Giant of the times

Chapter 91 Saving National Brands

After Li Zetian finished talking to Tian Shuai on the phone, he called Zhang Hao and called him over.

Chronos·li, what's the matter? Zhang Hao asked after pushing the door open and entering.

The headphone accessories for the Walkman tape player are also a huge profit. I want Apple to do it on its own! I'm calling you here because I want you to form a team to develop headphones.

That's no problem, our company's own engineers can do it! Zhang Hao agreed.

Headphones are indeed a bit simple compared to computers.

However, Li Zetian is more inclined to poach people from other companies because of his specialization in the art industry.

All headphone developers are found from outside, especially those with relatively strong skills. We'll hire a few here! When Li Zetian said this, he looked like he had a lot of money. Dolby Laboratories only spent US$4 million in financing this time, with a loan of US$6 million remaining. In addition, Apple itself is very profitable, so poaching people with high salaries is not a problem.

Okay, then I'll find someone from outside the company!

Well... By the way, I remember that there is a Chinese-American named Li Meisheng at the National Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. You can recruit him too! Li Zetian paused and explained, I heard someone say in a Chinese club Let’s talk about this man. He graduated from California Institute of Technology in 1971 with a major in electrical engineering. His skills are very impressive! You ask him to be the head of the headphone department!”

Li Meisheng? Okay, I remember this person's name! Zhang Hao couldn't help but smile, It seems that we have another Chinese-American in the top management of Apple, haha...

Li Zetian smiled and said: It is not easy for Chinese people to mix in the United States. Naturally, they must help each other and unite with each other to improve the status of Chinese people in the United States!

Yes, we Chinese should unite! Zhang Hao nodded in agreement, and then said, Then I will form a headphone team now and recruit Li Meisheng to our company!

Go. Li Zetian smiled and nodded.

After Zhang Hao left, Li Zetian began to think deeply.

Right now, the Walkman still lacks one key thing—the battery.

Without the battery, the Walkman has no energy.

Of course, users can buy their own batteries, but when they first buy a Walkman, Apple will definitely give away a pair of batteries, so battery companies that cooperate with Apple will benefit a lot from this.

Headphones mainly involve the field of electronic engineering, and Apple is capable of doing a good job in this area.

But batteries are a field of chemistry. Apple has been established less than two years ago and has insufficient foundation. It is difficult to achieve outstanding achievements in this area. Moreover, Li Zetian himself does not know much about battery technology. Therefore, choosing a battery company to cooperate with should be the most correct choice.

In Li Zetian's memory, Duracell and Nanfu batteries are the most impressive.

However, Nanfu Battery Company has not yet been established, but Duracell Battery is already a world-famous battery giant. It was established in 1920, 55 years ago.

Nanfu Battery is undoubtedly the most famous battery brand in China. Duracell Battery has been in China for many years, but has never been able to shake Nanfu Battery’s leading position in China. Unfortunately, Nanfu Battery cannot withstand the evil power of capital. It was acquired by Geely, and the parent company of Duracell is Geely.

When Li Zetian thought of the tragic fate of Nanfu Battery, he couldn't help but feel sorry for it.

Gillette's Duracell battery has been in the Chinese market for ten years, but it has never been able to break into the market, with a market share of less than 1/10 of Nanfu's. After Geely acquired Nanfu Battery, its biggest competitor disappeared, and it also acquired a battery manufacturer with an annual profit of US$80 million and more than 3 million sales points. More importantly, it gained more than half of the Chinese market. Originally, Nanfu's high-quality alkaline batteries had entered the international market, and it was a good time to develop overseas. However, in order to avoid competing for market share with the parent company, Nanfu had to hurriedly retreat. And because it cannot directly compete with Duracell, at least half of Nanfu's production capacity is idle. Gradually, Nanfu battery lost its vitality and finally disappeared from the public!

Li Zetian shook his head, sighed slightly, and immediately said: Damn it, let Nanfu Battery take over Duracell in this life! I, Li Zetian, will save China's famous brands!!! Not only Nanfu Battery, but also Dabao, Zhonghua, Jianlibao, Supor, Little Nurse, Phoenix bicycles, Harbin Beer, the oldest beer brand in China, etc...

At this moment, Li Zetian suddenly felt that he was shouldering the important task of saving the national brand, and this important task would always motivate him to move forward, and it would also create huge profits for him, allowing him to have stronger capital and the world's top consortiums. Contest! ! !

The next day, Dr. Dolby came to Apple with five technical staff.

When he saw Li Zetian, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, as if he had lived like a dog for a long time.

Welcome, Dr. Doobie!

Chronos·li, you look even younger than on TV! Ah, it's hard to imagine that an 18-year-old boy can achieve such great achievements! I heard that you designed Apple-l, Apple-ll and Walkman. , it’s really amazing!!!”

Thanks for the compliment, Dr. Dolby is unmatched in the field of sound noise reduction! Li Zetian smiled humbly and said, Please follow me, I will take you to the Walkman laboratory and introduce you to the Walkman project. The person in charge, Dr. Tennyson. Before the development of Walkman is completed, you will work together for a long time! Dr. Tennyson is the former chief technology officer of Advent. He is in his fifties and graduated from the University of California, Berkeley...

Oh, it turns out to be Dr. Tennyson. I know him. Dolby Laboratories has cooperated with Advent several times before! Dr. Dolby laughed.

This is even better, it saves the time of running in!

Li Zetian smiled slightly, guessing it was true. Advent Company manufactures Dolby B noise reduction recorders, so it naturally has contact with Dolby Laboratories.

When I arrived at the Walkman laboratory, everyone on both sides greeted me cordially.

Li Zetian said to Dr. Tennyson: Dr. Tennyson, I will leave it to you to arrange the arrangements for Dr. Dolby and his team.

Chronos·li, don't worry, I will arrange it!

Li Zetian nodded, turned to say goodbye to Dr. Dolby and others.

Back in the office, Li Zetian picked up the phone and called George Lucas, asking him to come to Apple and talk to him about two things.

San Jose and Hollywood are both in California, and they are not far apart. After Li Zetian made the call in the morning, George Lucas came in the afternoon.

In the office.

Li Zetian did not tell the story at the beginning, but smiled and asked about the filming situation of Star Wars.

Director Lucas, did the filming of Star Wars go smoothly?

It went very well, but... it seems that the budget is not enough. One-third of the shooting has not been completed, and nearly 4 million US dollars have been spent. I am afraid that the budget will be spent before half of the shooting is completed...

After George Lucas finished speaking, he looked at Li Zetian with burning eyes. His eyes clearly wanted Li Zetian to get some more money to invest in this movie.

Li Zetian rolled his eyes, Damn, why are you so proactive in coming to see me? It turns out you are here to invest!

PS: Constant recommendations and updates

PS: Constant recommendations and updates

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