Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 1245: Detailed description of bounty points

Chapter 1245 Bounty points details

 At 0:00 on June 14th, the reward officially begins!

As soon as the time arrived, teams from all major star regions immediately began to take action.

However, they did not immediately go out to search everywhere, but quickly rushed towards the report submission point.

They will submit the criminal suspects and criminal evidence they have caught in the past two days to the Feige Guards, and at the same time upload the photos, videos and other electronic crime evidence on the public network.

 The reason why the case was submitted at the beginning was because after the bounty rules came out, someone discovered a loophole in the rules.

This loophole is that the reward rules do not take into account the time of the suspect's crime, and it is not clear that the time of the crime must be within the reward period.

If the suspect committed the crime before the reward starts, can you arrest a few suspects first and then submit them all after the reward starts? After all, this does not violate the bounty rules!

Once the vulnerability was discovered, it immediately aroused heated discussion on the public network.

That's right, why don't you try to collect a few suspects? Anyway, there is nothing to do during the 3 days of registration.

So a large number of teams went around to take the initiative to fight crimes and catch suspects.

Faced with this situation, the bounty organizer immediately issued a patch.

 This kind of loophole affects the balance very much. After the bounty was launched, some teams submitted several or even a dozen cases at once, while some teams had no cases due to late registration. So wouldn’t the start time of this bounty become the biggest joke?

So the organizer, Feige Guards, immediately issued a document defining the time of the crime for which the reward was offered. The crime time must be within the reward date in order to obtain reward points.

However, while the organizers are filling in the loopholes, they are not completely filling it.

At the end of the document, the organizer stated: In order to warm up before the bounty is offered, and to prevent criminals from intensifying their crimes in retaliation before the bounty is offered, all participating teams can immediately submit a criminal case after the bounty starts. This criminal case The crime time does not need to be within the reward date range, but within the registration time range.

 There are many benefits to making this statement.

For the Feige Guards, it is beneficial to them to be able to submit a criminal case. They can screen out a case with higher points to submit, giving their team a first-mover advantage;

 This is also good for the majority of Feig Junction residents.

There must be criminals who want to take advantage of the reward before it starts. With this statement, these criminals should think carefully before committing a crime!

 The patch will take effect immediately after it is issued.

 So during the three days of registration, each participating team was screening cases with higher points in order to gain more first-mover advantages.

Su Yu is no exception.

In the past three days, in addition to getting to know and get along with the eight eighth-level members of the "Feige Rising Star" adventure group, he also carefully selected a case with the highest points to gain the first-mover advantage while also proving his strength to his teammates. Dispel teammates' concerns.


So after the reward started, Su Yu and the cat Chenxing immediately escorted the suspect to the nearest reporting location.

  The remaining eight teammates quickly headed to the nearest crime location under his command.

 In the past 3 days, Su Yu has activated the "Hymn Tower" in 5 more star districts. So far, he has activated all the "Hymn Towers" in 8 star regions! These eight star sectors are sector 170 to sector 177. In these eight star districts, if Su Yu is in charge of every move of the local residents, no crime can escape the surveillance of the AI ​​Blue Whale.

 And AI Blue Whale has powerful algorithm support and can calculate how to catch criminals in order to obtain large profits (referring to obtaining the maximum profit in terms of points).

Hence, Su Yu is absolutely sure that he will get the first place in the reward!

 As for other competitors, what if those competitors have more non-staff members? Can they still compare to the AI ​​Blue Whale?

 So Su Yu didn't take his opponent seriously at all. He was determined to win this first place!


About 60 minutes after the bounty starts, the first batch of bounty points will be updated on the main online bounty page.

The Guards need to verify the submitted case, and only upload the accurate reward points after verification. However, there were so many cases submitted in the first batch that it took 60 minutes for the first batch of points data to be uploaded to the public network.

 As the general person in charge, Brigadier Grid was among the first to see the accurate data on points, 10 minutes earlier than the public saw the data.

 But after seeing the data, he was immediately shocked!

“We are not the first place! Where did this first place come from?”

Lvman glanced at the points list and found that the "Silver Guard" team sent by the Guard Army was impressively ranked second, with a total of 764 points;

 In third place is the "Lemo Mercenary", which is the team of the Lemo Mercenary Group, with a total score of 731 points;

 He was shocked by the first-place team.

This team is called "Feige Rising Stars", and the points shown later are 911 points! Far higher than the second place!

And the most important thing is that this team has never attracted his attention before, and it does not seem to be a team sent by the major forces in the hub.

Who is this person that can beat the crowd and get such high points?

Speaking of points, you must first understand the points rules of this reward.

 According to the Fager Junction Criminal Code, the Penal Code has divided all crimes into 1000 levels.

Among them, petty theft and fighting among ordinary people in the second to fourth levels can only be regarded as first-level crimes. Burglary and assault to serious injury can be considered third-degree crimes.

 In the most serious case, intentional murder causing death can be punished with a seventh-degree crime, and killing multiple people at one time can be punished with a maximum tenth-level crime. Level 10 crime is already the limit of crime levels for ordinary people.

 However, as the criminal's strength increases and as the case becomes more harmful to society, the crime level will gradually increase.

The top level is a 1000-level crime. This kind of crime is almost equivalent to an eighth-level peak practitioner organizing a vicious crime, and it is extremely harmful to society! If this vicious crime caused huge economic losses and serious casualties, his crime level would be close to level 1,000.

The above are applicable to cultivators below the eighth level, and crimes above the planetary level are not within the scope of Feige's criminal law.

 There are more than 800 people in the Fege hub planetary level. They are all considered outlaws and are not covered by criminal law at all.

And this is not something that can be considered in this bounty. No matter how brave you are, can you still catch a planet?

 So the participating teams can be exposed to the highest level of crime, which is level 1000.

 As for the points obtained from this reward, they are completely based on the crime level.

 Submitting a Level 1 criminal case and suspect will earn 1 point; submitting a Level 2 crime case and suspect will earn 2 points. And so on.

 (End of this chapter)

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