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Chapter 896: Start new training to improve your strength

More than ten minutes later, Rake took down the silver needles on Sang Yuan.

"Well, you can open your eyes, the silver needles are all taken off!" Rake said.

"Ah, it's quite comfortable, I feel hot!" Sang Yuan opened her eyes and stood up to move.

"A few more pins then?" Rick pulled another twenty-centimeter silver needle.

Sang Yuan receded after watching, "No need, no injuries, no more coming, the needle is not good!"

"Are you going to try it, Master Magic Sea?" Lake asked the old Lady Magic Sea aside.

"I have no injuries on my body. Can you extend your life with this stitch?" Hun Hai asked.

"Acupuncture cannot prolong life, but I have a way to prolong life. As long as an undead person, I can make her approach the eternity of life to some extent. This ability to make life eternal, I can still use it once. After using this time, , I don't have enough materials in my hand. "Rake said seriously.

Sang Yuan on the side listened, feeling that Lord No. 2 was like a joke.

However, the magical sea saw a lot of magical existence, and she did not think that all the words of the No. 2 lord who could not see through it were all fake.

"What kind of eternal form of life is convenient to say?" Huanhai looked at Rick with a serious expression.

"Similar to the mechanical and biochemical transformation of humans, retain the original head and heart, perform head and heart transplantation surgery, and transplant it onto the mechanical and biochemical life body." Rake tried to speak to the magic sea.

After hearing about it, Huanhai was a little disappointed.

"What's the success rate, the transplantation of the head and heart shouldn't be 100% successful. Have you done similar surgery before?" Hun Hai thought for a few minutes and asked again.

Rick thought about it, in fact, his success rate should be about 50%.

Of course, coupled with acupuncture aids and the ability to explode beans at the speed of light running shoes, you can improve your agility attributes within ten seconds. This can shorten the time of transplant surgery and increase the success rate of some operations.

"Ninety percent, this is my success rate. I had a head transplant before, and the patients survived very well!" Rake said with a smile to Huanhai. Before thinking, he himself In the copy of the battle angel, Zaphan was transplanted into the dog's body and transformed into a Zaphan dog. Zappan lived well after the operation.

Of course, Lake did not have a 90% success rate, but to say a few words, Magic Sea is unlikely to invite this operation on its own.

For this operation, Rick was not prepared to invite Magic Sea to do it, and required Magic Sea to ask her to perform a head and heart transplant.

"Oh, let's go and eat!" Hun Hai said without asking any more.

Looking at the sea of ​​wonder, Lake is also hesitant to give up the human body and become a semi-mechanical life.

Rick was not in a hurry to recommend this head and heart transplantation with Huanhai. It was recommended so enthusiastically that Huanhai would doubt it.

And, after all, that battle angel variant, Rick was not in vain.

If Hun Hai wants the battle angel variant, Rick now thinks, how can Hun Hai pay himself some useful reward.

Magic Sea then took Sang Yuan and Lake to eat in the cabin. During the meal, Magic Sea did not mention the transplantation of the head and heart surgery.

"Climbing in the afternoon, practice your hand strength and balance, the location is still the waterfall, this time from the waterfall, find a way to climb up. The use of tools is not allowed, you two climb up and when do you climb to the top of the waterfall , Passed this training. "Hun Hai said to Lake and Sang Yuan.

Rake and Sang Yuan nodded, followed the fantasy sea and left, and returned to the waterfall again.

Fortunately, in the morning, Sanghara had overcome his fear of falling from the waterfall.

This time, the magical sea took the two of them and found a relatively good climbing position for Rake and Sangyuan to climb.

"I walk, jog, and climb!" Rick said with a grin.

"That's how you can improve your strength. If you always do things that are easy to do, your strength will be hard to improve! Your Honorable One, you are already very high, but now you need to practice What it is is how to release and better control your power. Once you can fully control your own power, your strength will once again leap forward, "said Mirage.

Rick listened to the words of the magic sea, I feel a bit of reason, I do not know if the teacher of the magic sea flickered him, anyway, after listening to the lake also has some motivation to climb the waterfall.

Lake and Sangwon began to formally climb the waterfall.

Although it is relatively easy to climb, some protruding or recessed stones above can be climbed.

However, the stones here are too slippery, and the water from the waterfall is constantly falling.

Sangyuan climbed the most, and fell about ten meters from the water.

Rick slipped down at most five meters away. After all, the sand suit on his body was too heavy. .

And after Sangyuan slipped, he could float up to the water and continue climbing.

But Rick couldn't. As soon as it fell, it sank to the bottom. It needed a big crocodile. After dragging him from the bottom of the water, he could start climbing again.

After climbing all afternoon, Sang Yuan and Rick were both lost.

After it was a little dark, Sang Yuan couldn't see the stones above him, and Huanhai told them to stop climbing and go back to eat.

After dinner, Rake held the silver needle and pierced Sang Yuan again to treat Sang Yuan's injuries in the afternoon climbing.

"Sang Yuan, you continue to run around the courtyard of my house. His Holiness, this time you also follow, you are not allowed to stop." Hun Hai said to the two.

Like Lake and Sang Yuan, Rick and Sang Yuan started running around the yard.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Sang Yuan could only walk away. He couldn't run.

Rick was tired too, and went along.

This tired feeling, Lake hadn't felt it for a long time.

"Historian No. 2 first, come with me to prepare the medicinal bath tonight. Sang Yuan, you continue, do not stop, persist, you will have the opportunity to learn spiritual power!" Said Hun Hai.

Sang Yuan heard that he could learn spiritual power, but his pace of walking slowly accelerated even more, and he became a brisk walk.

Rick followed the magical sea and went to this yard, a room for medicinal materials.

After entering this room, there was a strong smell of medicine in the room.

Rick looked at the large cabinets in the room, with small drawers on them, with the names of the herbs on the outside.

"There are quite a lot of medicinal materials in stock, although the efficacy is worse!" Laike couldn't help but sigh.

Standing on the side of the magical sea, staring at Rick, did not speak.

Rick brought two small wooden pots and began to take medicine.

Grabbed two pots of different medicines together and mixed them together.

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