Giant of the times

Chapter 93 Star Wars Film Company (Fourth update)


Li Zetian coughed twice and said: Lucas, you don't have to be like this. If Star Wars doesn't sell well, your hard work for more than a year will be in vain. The director's fee and the screenwriter's fee will still be paid! Since 20 If Century Fox is unwilling to make additional investment, then it is up to Apple to make additional investment! However, the sales rights of related products and the ownership of the sequels belong to Apple! In other words, the copyright of Star Wars belongs to Apple! You guys Do you have any opinions?

Steve Marlowe shrugged, no objection, anyway, 20th Century Fox is not optimistic about the Star Wars movie.

George Lucas naturally has no objection. As the largest investor, Apple cannot justify not taking the copyright. Lucasfilm only invested a total of US$1 million. How dare they get the copyright? In the previous life, if 20th Century Fox hadn't been blind, the copyright to Star Wars would have belonged to it.

At this moment, Li Zetian was quite happy in his heart, but on the surface he acted very indifferently. He looked at George Lucas and said unhurriedly: Okay, Apple can invest an additional US$7 million, but it will have to be divided more. Provided once!”

George Lucas nodded repeatedly and said excitedly: Okay, no problem!!!

Li Zetian thought for a moment and said: Apple will invest in establishing a film company. The previous US$2 million and the next US$7 million will be counted towards this company!

The two nodded in understanding, established a film company, and hired professionals to operate independently. Only in this way can the potential of a film be fully tapped.

The next day, Li Zetian had someone register a film company called Star Wars Film Company, specializing in the Star Wars series of movies and related products!

A week later, new contracts were signed between the Star Wars films, Lucasfilm, and 20th Century Fox.

After Li Zetian signed the contract with them on behalf of Star Wars Film Company, he was very happy and the stone in his heart was finally relieved!

After sending away Steve Marlowe, Li Zetian kept George Lucas and said: Lucas, you can now feel free to go to Dolby Laboratories to cooperate. Star Wars Film Company will fully support you. !”

George Lucas nodded, Dolby Laboratories' surround sound technology will be one of the key factors in the success of Star Wars. Only the perfect combination of sound and picture can give people the greatest audio-visual shock!

Haha, yes, I completely agree! By the way, come with me to the Walkman Laboratory again, and I'll show you something good!

Hearing this, George Lucas couldn't help but feel very curious. He was a technology geek, otherwise he wouldn't have founded a company like Industrial Light and Magic. When Apple's Apple-l and Apple-ll came out, George Lucas was stunned and immediately became an Apple fan. When Li Zetian said that he would take him to see something good, George Lucas thought to himself, it must be some great product!

Soon, the two came to the Walkman laboratory again.

Go get a Walkman prototype! Li Zetian said to a developer.


Lucas, let's sit here for a while. The things will be brought over soon.


After a while, the developer brought over the Walkman prototype. It was a rectangular box, blue and silver, with many buttons on the silver side. Lucas noticed that there was a cassette tape placed in the middle of the box.

Li Zetian introduced: This thing is called a Walkman tape player. The Walkman you are seeing now is the first batch of prototypes manufactured according to the design drawings for testing. Many functions have not yet been developed and perfected. However, It’s surprising enough! Put your headphones on first!”

George Lucas followed Li Zetian's instructions and put the headphones on his head.

Li Zetian smiled slightly and pressed the play button on the Walkman.

The tape rustled and the Walkman made a loud noise, but George Lucas's face was full of shock. At this moment, an Elvis song came from the headphones! this Walkman? It's so amazing! George Lucas opened his mouth wide and looked at Li Zetian and said, If there were no loud noises and the sound effects were better, Walkman would definitely be popular all over the world!

Yes! So we invited Dr. Dolby to help the company develop the Walkman tape player!

George Lucas nodded and said: With Dr. Dolby's help, Walkman will definitely be greatly improved. Chronos·li, after the Walkman tape player is developed, please be sure to give me one!

Li Zetian smiled and said: Of course there is no problem. But, Lucas, haven't you ever thought about putting the Walkman on the screen? I think this will definitely surprise the audience - this is what should be done in the future high-tech era. Some lifestyle!!!”

George Lucas nodded repeatedly: Oh, Chronos·li, this is really an excellent suggestion! I have decided to put the Walkman into the movie!

Well, when you need a Walkman, just contact me and I will send one to you!


After visiting the Walkman, George Lucas immediately returned to the crew. Since the funds were in place, the filming progress was much faster than in his previous life!

As for the development speed of Walkman, it is estimated that it will not be officially released until April or May next year.

Walkman can not only play music, but also record. In addition, it also has rewind, advance, volume adjustment, song changing, etc., which need to be added. These are basic functions. Even if all these functions are implemented, we still need to strive for excellence and reduce the hardware cost as much as possible. After that, it will take a period of time to conduct testing. Finally, we will establish a Walkman product production line in the factory for mass production and stocking. At the same time, we have to find a record company to cooperate with us to produce authorized music tapes, which may take a long time.

When everything is ready, Walkman can be officially released.

Before the release of Walkman, Li Zetian did not intend to let Apple raise funds. Therefore, the financing plan has been postponed, and the listing plan has also been postponed.

Everything is constantly changing, and plans can never keep up with the changes!

However, Li Zetian is used to it.

At about 3:30 in the afternoon, Zhang Hao came to Li Zetian with a happy face., Apple's headphone department has been established. It has a total of 8 members. They are all technical experts poached from other companies. Li Meisheng is also one of them. Tomorrow morning, he will report to Apple !”

Well done! Li Zetian smiled, Then, I'll give you another task!

What mission?

“Think of a profitable development project for Apple!”, aren't you here?

The three cobblers are like Zhuge Liang, and you guys can come up with ideas! Okay, write me a plan before October 1st!

Looking at Li Zetian's leaving figure, Zhang Han couldn't help but grimace. With Mac and Walkman in front of him, what other project could compare...

PS: It’s the fourth update today. Please vote and don’t give up.

PS: It’s the fourth update today. Please vote and don’t give up.

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