“What’s wrong? What happened?”

Seeing the sudden change in Su Yu's face, everyone looked at him with concern.

“It’s okay, I just suddenly thought of what happened at Feige Junction...”

Su Yu made up a random reason to hide the matter, but he was already using his mental power to ask the AI ​​Blue Whale: "Blue Whale, what's going on?"

AI Blue Whale quickly responded: "Administrator Su Yu, this is the phenomenon of 'weak binding' in 'civilization binding'. I guess you have always wanted to know how to bind other existing civilizations, right?"

"…It really is."

 This question is indeed what Su Yu has been thinking about.

 He often thinks about issues related to “civilization binding”.

 Now he has an idea of ​​the binding to the Blue Star Civilization. He uses the "Eternal Fountain" to create life. After life spreads around the world, he has completed the binding to the Blue Star Civilization.

  But he doesn’t know how to bind it to other civilizations.

If he wants to be bound to Feige Hub, he can't kill all the hundreds of billions of residents in the hub and create it again, right?

"Eternal Fountain" explained: "What just happened is a way to bind other civilizations. Simply put, if the creatures of other civilizations eat the food you create, then these creatures will form a certain relationship with you. 'Weak binding'.

Of course, this ‘weak binding’ is extremely weak and has minimal effect.

Taking the apples that everyone here just ate as an example, the role of one apple is negligible. They need to eat the food you created for many years and months before they can gradually transform from "weak binding" to "strong binding".

Take the advanced user Xu Xiaotian as an example. If she keeps eating the food you create in the future, she will slowly bind to you until a complete bond is formed. In this way, Xu Xiaotian can also improve your strength. "

 “Oh, so that’s it.” Su Yu suddenly said.

 He finally understood. It turned out that this was the method used to bind other civilizations.

 In other words, if he wants to be bound to the Feige Hub in the future, he only needs all the residents of the hub to eat the food he created?

"How long will it take to completely bind?" Su Yu then asked: "For example, Xu Xiaotian, how long will it take for her to eat the food I created to complete the binding?"

 “About 1000 years.”

"Oh, what about... wait? You said '1000 years'?!" Su Yu's eyes widened, and for a moment he thought he had heard wrong.

 “‘1000 years’?! Are you serious?”

 It takes so long to be fully bound? Is it still useful to complete the binding after 1000 years?

“This is how you only eat food.” AI Blue Whale explained: “The binding efficiency is positively related to the strength of the cultivator. Xu Xiaotian is an eighth-level cultivator, so binding is naturally not easy.

If it is an ordinary creature or a third- or fourth-level practitioner, it will be much easier to bind. "

 “How long does it take for an ordinary creature to bind?”

“Take you Blue Star humans as an example, it only takes 3 to 5 months. If you are a third-level Blue Star human, it will take longer, about 3 years.”

"Three years...that's not bad." Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

 Three years is not a long time.

The strength of most of the lower-level residents in Feige Hub is only around level three. If these residents are bound, it will be enough to increase his strength several times.

AI Blue Whale continued: "There is another point that needs to be emphasized - it is because you are particularly suitable for the 'civilization binding' technique that you are so fast.

 The times mentioned above are estimates based on your personal circumstances. If it were anyone else, that wouldn't necessarily be the case.

 Let's take Xu Xiaotian as an example. If she uses this set of skills, the binding speed will most likely be only one-tenth of yours.

  In other words, she wants to use the 'food binding method' to bind the third-level bottom residents of Feig Hub, which will take about 30 years to complete. "

“That’s it.” Su Yu nodded secretly. It seems that he has reaped the benefits of being a "four-dimensional space-time creature". If it takes him 30 years to bind to the bottom layer, then the improvement in strength is really far away.

"'Food binding method'? Is that the name of this binding method?" Su Yu asked curiously.

AI Blue Whale replied: "This binding method has no name. After all, it came from the four-dimensional space. The name was given by Lord Psalm himself.

However, I would like to remind you that the ‘food binding method’ can only target a large number of lower-class residents.

 As I said just now, this binding method is just one of all binding methods. For advanced practitioners, there is another faster binding method. "

 “Oh? What is that?”

“I can’t explain this to you clearly at the moment.” AI Blue Whale replied: “After you successfully help high-level Blue Star humans reshape their bodies, I will explain it to you in detail. Then you can master it as quickly as possible.”

Explaining it to Su Yu now is like explaining calculus to a child who has just memorized the multiplication table. AI Blue Whale plans to wait until Su Yu has accumulated enough knowledge before explaining it.

 “Okay.” Su Yu nodded without knowing what he was saying.

At this point, he has a general understanding of the binding method and almost understands how to bind other civilizations.

But how to let the residents of Feige Hub eat the food he provides is still worth studying.


Looking at Su Yu's changing expressions, the whole place was completely silent.

Everyone guessed what must have happened, but they didn't dare to disturb Su Yu.

 I don’t dare to eat the apple in my hand anymore, so I can only put it down silently.

 Finally, more than a minute later, Su Yu and Blue Whale ended their exchange and returned to normal.

"Haha, it's okay. I just thought of something else." Su Yu looked around at everyone present and said with a smile, "Let's continue studying and creating life."

Princess White Dragon Keke was straightforward and said: "Brother Su Yu...are you really okay?"

"It's really okay. How can I lie to you?" Su Yu looked at her with a smile: "What else do you want to eat?"

 Cocoa: “…” (expression: scared.jpg)

"It's okay. There will definitely be no problem with the created fruit. Don't worry, everyone!" Su Yu emphasized.

However, no one responded to him.

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you. I don’t know what to say for a moment.

 Seeing everyone acting like this, Su Yu didn't say anything anymore.

 He continued to invest materials in the "Fountain of Eternity" and began the next step of creative experiments.


 In the next half hour, Su Yu tried to create more than a dozen kinds of plants.

These plants include common vegetables such as green vegetables, cabbage, and tomatoes, as well as common trees such as poplar, metasequoia, and pine and cypress.

 "Eternal Fountain" also has custom DIY functions.

 In the last few creation experiments, Su Yu used this function to create several strange-shaped plants.

Some of these plants have dark red fat leaves, some have extremely long trunks without branches, and some have huge but extremely smelly flowers...

These plants have no function. They just allow Su Yu to get addicted to being a "creator". At the same time, they also prove the upper limit of the custom creation function, which can be slowly studied in the future.

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