Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 1303: Guesses from the big guys

 “Hello, Speaker!”

 “Hello you two!”

 After greeting each other, the two parties did not continue their pleasantries, but got down to business.

President Andrew took the lead and said: "You two, regarding the matter of 'Su Yu is the trumpet of Dalando', Lucia and I have actually heard of it a long time ago."

Lucia, the jewel dragon, nodded and said, "I know, but we don't have any evidence.

 It wasn’t until I saw Su Yu’s performance today that I was able to confirm that this was indeed the Darando trumpet. "

Acting Speaker Lemo said with a smile: “Since everyone thinks so, then we can talk freely.

Glendon and I have just analyzed the matter of "Su Yu is the trumpet of Dalando".

 Since Darando has played such a big card, it seems it’s time for us to unite. "

"That's what I meant." Governor Andrew said seriously: "Who would have thought that Dalando would play such a big card. He actually has a level 4 AI in his hand!

 If nothing else, it is considered a big deal even in the entire federation, right? "

“That’s not true.” Glendon smiled: “When word of this gets out, we will immediately become the focus of the entire federation.”

Lucia, the jewel dragon, said: "What are those two going to do?"

Lemo and Glendon did not answer immediately, but looked at each other.

Then, Lemo smiled and said: "Don't rush to find a solution first, we can analyze the current situation first.

 You two, first of all, for this level 4 AI, we cannot object or ban it, we can only let Dalando use it. Do you agree with this? "

 Andrew and Lucia exchanged glances.

 Then, Andrew nodded and said, “That’s right, we don’t have any reason to object.”

 The four people present are all old foxes who have lived for who knows how many years, and they know the secrets of this very clearly.

 The four of them unite and seem to be able to reach an agreement to prevent Darando from using level 4 AI in the hub.

There are a total of 9 star-level players in the Hub. Except for one who goes to Lunya Hub and one who retreats, there are only 7 seats left.

 As long as four of them stick together, it will be enough to influence the parliamentary vote and prohibit the use of level 4 AI in the hub.

Once banned, Nadarando's plan will immediately go bankrupt.

 But they can't do that.

 Because it won’t be long before the news of “Level 4 AI appears in Feige Hub” will spread throughout the federation.

Looking at the level of the entire federation, if they had level 4 AI and actually voted to ban it, wouldn’t it become a joke to the entire federation?

 Furthermore, Level 4 AI represents the most advanced productivity. The majority of residents will definitely want to get rid of the current poor security environment and use AI as soon as possible.

 They cannot stand against the people.

 Historical experience tells them that even if they are star-level and powerful, standing against the people will never end well.

 So they cannot join together to ban the use of AI.

The look on Acting Speaker Lemo's face gradually became serious: "We cannot ban the use of AI, we can only support Darlando to spread AI in the hub.

 However, support does not mean that Dalando’s goal has been achieved. We can use other methods to limit AI! "

“Then how do you plan to restrict it?” Andrew asked: “In other words, where should we restrict it?”

“There are too many aspects that can be restricted. From these aspects, we can prevent Dalando from doing much..."

  The four stellar bosses began to discuss.

While the four stars were planning to restrict Dalando, Dalando, the legion of the No. 2 sector, was also discussing Su Yu's matter with others.

But he didn't know that someone had secretly regarded Su Yu as his trumpet.

 The object of Dalando's discussion is Liman Greed.

"Liman, this Su Yu... what do you think?" In the living room of Darland's home, he was half-lying on the main seat, looking at Liman Greed who was also a virtual projection opposite.

  Brigman Grid stood calmly. He didn't answer immediately, but frowned and thought for a while.

 Finally, he said: "Su Yu feels very weird to me."

 “Weird? What’s weird? Tell us specifically.” Darando asked.

Brigadier Greed touched the tentacles on his chin and replied thoughtfully: "The weirdest thing is, of course, that he can produce level 4 AI. The planet-level dragon corpse is okay, but it is also okay to produce level 4 AI. It’s too abstract.”

 “Well, it is indeed very abstract.” Darando agreed.

But Darando then asked: "Abstract is abstract, why do you think he is weird?"

"Alas." Brigadier Grid sighed: "Of course it's because of this level 4 AI. Just now I had an idea - could this Su Yu be a spy sent by the rebel organization?"

 “Rebel organization?”

"That's right." Brigadier Grid said seriously: "As we all know, there is no AI above level 2 in the current federation. It is very unexpected that a level 4 AI suddenly appears.

 A reasonable explanation is that the AI ​​was deliberately sent by the rebel organization.

The rebel organization has many high-level AIs, and the Crystal Blue Community also has many high-level AIs in its hands.

 It may be that the rebel organization sent it here deliberately, hoping to use AI to infiltrate our interior.

 If explained this way, then all Su Yu's behavior would be reasonable. "

"Well, you're right." Darando agreed again: "If Su Yu comes from a rebel organization, then everything can be explained."

 Because Su Yu comes from a rebel organization, he can produce level 4 AI;

 It was precisely because Su Yu came from a rebel organization that he was able to take out the body of the planet-level fourth-order dragon last time.

Dark Thunder Dragon Darak is the dark energy rebel, and everything is connected!

Dalando continued: "Although the explanation makes sense, there is one thing that seems unexplainable..."

"That's right." Luman said with a bitter smile: "When we checked the AI ​​Blue Whale, we determined that Blue Whale and Psalm have the same origin, and it is a sub-AI of Psalm.

Since the blue whale and the chant have the same origin, the argument that "Su Yu comes from a rebel organization" cannot be established, and therefore I think Su Yu is "weird". "

"Yes." Darando said thoughtfully: "Su Yu has many secrets hidden in him, which is really difficult for people to see through."

But at this moment, he suddenly looked at Liman: "Wait a minute, Liman, is there a possibility that the 'AI Blue Whale has the same origin as the Anthem' is actually an illusion, forged by the rebel organization?"

"Ah, you mean..." Upon hearing this, Liman's face immediately turned cloudy.

 That's right, he didn't even think of this possibility.

It is not completely impossible if the "same origin as the Anthem" shown by the AI ​​Blue Whale is fake.

 The rebel organization knows the chants very well. During millions of years of struggle, they have studied the chants all the time.

It is not impossible if the rebel organization creates an AI that seems to have the same origin as Anthem but is actually a spy.

 In other words, Su Yu's suspicion has not been cleared away!

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