Global Corpse Transformation: My identity as the Ten Thousand Years of Corpse King is exposed

Chapter 193: Luo Linyun cuts his brain horizontally and his subconscious explodes

“Didi didi.

In the pale room.

The enchantress covered in blood was placed on the hospital bed, with tubes inserted into her hands and feet, a ventilator in her mouth, and various strange tubes.

"Academician Luo, the heartbeat has returned to normal levels,"

"The ventilator can also be paused and returned to a normal breathing rate."

"The Enchantress's blink reflex and various indicators have reached the level required for anatomy."

Surrounding the hospital bed were more than a dozen scientific researchers in white coats. The surgical trays next to them were filled with various tools, even large surgical tools rarely seen on ordinary operating tables.

Various instrument indicators nearby are controlled by scientific researchers.

Luo Linyun's hands were wearing plastic gloves, and he was holding two very precise pipetting guns. He was injecting green medicine into a transparent box.


I saw green bubbles popping up all over the water.

Luo Linyun's eyes became happy,

"The deployment has been successful."

"Now, all that's left is to open the skull and take out the brain."

Luo Linyun Qingche took off his gloves skillfully, and then put on another medical glove.

He no longer knew how many living people's brains he had removed, and he could complete the previous preparations even with his eyes closed.

However, this time there was something different. The brains he collected were not used for in vivo experiments.

Instead, it was used to verify the memory results he had mastered over the past year.

Therefore, Luo Linyun was extra careful,

"Are all physical indicators up to standard?"

"Eighteen indicators, seventeen of them have reached the target. Only the hemoglobin is somewhat lacking. The indicators only need to be continuously supplied with blood."

"Okay, the operation begins."

Luo Linyun's eyes showed excitement.

Some doctors and scientific researchers nearby also seemed extremely excited! !

All the previous brain surgeries were completed by Luo Linyun alone. Not to mention intervening, they didn't even have the chance to watch.

However, this time, Luo Linyun considered that he had to ensure that the most critical part of the brain was obtained, so he did not have time to control other indicators for the time being, so he let in these wastes.

"Academician Luo, shall we start taking action now?"

The doctors and researchers nearby looked excitedly.

"Do I need anesthesia now?"

"Do I need to cut off all the enchantress's hair?"

They made it look like they were fully prepared.

Luo Linyun took off the ventilator of Enchantress and threw it aside.

Then a special bone cutting machine was aligned with the socket.

"Bala Bala."

The sharp gears were turning, frightening the doctors around them.

Where have they ever used such a violent machine to open their heads? Could it be that Academician Luo had been using this thing before, something similar to a chainsaw to open his head?

The doctors nearby began to tremble and fear subconsciously.

"No need to shave it off, it's too troublesome and leaves hair all around."

Luo Linyun threw the bone cutting machine to a young and strong doctor next to him, "And this operation directly cuts through half of the skull. All the hair and the skull will be cut off,"

"As for anesthesia, what I need is fresh, crazily beating fresh brain tissue, and the nerves must be sufficiently stimulated," Luo Linyun said matter-of-factly,

"Of course there is no need for anesthesia."

The people around me were a little confused.

No need for anesthesia! ?

Direct craniotomy? And half the skull was cut off?

Isn't this tantamount to killing people with their brains? And it makes people die in the most painful way.

Where does human feeling of pain come from? Naturally, it is the cerebral cortex, which has the most dense external receptors. This kind of violent brain opening will cut off the nerves. They are really afraid that this kind of pain will cause people to struggle and scream violently.

Because this is pain that no one can resist, not to mention that Luo Linyun also injected the Enchantress with a sobering agent, so there is no chance of her fainting.

"Isn't this too inappropriate?"

"Academician Luo, I think it's better for us to take anesthesia."

The medical director next to him was really frightened. As doctors, they still had the minimum medical standards. What's more, in their opinion, such tough measures were simply impossible to achieve.

Luo Linyun's expression turned cold, and he began to feel a little impatient.

"Should you do this surgery or should I do it!?"

"If you don't want to be here, get out of here!!"

All the doctors were speechless, and their hearts trembled when they felt Luo Linyun's anger. No one dared to say another word.

Luo Linyun took a measuring stick and drew a mark near the Enchantress's temple.

"Well, cut it horizontally according to the points I drew."

Horizontal incision?

The young doctor holding the bone cutting machine, his hands were shaking,

"Academician Luo Luo, cut horizontally and cut open the entire face."

He really didn't dare to cut it open like this! !


Luo Linyun roared,

"I really found you bunch of losers!!"

The next moment, Luo Linyun kicked the young doctor into the wall, and his whole body fell into it.

A group of doctors nearby were stunned.

"Bala, bala, boom~~"

Luo Linyun held the bone cutting machine in both hands, and the cutting chain on it actually showed a strange blue fire.

Blah blah blah.

The sharp and fast-moving blade gear began to approach the enchantress.

next moment,

He had to get close to the enchantress's face and cut her entire head in half.


It was like telepathy.

Luo Linyun suddenly stopped and looked up at the monitoring panel.

Just looking at it, I found that the screen above did not have any surveillance screen, but turned into dazzling flower strips.


In the dumbfounded eyes of all the doctors,

Luo Linyun actually threw the cutting machine down.

Then he took out a dark pill from his pocket and gave it to the enchantress to swallow.

Then Luo Linyun ran to a wall crazily, and quickly set and controlled something with his right hand.

"No, Academician Luo, why don't we do this surgery!?" These doctors were immediately confused.

Luo Linyun's face was constantly trembling,

"Something's wrong, something's wrong."

"It is impossible to monitor the underground research room without images."

Luo Linyun's right hand hit hard,


It was beyond the expectations of all doctors.

The wall in front of him actually fell away, leaving a dark escape passage with an extremely fast express train.

Luo Linyun wanted to jump directly into the train,

However, after a second thought, it turned into a gust of wind, directly pulling out the enchantress and cutting off the needle.

He was violently thrown into the express train, and his body was also submerged in it.


The train turned into a black light and shadow and disappeared directly.

The remaining doctors all looked at each other with doubts in their minds.

"No, what on earth is Academician Luo doing?"

However, their words had just fallen.

next moment.

They felt that the ground around them was shaking crazily, and all the doctors could not control their bodies.

There were collisions all over the human body modification room, all the equipment fell over, and people and equipment collided with each other in the room.

"Ah!!!" they shouted in horror, as if there was a landslide and an earthquake.


A huge hand.

Directly uproot the entire human body modification room.

All the researchers inside feel like they are standing on the palm of a hand.

On the top of the palm, stood a man in black,

The eyes of the man in black were like whirlpools, and the corners of his eyes were flowing like lava.

"Where is the Enchantress?"

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