Global Day Online

Chapter 804: Hello, little white mouse.

"I came to see you, bring you food!" Lake went to a separate glass room in the biochemical laboratory. In this room, there was a glass cage with twelve white mice in the cage.

Rick began feeding them.

"It's late, we are all hungry!"

"Can really let us get out of here!"

"How long will it take us to leave!"

The white mice were eating food and asked Lake.

"Remember what I told you, repeat it for me. Faster, there are more than half a year, I will be able to put you into the mobile maze. When I remember telling me about amnesia, I will let you back the contents!" "Rake said to the white mice."

This is the way that Lake has come up in the lab for two years.

Although it is allied with Teresa, the undead princess, but Lake is still not rest assured that after entering the mobile maze, Teresa will come to kill him.

Or after the same amnesia, Teresa was placed in the mobile maze, can he inject special treatment serum drugs carried by Teresa to restore memory.

In the past two years, Lake has been thinking about finding a reliable person. After entering the mobile labyrinth in his amnesia state, he can also remind himself to inject special memory medicine and his own skills.

Rick originally considered the universe players who were the experimental bodies.

However, those cosmic players are also in a state of amnesia, and they are put into the moving maze. Once they know the blue special treatment serum, they have the function of waking up the memory, which can be troublesome.

Rick analyzed that it is more dangerous to find players in the universe.

In the previous experiment, talking to the white mouse, Rickling took the opportunity to think of a solution.

Let these white mice, when they lose their memories, send information to the amnesia themselves, which is perfect.

In this way, we are not afraid of information disclosure. It is impossible for the universe players to have the ability to communicate with each other as they are. This skill is too cold. And the white mice that they raise will not tell the information of the players in the universe. These white mice will only tell the comatose themselves, the useful information, according to their own requirements.

Lek stayed in the glass lab room again. He listened to the white mice and told them the information that they had to carry them back. After Leker also fed the white mice, he left the biochemical laboratory.

Rake walked in the metal passage of the lab and walked to his room, and soon returned to the room to lie down.

Lying in bed, Lake launched the eye-catching exploration ability and began to watch the old lady Ava's move.

The old lady, Dr. Ava, is in the underground of her residence and has a secret laboratory.

The level of the lab is only higher than the other labs at the base.

The old lady Ava usually enters the lab once a week.

Today is exactly the day when Dr. Ava, the old lady, entered the secret laboratory.

Rick waited, watching the old lady Dr. Ava move her bed from her own room, opened a metal access, and then entered the underground secret laboratory.

Wearing protective clothing and starting disinfection, the old lady Ava came to the front of a large alien creature.

There is only one big eye on the head of this alien creature, which is already dead, but it is sealed by the old lady Ava in a glass container.

The old lady Ava began to extract a small portion of the brain slurry from the monocular alien skull, tested it, and recorded it on the data board.

After a long period of observation, Lake has also read some of the information on this data board.

The zombie virus in the mobile labyrinth world did not appear naturally, but was extracted from the brain of this monocular alien creature.

For humans, the zombie virus is only in its infancy, and the old lady Ava is studying the zombie virus in an attempt to make the virus evolve again. Rick analyzed the research direction of Dr. Ava, the old lady. It should be this zombie virus, with the ability to change human genes. The old lady Dr. Ava is studying eternal life. She tries to gain a longer life and is free from the low-level race of mankind. category.

The zombie virus is only the first stage of eternal life. Only the zombie virus binds to the antibody. After human evolution, the first condition of eternal life is available.

Studying this eternal life requires huge amounts of data. The old lady Dr. Ava, who uses humans around the world as data, secretly launched this zombie virus and infected the whole world.

According to the information on the data board, Dr. Ava, the old lady at the present stage, has made her own body different from ordinary people. The old lady, Dr. Ava, has already injected the antibodies extracted from the blood of the former No. 2 sage and infected a small number of zombies. virus.

The old lady Dr. Ava has become a zombie virus immune.

However, the data researched by Dr. Ava, the old lady, shows that she has not yet obtained eternal life, but only prolongs the speed of aging.

The old lady, Dr. Ava, took her own blood again. After two hours of analysis in the laboratory, she cleaned up the instruments and equipment in the underground laboratory and then left the underground.

Back in the room, Dr. Ava, the old lady, moved back to her cot.

Rick found that the strength of Dr. Ava, the old lady, is not lower than that of the strong man. It is estimated that she has studied the eternal virus and used her own experiments. This virus not only delayed the aging of Dr. Ava, but also improved her. Physical fitness.

Rick then ended his eye-catching skills, and now the story of the first scene of the cosmic arena moving the maze has become much clearer.

[Laboratory] The leader of the researcher, Dr. Ava, the old lady, is the chief culprit in releasing the zombie virus to the world.

The old lady, Dr. Ava, also wants to let the new humans with zombie virus antibodies evolve again so that she can get more useful data for reference and complete her research on immortality virus.

Rick guessed that if he killed the old lady Dr. Ava, I don't know if he would contribute to the contribution of this copy.

Rick also doesn't know how the contribution of this mobile maze arena is calculated. It is to let the players die, or to let the players fight against the [laboratory] organization.

However, Lake made sure that as long as other universe players die, then after five years, with only their own words, the final reward of this arena must be their own.

Of course, you can also consider letting the Undead Princess Teresa live and help himself kill the universe players who have memories.

But if you want to contribute to the world of this copy, Bit Reza is high. If you contribute Bitsissa low, you must kill Teresa before the end of the cosmic aerospace copy to ensure that you get the final reward.

When Lek was lying on the bed, he thought about the action plan that followed, and fell asleep with a smile.

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