Global Arrival: Only I Choose Armor!

Chapter 165 Global Uproar! They Have Been Maintaining The Peace Of The Universe From The Beginning!

At this time, looking at the scene in front of me.

Watching the vision of the sky and the earth change slightly, a new picture appeared!!!!

A picture of numerous palaces and armors appeared.

Even just looking at it, everyone can feel a powerful and thick aura!!

Especially looking at the few lines of words that slowly appeared.

Look at that introduction.

As Ye Feng said, Mingjie is the origin and hometown of all armor!!!

The Imperial Armor is the leader of all armors and their ruler!!!

At first, everyone didn't think anything when they saw this scene.

I just think what Ye Feng said is indeed right.

Didn’t lie to them!!!

Exactly what he said!!!

I became more and more frightened because of Ye Feng’s strength. I became more curious and frightened that Ye Feng knew so many things!!!

Is this the legendary innate sanctity???

And it didn’t take long for everyone to think about it.

The next scene directly shocked everyone.

It has existed for hundreds of millions of years!!

It has a history of at least hundreds of millions of years!!!!

Seeing this scene, everyone froze on the spot.


His expression was very shocked.

Is this the foundation of the history of the Ming Realm???

Faces were full of uproar and heated discussion!!!

"No wonder even the God of War Fiery Sword, which we consider to be a divine weapon, is only a palace-level weapon in the Ming Realm, and cannot even be called a divine weapon.

"So this is ah!!!"

"The foundation of this Ming Realm is indeed profound, it is beyond our imagination!!!!"

At this time, the old man Ge Lao slowly came back to his senses.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he shook his head.

He spoke slowly.

A look of amazement on his face.

Listening to Mr. Ge's words, everyone present couldn't help but nodded subconsciously.

His face was filled with emotion.

I was stunned.

Not only the people present, but others saw this scene at this time.

He also had the same thoughts as Mr. Ge.

His face was filled with emotion.

Is this the historical background of Mingjie?

Compared with the exclamation of everyone, the Pope was already a little confused at this time.

Seeing this scene in front of me, I became even more confused!!!!!

He subconsciously stepped back.

Keep shaking his head.

A look of disbelief.

He kept mumbling...

"Impossible!!! This is impossible!!..!"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, it's not true!!!"

"This must be fake!!!!!!"

Crazy look on his face.

As if possessed!!!!

He grabbed his hair hard.

After all, it has only been a few thousand years since the birth of the Holy Son!

But what the hell are you telling me!???

The Ming Realm has a history of hundreds of millions of years!!!!

In short, those armored deities in the Ming Realm are hundreds of millions of years old!!

in particular......

In order to maintain the peace and justice of the universe, people in the Ming Realm will invest their power in the three-dimensional space.

As long as their will is strong enough, they can exert their power, no less than me!!!

Then the screen changed, and another space-time law enforcement team appeared, those of Kai Yi, and many scenes of armor space-time.

Although the pictures passed in a flash, they shocked everyone's hearts!!!

A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It turns out that this is the origin of the armor!!!

Armor has its own identity.

They are using nothing but their power!!!!

Everyone was in an uproar.

And this scene fell directly into the Pope's heart like a heavy hammer.

If this is the case, then who is their master???

What is the Lord??

The Lord is the God of salvation, who saves the world and human existence!!

The most important thing is that the Lord claims to be the only true God!!

But what now???

It is armor that saves the world and maintains peace!!!

On the contrary, their master, if you think about it carefully, basically brought disaster!!

Great floods, plagues and other disasters......

And these may not exist yet, but no matter what, compared with armor, they are far behind!!

After all, they are real people!!!!

Moreover, the Ming Realm has a history of hundreds of millions of years and is still very powerful. In a way, it is not a god?

Therefore, in every aspect, it refutes the God they believe in.

The so-called only true God!!!

The more he thought about it, the more his heart collapsed.

in particular


Then as many pictures flashed by, the last line of words slowly appeared.

The duty of Mingjie Armor is to maintain the peace of all universes, and resisting the forces of darkness is the mission of Mingjie Armor!!

If there is a savior in this world, then Mingjie Armor must be one of them.

I miss God more and a patron saint!!!

Seeing this scene, the Pope finally couldn't hold on anymore!!

"`々This-this is impossible!!!!!"

Seeing this scene, the Pope spit out blood. (Good money is good) shouted again unwillingly.

His vision went dark and he fainted to the ground.

This made all the divine attendants nervous and couldn't help shouting loudly.

Your Majesty the Pope!!!!

And it's not just the Pope at this time, or this is just an example.

At this time, more and more people also thought of this. At this moment, many people could not bear it and their faith collapsed.

Passed out!!

Faith in turmoil!!!

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but be stunned.

Eat with a shocked expression.

Mingjie, have they been maintaining the peace of the universe from the beginning?

It left everyone in a trance.

When Kula and the other Nether Demons saw this scene, they couldn't help but clenched their fists subconsciously.

A look of coldness on his face.


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