As the bags of incense ash stacked on the ground were lifted up to the sky and torn apart, Fang Heng couldn't help squinting his eyes.

There is actually a hidden space behind the stacked bags!

Fang Heng's eyelids twitched, and he glanced at the three people in the holy court who had fainted on the ground, feeling something vaguely.

He stopped the operation of the Book of the Dead, and walked towards the back of the stacked incense ashes bags.

Behind, a huge magic circle appeared on the ground.

People from the Central Federation are hiding here to set up a magic circle?

what to do

Fang Heng felt even more suspicious in his heart, staring at the magic circle, the child with all-knowing right eye immediately turned around, reflecting the rotating magic circle.

What is recorded on the ground is a kind of induction magic circle.

It is roughly judged to be sacred, and it is still under construction, about 60% completed.

On the table next to the magic circle was an unrolled parchment.

Fang Heng observed it, stepped forward, picked up the parchment on the table and read it carefully.

The detailed layout and operation of the magic circle are recorded on the parchment scroll.

With it, Fang Heng can also arrange one independently.

As for the effect of the magic circle is to find people.

There were still some markings on the parchment, and Fang Heng saw the words Viona on it.

"I see…"

Fang Heng put down the parchment and had some guesses in his mind.

The Central Federal Investigation Team's entry into the Undead Society's investigation this time is a name, and they also cooperate secretly with the Holy Court.

The investigation team took the opportunity to infiltrate people from the Holy Court.

Shenyu believes that the disappearance of the saint is related to the Undead Research Association, so secretly sent people to follow the Central Federation Group into the Undead Research Association, and planned to arrange a magic circle inside the Undead Research Association to try to find Viona.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, the holy court chose the evidence room where no one would normally enter as the location for the magic circle.

Indeed, the probability of being discovered is very low.

It's a pity that it happened to be bumped into by him who was looking for incense ash.


Fang Heng muttered softly.

But the Holy Court will be disappointed, the Virgin Vionna is not here.

At the same time, Fang Heng secretly raised his vigilance.

The Sanctuary has many ways to find Viona.

Fortunately, the Plaguelands are protected by a sacred tree, and the people of the Holy Court cannot approach the Plaguelands to set up a tracking magic circle.

Otherwise, Viona's position might have been exposed long ago.

Fang Heng thought, and turned his gaze to the magic circle on the ground.

There is a square wooden box in the center of the magic circle.

In order to complete the operation of the tracking magic circle, a central prop is needed.

According to the description of the parchment, the wooden box should contain media related to the Virgin Vionna.

Fang Heng was somewhat curious.

What is the so-called medium?

The medium was also circled on the parchment scroll, and it also used emphatic symbols to indicate that it was an important thing.

"Could there be unexpected gains..."

Fang Heng muttered, and walked to the center of the magic circle, quite excited to open the blind box.

Taking a deep breath, bent over, reached out to open the wooden box.


The moment his finger touched the wooden box, a dark golden light flashed across the surface of the wooden box, and at the same time, his fingertips felt numb like an electric shock.

Fang Heng quickly withdrew his hand, switched to the sacred state, and stretched out his hand to press on the wooden box again.


There was no lock on the wooden box, so Fang Heng opened it directly.

A stone with dark golden light flowing on its surface lay quietly inside the wooden box.

"Huh? Stone?"

Fang Heng was puzzled, reached out to hold the stone, and held it in his palm to observe.

A stone the size of a fist, with a few drops of scarlet blood mixed in the center of the front, as if melting inside the stone.


The blood of the blood race is extremely sensitive to blood, and Fang Heng sensed the slight fluctuations in the power of the sacred system contained in the blood.

what is it

There is a piece of paper under the wooden box.

Opening the paper and seeing the content recorded on it clearly, Fang Hengtong shrank suddenly.

Tip: The player gets the item Magic Array Ritual Blueprint: Holy Resurrection].

Item Magic Array Ritual Blueprint: Holy Resurrection]

Type: Special Ritual Blueprint This ritual cannot be learned. To complete the ritual, you need to draw a magic circle with the blueprint and hold a ceremony with no less than 10 people. There is a probability of failure in the ceremony.

Explanation: By collecting relevant materials, activating the magic circle, opening the corresponding ceremony, and consuming the primordial stone containing the blood of the resurgent, dead holy units of level 5 and above can be resurrected. Please confirm the soul survival of the target unit and the current death status of the target unit , otherwise the default ritual fails.

Tip: Players get the item "Original Stone Viona".

The moment Fang Heng saw the blueprint, Fang Heng's hole suddenly tightened.



The Stone of Origin!

Not only the sacred department, other schools also have ways of resurrection.

For example, their blood clan has the blood clan **** tree and the blood king's coffin that can provide resurrection effect blessings.

Fang Heng understood.

For ordinary people, killing them is the end of the matter.

But it's not that easy to deal with Saintess Vionna.

Still had to deal with her soul.

Otherwise, Viona will be reborn and resurrected.

The good news is that the undead still have some advantages in dealing with the soul.

Fang Heng's previous calculation directly used necromancy to destroy the soul that imprisoned her after solving Viona.

As for now...

Fang Heng once again raised the Stone of Origin to observe in front of his eyes.

This Primordial Stone seals the blood essence left by Viona.

Fang Heng can be sure that the Primordial Stone made by the Holy Court to revive Viona is definitely not the only one in his hand!


nice one!

At this moment, Fang Heng wanted to laugh a little.

With this gadget, his plan can be slightly changed, and the success rate can be increased by at least 20% on the original basis!


Still unstable, and the plan still lacks one of the most important pieces of the puzzle.

Hoping to find the last missing piece from the depths of the yin veins.

Two hours later.

In the evidence room, the three members of the holy court who had passed out of a coma slowly woke up.

not good!

Seeing the entire messy room that seemed to have experienced the end of the world, the three of the awakened Holy Court looked at each other, and immediately struggled to get up from the ground to find the magic circle.

Fortunately, the magic circle is still there.


The old man's expression changed immediately.

What about the Primordial Stone that is stored in the center of the magic circle as a medium?


The faces of the three of them were all ugly, and they looked at each other.

The Stone of Origin.

An important item that can awaken the power of the saint and revive it!

The saint is extremely important to the holy court, so a total of 24 pieces were produced in the entire holy court.

In order to activate the tracking magic circle, they were awarded one by God's Domain.

Unexpectedly, it was stolen!

The old man stood in place, thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "It is very likely that the Undead Research Society did it. It seems that our entry here has been discovered. This is a warning from the Undead Research Society. This matter is kept secret in advance. , you two stay here, I will go to Han Dongming to discuss it now."


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