Global Doomsday: I have a portable farm!

Chapter 653 Skeletons in the mysterious space

The terrifying strength Su Qingyu showed before came to mind.

There is no doubt that such power is definitely not something he can fight against. The strength gap between peak C-level and B-level is really too big, and this is still a comparison between the same humans.

If you encounter a B-level mutated marine creature in the sea, you may die even worse.

"Originally, I thought that by gathering five C-level peak ability users, I could defeat the B-level mutated creatures, but now it seems that I was completely naive."

"The gap between Class B and Class C is too big. The latter is no match for the former!"

"There may be reasons for Su Qingyu's powerful ability, but I can't gamble. Once the encirclement and suppression plan fails, I will face unprecedented losses!" Meng Ren's face was extremely serious.

If any of the five peak C-level ability users were to be lost, Meng Ren would probably bleed from heartache.

But it can be expected that there will be losses in the encirclement and suppression battle, but no matter who dies, Meng Ren finds it hard to accept it!

"It would be nice if there was a more reliable way!" Meng Ren squinted his eyes.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through his mind.


"Maybe I can try to start with psionic energy!"

"In the past, I have always used psionic energy as a consumable to activate abilities, but this time when I practiced body training, I discovered that psionic energy itself has powerful destructive power!"

"If I can use psionic energy properly, I might be able to further improve my own strength, and even breaking through to B level might not be impossible!"

Such thoughts came to Meng Ren's mind.

He thought of Su Qingyu. Maybe the other party was so powerful because he had completely mastered the nether energy.

Just do it!

Meng Ren immediately took action, and he began to try to directly use psionic energy to fight.

However, the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

Meng Ren tried to use psionic energy to fight directly, but was shocked to find that the destructive power of psionic energy was pitifully weak.

He wrapped his fist with psionic energy, and then punched the trunk of a tree in the forest.


A dull voice sounded, but when Meng Ren took his hand away and took a look, the expression on his face darkened instantly.

"No, psionic energy is not something like Qi in martial arts novels at all. It is completely unfeasible to directly use psionic energy to attack!" Meng Ren looked helpless.

In the world of martial arts, true energy is like a panacea. When applied to weapons, even a wooden stick can cut iron like mud. When applied to the body, mortals can become infinitely powerful.

Not only that, Qi can also cure diseases, eliminate poisons, and prolong life.

Good guy, this is a panacea that can cure all diseases!

In comparison, nether energy seems much inferior.

Apart from being used to simply strengthen the body, it can only be used as a consumption to activate the ability. Other than that, it has no other function. It has to be said that it is a bit stretched.

Just when Meng Ren was thinking about whether he could develop the use of psionic energy, Liu Song suddenly ran over quickly.


"What's wrong?" Seeing Liu Song's hurried steps, Meng Ren couldn't help but frown slightly.

"When we were developing the farm, we found a buried human skeleton there!" Liu Song said in surprise.

Meng Ren couldn't help being surprised when he heard this. He immediately followed Liu Song and saw a group of people surrounding the farm.

If it were land on earth, it would be surprising to dig up bones, but it would not be a strange thing.

But this is a mysterious space. If a human skeleton is dug out from here, it will be of great significance.

This means that there are human beings in this different world in the mysterious space, which is very important news.

"Get out of the way, the leader is coming!"

After hearing the sound, everyone moved out of the way. Meng Ren walked over and took a look, and saw that there was indeed a body in the hole dug out of the farm.

I saw that this was a human skeleton. The flesh and blood had disappeared, leaving only the defeated and damaged skeleton still inside.

Beside the skeleton was a backpack that was still old and rotten, with unknown items inside.

Ou Mingxue and others came over soon, and were equally shocked when they saw the human skeletons. Everyone knew what this meant.

"Take the skeleton away, and take away the things around the skeleton at the same time!" Meng Ren waved his hand.

"I'll do it!" Wang Yun took the initiative to step forward.

The skeleton and body were quickly taken away by Wang Yun, and everyone placed them on the table in the conference room.

Ou Mingxue immediately stepped forward to check. As a doctor of medicine, she was no stranger to skeletons.

After Ou Mingxue's inspection, a lot of information was quickly obtained.

"This is the skeleton of a human male, at least 1.9 meters tall. It's hard to tell his age, but I estimate he should be around forty years old!"

"This skeleton is very hard, even stronger than a lot of steel. As a skeleton, it can have such a hardness, which means that this person must be an ability user, and he is also a physical enhancement type ability user!"

"No, if it's the physical strengthening system, his bones should only become so strong under the influence of the ability when he activates it!" Ou Mingxue said.

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised when they heard this, and then quickly realized what this skeleton, a bone that was harder than steel, meant.

"I'm afraid this is a cultivator. He has strengthened his body through practice and has reached this level!"

"What a guy, he's made of steel!" Wang Yun was surprised and delighted.

There was also surprise in Meng Ren's eyes. Before, he thought that the functionality of nether energy was not enough, but he didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly.

"This person can temper his body to such an extent, maybe he can do it with psionic energy, or some other method!"

"Look through his backpack, maybe there is something useful in it!"

Meng Ren's tone was somewhat excited. He took out a pair of gloves and quickly opened the rotten backpack.

The material of this backpack is obviously some kind of unknown animal skin. Although it has rotted, it can be seen that it is very tough, because it is impossible for conventional animal skin to be preserved for such a long time.

Inside the backpack, the contents were actually some bottles and jars, and in addition there were three books.

Meng Ren opened the bottle, and a foul smell immediately came out from inside.

Everyone couldn't help but cover their noses. Meng Ren took a closer look and found that the contents of the bottle were completely rotten and unusable. The situation of several other bottles was also the same.

"It seems that the most important things are probably these three books!" Meng Ren said.

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