the last time, and at the same time it also confirms the sentence: “The insect swarm is to wait, waiting for more delicious prey!

But at this time, Gaia could not retreat, Gaia could not retreat, the world’s will was asleep, and the Three Emperors were already fully capable of keeping the world from collapsing, and they could not move the world at all.

The God of Outer Realm cannot retreat. Once Gaia’s sky is invaded by the Swarm, the endless realm, the kingdom of God and the world connected to it will be invaded by the Swarm.

At that time they will face a more terrifying swarm.

Under the covering of the nest, there are no finished eggs!

But now, even the Outland God and the Three Emperors join forces, sitting on a powerful army of gods and an almost infinite army of dependents.

They still feel scared, because their opponent is the Worm Destroyer!!!

Bring destruction, devour, evolution, incomprehensible, incommunicable, untouchable, Zerg dominates!

(Ah!!! Calvin is serious, but I really don’t want to just break it like this. If the end is unfinished, I will end it. I will try my best to write everything I want to write. I must finish the book when I finish it. The next plot will be very fast, thank you for seeing the friends here!!!

Gurangi: “Waaaaaaaaaaaagh! Trash author! Hurry up!).

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