Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 684: Xiaotian and the electric mouse

   Chapter 684 Xiaotian and the Electric Mouse

After the    space teleportation device was activated, Xiaotian felt weightless for a moment, just like skydiving before, falling uncontrollably toward "downward".

   The place where she was located was a silver-white space tunnel, and some colorful "murals" seemed to be carved on the walls of the space tunnel.

  It’s a pity that Xiaotian couldn’t see these murals clearly.

  In this acceleration far exceeding that of free fall, all colors are pulled into strips of light in the field of vision, making the entire passageway colorful.

   Her mind was completely stiff in this terrifying acceleration, and gradually stopped.


  I don't know how long it took.

   It seems like a year has passed, and it seems like a blink of an eye.

   After Xiaotian's thinking recovered again, she found that she had come to a strange mountain forest, surrounded by big blue-black trees.

   She was stepping on thick dead leaves, surrounded by a deep and quiet forest. When she looked up, she could see the mottled sunlight shining through the pores of the branches.


   The roar of an unknown monster could be vaguely heard in the distance.

   It can be seen that the environment she is in is not safe.

   But seeing the surrounding forest, Xiaotian was also relieved.

   "Fortunately, it's not a Skrull town." If it's a town, it's troublesome!

   When he came to a strange place, Xiaotian was not at a loss.

  【Mental Stabilization Mixture】The cold feeling made her very awake, and she immediately acted as soon as the teleportation was in place.

   "The shoulder bag...still there, weapons, space rings, equipment...all there."

   She checked it up and down and found nothing missing in the teleportation.

   In particular, the satchel that Su Yu gave her to store 200 [Space Cores] was tightly attached to her side.

   "Complete the task given to me by the nemesis first, and the rest can be discussed later."

  Xiaotian nodded, turned on the [Cross-dressing] skill to disguise his appearance as a Skrull, and then jumped onto the canopy of a towering tree nearby.

  According to Su Yu's reference plan for Xiaotian, she had better go to Baker Country to hand over the [Space Core] to Cindy Doppler, and then go to the Wilderness Continent to hunt monsters.

   She had better figure out where she was now before thinking about how to get to Baker Country.

After    jumped onto the canopy, Xiaotian used the [Eagle Eye Technique] to look at the sky and the surroundings.

   The sky here is mostly pale blue with an occasional tinge of lavender.

   The lilac color proves that this place is very close to the Lenkert Union.

The    is surrounded by endless forests, and the nearby hills are also covered with plants.

   After looking around the tree canopy, Xiaotian aimed his eyes at one of them.

   There are signs of small monster activity 3 kilometers away in this direction.

   She can tame a small monster by using the [Tame Pet] unique to the archer profession, and learn the specific information of this place from the monster's mouth.

Just do it.

  Xiaotian flew down the treetops like a gust of wind and disappeared in place in an instant.


  2 minutes later, Xiaotian approached her target, the group of small monsters.

When    got close, she realized that it was a group of yellow-skinned electric mice.

   The strength of ordinary yellow-skinned electric mice is very low, like the group in front of Xiaotian, there are a total of 10, and the strongest female individuals are only third-order strength, and most of them are only second-order.

   At this time, the little electric mice were running and playing happily in the woods. You chased me, unaware that the eyes of an alien creature in the shadow of the woods had already aimed at them.

   When he was only 100 meters away from the electric mouse, Xiaotian stood still and used [Tame the Beast] towards the strongest third-order electric mouse.

   With her casting, a red "love heart" appeared on the third-order electric mouse's forehead.

  Then the little electric mouse ran towards her uncontrollably with straight eyes.

   "Pika Pika!" Seemingly aware of the leader's abnormality, the other electric mice eagerly shouted at the leader.

   But their calls were of no use.

   The little electric mouse leader ran towards Xiaotian like a yellow lightning bolt. Halfway through the run, he was completely tamed by Xiaotian and became her new pet.

  Xiaotian is a sixth-order powerhouse after all. Her [Tame Beasts] skill has a high success rate even for taming fifth-order monsters, not to mention the third-order electric mice?

  The new pet "Tier 3 Electric Mouse" came to Xiaotian while running and jumping, raised his head and looked at his owner cutely.

   "Pika Pika~" It shook its tail and tried to communicate with its owner.

   "Pika Pika!" 50 meters behind it, the wailing of the second-order electric mouse that followed.

   The second-order electric mice followed and found that their leader had fallen into the claws of the Skrulls, what should they do!

  Xiaotian didn't take care of the little electric mice that followed.

   "It's so cute!" She squatted down and rubbed the hair on the third-order electric mouse's head, then took out a handful of nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and pine nuts to feed it.

   The electric mice of Scrubs are herbivores and have an extraordinary love for nuts, a protein-rich food!

   After being fed, it was very happy, holding the nuts and eating it wildly, and at the same time, its eyes seemed to say: "More! More!"

  Xiaotian looked at it dotingly, then took out a large handful of nuts and threw it at it.

   Don’t forget the business while feeding.

   She took out a map of the world of Skrull the height of one person from the space ring and spread it out in front of the little electric mouse: "Little cutie, look at this map, where are we now?"

   After all, the little electric mouse is a magical beast. In fact, it already has the wisdom of the third-order Skrull people. It can still understand some things like maps, and it even understands some of the Skrull people's words.

After the    giant map was unfolded, it ran and jumped on the map, and a pair of small eyes searched the map earnestly.

  Two minutes passed.

   "Pika Pika~" It stood at a point on the map and didn't move, looked at Xiaotian with promise, and seemed to say: "We are here, I can guarantee it!"

  Xiaotian looked at the position where the electric mouse was standing, and nodded thoughtfully: "Is it the edge of the wild continent? This position seems to be quite reliable."

  According to the little electric mouse's guidance, she is now located on the edge of the wild continent, especially close to the border of the Lunkett Alliance.

   This also verifies what Xiaotian saw just now.

   Just now, when Xiaotian saw the lavender in the sky, he knew that this place would not be far from the Lencotte Alliance, and now it looks like it is!

The    electric mouse should give the correct location.

   "Okay, go back to your clan! Nuts are your reward."

  Xiaotian put the map into the space ring, and at the same time released the master-servant relationship with the third-order electric mouse.

  Although she really wanted a cute little electric mouse pet.

   But this is the leader of a clan after all, and taking it away will destroy this fragile clan.

  Xiaotian waved goodbye to the little electric mice, disappeared into the vast forest without looking back, and headed towards Baker Country.

   (end of this chapter)

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