Chapter 227

Chapter 190 The Big Strange Bird Barton Saves the Field (Subscribe!)

Guru Guru~

A sound similar to diarrhea sounded, but because Bemunstein was too loud, it sounded like thunder.

The light on the mouth stopped, but what came out was a white transparent substance similar to mucus.


The pain that I have never experienced in this life completely blocked Bemunstein’s killing intent.

The body is instinctively still, like a bomb that will explode at any time, any action will aggravate the pain.

The white transparent liquid dripped on the ground and corroded large holes, which were obviously full of toxins.

This is Bemunstein’s detoxification, just like human diarrhea and vomiting.

But the thunderous “Gurulu” continued, and the little blue people who felt the wind had ceased looked at each other.

“Open the altar!”

With a wave of Elder Fen’s hand, the little blue people ran to the nearby bumps and pierced them with spears. When they were pulled out, the spears were already stained with poisonous water.

This special oil wax spear has a unique shape. The grease on the surface can prevent toxins from damaging the spear body, and the groove behind the tip of the spear can prevent toxins from staying.

The holy poison is made by a little blue man using various poisonous mushrooms, poisonous creatures, acne-covered toads, colorful frogs, poisonous plants, etc., in a coincidence.

And the little blue man that was deployed was the first victim of this 813 poison.

Any creature will die quickly when it touches it, and will degrade into this similar secondary venom after death.

The toxin is lower than the original poison, but in fact, it doesn’t matter at all.Even if this holy poison is diluted ten million times, it can kill a huge beast instantly.

And even if it is not dissolved into blood, its flesh and blood are filled with toxins, even the little blue people who have dealt with poisons for generations and even possess a powerful anti-drug system dare not touch this flesh.

This shows how terrifying this poison is!

It is because it is too horrible that the little blue people think that it is the mother of all things, the holy thing bestowed by the god of poison, and it is even rumored that this poison is the blood of the poison mother.

This is the name of “Holy Blood!”

Of course, the more reason is that once it is touched, it will turn into blood!

“Prepare, let go!”

Countless spears, bows and arrows shot at Bemunstein, without exception, they were all tainted with poisoned water.

By this time Bemunstein had devoted himself to the anti-drug industry, and he had never encountered such a weird thing in his entire life.

It can even absorb light and missiles. It is still a wolf monster who uses gas as a drink, but today, he actually ate the wrong thing!

Is there anything more poisonous than Ultraman’s light?

The universe didn’t exist before, but now, Bemunstein has encountered it!

In its completely defenseless state, spears and arrows shot through Bemunstein’s hard shell mercilessly.

Of course, it is more affected by the toxins smeared on it.

This terrifying toxin is almost everything without corruption, especially the things with strong life energy.

On the contrary, inanimate rocks or tung oil can wrap it well, but it will be corroded over time, but it is relatively slow.

The toxins in the body have not been discharged, and the body is invaded by toxins.

Bemunstein was angry and frightened.

“Huh? Bemunstein asked for help? Toxin! Damn it, Patton, go and save that trash!”

Leo’s expression was depressed. Because the flying monster had died, he realized that the universe was not simple, so he planned to stop and rest for a while.

At the same time, one of the four top monsters, Bemunster, the Universe Monster, was sent to explore the way first.

As one of the four top monsters, Bemunster’s record is very strong and popular. The big mouth in the abdomen can almost swallow all kinds of things.

At the same time, it can launch a variety of light functions, coupled with a strong flying ability, Leo is very confident.

Unexpectedly, Bemunstein sent a distress signal within half a day of going out.

Although he was very angry, but in any case, Bemunstein was also a capable man of his men, and he couldn’t really ignore it.

As for the toxins, it can only rely on Patton, the two poison sacs beside the big strange bird Patton’s mouth, but even Ultraman can’t resist it.

Besides, it also has the ability to store toxins. At present, only Patton has this ability.

Of course, robots like Jin Guqiao are also available, but Leo still sent Button.


Button took off in an instant, and disappeared into the sky in an instant. The flying speed of the big strange bird, Button, is very strong even in the flying monster rankings (cded).

Feeling the master’s anger, the monsters slowly calmed down.

Soon, Patton saw Bemunstein. At this time, Bemunstein even saw Patton, and he couldn’t help but feel pitiful.

The hard shell of the whole body has been corroded clean, and there is a white snail at the corner of his mouth, a pungent purple-yellow liquid flows out of his stomach, and he makes a gurgling sound.

Those who stood there not daring to move, still let the blue little people throw javelins and shoot bows and arrows.


Feeling Patton’s breath, Bemunstein even cried out. He felt that he had never been so suffocated in his life.

He wanted to fight back. He felt terribly painful in his stomach when he moved. He wanted to gather energy, not to mention, his whole body was painful, and he could only detoxify his body with all his strength.

Barton flew across the sky, and the strong wind that it brought up dispelled the new wave of attacks. At the same time, he spit out several concentrated fireballs, exploding and exploding the little blue man.


The great volcano bird Barton was angry, and Bemonstein said that he was also his companion, and he was beaten as a fool!

Of course, more anger comes from Leo.

The little blue man’s bow and spear could not break the gust of wind caused by Patton’s flight, and even some arrows were blown back.

But Patton’s fireball killed a bunch of them, and at the same time caused a forest fire.

“Retreat, retreat first!”

Some of the little blue guys were sane, and they yelled at the same time and pulled up their friends and ran away.

The Demon God was angry, and he was still a Demon God who was not afraid of the Holy Blood.

Bemunstein’s voice sounded again, with a little fear in his voice.

Barton of this dog day, you burned the forest, do you want to see me burned alive?

Of course, Bemunstein during the victory period is certainly not afraid of forest fires, but the current Bemunstein even the outer shell is corroded away, revealing the red tender flesh inside, and the high temperature intensifies the activity of toxins.

Of course Bemunstein would be angry.

Button looked at the little blue man who was running away, then at Bemunstein, and finally flew down helplessly, patted his wings to blow away the flames.

Leo’s order was to wait for Bemunstein, not to kill, and Patton could only choose the former.

Patton stepped forward to look at Bemunstein’s miserable appearance, then patted his stomach, opened his mouth, and opened his legs, jumping up and down.

Button: “Your kid has today too!”

Bemunstein: “Don’t be smug…that…help, it hurts!”

Button: “Huh! Call Dad!”

Bemunstein: “Get out of the way, let’s drop it quickly!”

Bemunstein was completely incapable of getting in, Barton had no choice but to step forward and take a closer look, and smell the blood flowing out of Bemunstein.

This poison

Patton arched his mouth on Bemunstein’s chest, and as he swallowed, a torrent of toxins was sucked out.

Two comfortable voices sounded at the same time, and Bemunstein felt his body relaxed a lot. With the strong resilience, his body began to recover.

But Button looked drunk, with a big punch between the gallbladders on both sides of his mouth, red and purple.

Button: “This poison… really happy!”

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