Giant of the times

Chapter 60 A song that moved me to tears!

After a while, all the children in the orphanage came over to receive small New Year gifts, but there was only one little girl around six years old sitting alone in the corner without moving.

I'll go over and take a look,

Yu Jingqiu said something to Li Zetian, and then walked towards the little girl holding a beautiful golden butterfly hairpin and a small bag of candy.

Hello, little friend! Yu Jingqiu knelt down and said gently to the little girl.

The little girl just glanced at her and said nothing.

Yu Jingqiu was not discouraged and still kept a smile on her face.

This is a New Year's gift for you, doesn't it look good?

Yu Jingqiu handed the hairpin to the little girl.

The hairpin was very beautiful, and the little girl couldn't help but look at it a few more times. However, she still did not speak to Yu Jingqiu, but turned sideways and looked to the other side.

At this time, the director of the orphanage came over and said to Jingqiu: This child was just sent here a week ago, and he is not used to it yet...

Later, Yu Jingqiu, the director of the orphanage, pulled aside and introduced the little girl's situation in detail. She said: This little girl's name is Zhou Qiqi. A dozen days ago, Qiqi and her parents went to the amusement park to play. Unexpectedly, The cable car suddenly crashed, but at the moment the cable car fell, Qiqi’s parents involuntarily lifted the six-year-old girl high.

The dean paused and sighed, Qiqi was only slightly injured, but her parents unfortunately passed away! We are currently comforting and enlightening her, and we have made special arrangements for her at 8 o'clock tonight We had a party! By the way, I heard Teacher Xiao say that you are a music student at Harvard University, can you come and sing a song for her?

After hearing Qiqi's story, Yu Jingqiu sympathized with her and couldn't help but nodded and replied: If it can make Qiqi happy, why don't you agree?

Miss Yu, on behalf of the orphanage, I would like to express my gratitude to you!

Don't say that, this is what I should do!

As soon as the dean left, Li Zetian came over, and he stood aside. He could hear clearly the conversation between the two of them.

Jingqiu, I just finished listening to Qiqi's story. I want to write a song for her. You can sing the song I wrote tonight!!! Li Zetian said to Jingqiu.

Yeah! Yu Jingqiu nodded.

After returning home in the afternoon, Li Zetian immediately wrote Han Hong's song Daybreak, but changed autumn to winter.

Jingqiu, come and practice, I will give you piano accompaniment!!!

After Li Zetian finished speaking, he handed her the music sheet and then sat in front of the piano. Xiao Zhixuan, Li Chengzhi, and Yu Jingshan all sat on the sofa, ready to listen to the new song Li Zetian had just written!

Many singers can sing directly as soon as they get the music score. This is called sight-singing. Looking at the music score, the music comes out in the mind. Yu Jingqiu, as a top student in the music department of Harvard University, still has this ability!

Therefore, Li Zetian directly played the piano without letting Yu Jingqiu read it again!

As the piano sounded, Yu Jingqiu also sang:

It was a winter

The wind is so lingering

Reminds me of their helpless eyes

Right there with the beautiful scenery

I heard a loud bang that shook the valley

It’s that autumn when I can no longer see my father’s face

He used his shoulders to support the starting point of my rebirth

The song expresses that at the moment of life and death, parents are not thinking of themselves. They use their hands to leave the hope of life to their children. This is the love of parents. The melodious bass forms a hazy emotional color, exaggerating and highlighting this sad atmosphere, reminding people of this true story. The gloomy and sad atmosphere shown at the beginning makes the story even heavier; the climax is very exciting, making people full of hope and not to be too indulged in sadness; finally, it ends with erratic sound.

After singing one song, Yu Jingqiu made herself cry and everyone present!

Son, this song is so well written and touching! Xiao Zhixuan said, wiping her tears with a tissue.

Although Li Zetian didn't cry as hard as them, his eyes were also red. This song was written by Han Hong, and it was based on a true story. Li Zetian was very moved every time he heard this song, because it was so well written! ! !

Li Zetian smiled at Xiao Zhixuan, then turned to look at Yu Jingqiu, Jingqiu, let's practice a few more times and try to bring warmth to Qiqi with tonight's singing!

Yeah! Yu Jingqiu choked and nodded.

Afterwards, Yu Jingqiu and Li Zetian practiced for more than half an hour until Yu Jingqiu mastered the song.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Xiao Zhixuan called everyone to have dinner.

Everyone sat down around a round table.

Ahem, Zetian, why don't you take out the engagement ring quickly? Xiao Zhixuan said.

Oh... Li Zetian immediately took out a box from his pocket, opened it, and took out the diamond ring inside.

Under everyone's gaze, Li Zetian walked up to Yu Jingqiu and said, Jingqiu, I'll put it on for you!

Hmm~~ Yu Jingqiu responded in a low voice and stretched out her left hand.

Li Zetian held her hand and put the ring on her middle finger. When she got married, the ring could be put on the ring finger of her left hand.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The crowd applauded.

Li Zetian kissed the back of Yu Jingqiu's hand, and then looked at her affectionately. At this moment, she was no longer his girlfriend, but his fiancée! ! !

Okay, Zetian and Jingqiu, you are officially engaged. Come sit down and let's eat together!!! Xiao Zhixuan said with a hearty laugh.


Li Zetian enjoyed this meal particularly well. In the blink of an eye, the lonely orphan in his previous life not only has parents and relatives, but also a fiancée. Li Zetian will cherish everything he has at this moment and be a good son, a good husband and a good father! ! !

After dinner, the orphanage party was waiting for Yu Jingqiu to sing, and the whole family set off immediately.

This party was held at the Grand Theater. In addition to the children from the orphanage, some celebrities from society were also invited! Of course, most of these people are people who like to do charity.

The five-hundred-seat theater was full.

All performances are charity performances, and volunteers include students from Taipei University and National Taiwan University, celebrity artists, folk bands, etc. The quality of the performances is quite good.

Because Yu Jingqiu joined temporarily, her singing was scheduled to the end.

When she came on stage to perform, everyone was already a little tired.

However, as soon as they saw Yu Jingqiu's long hair flowing and her white clothes as white as snow, like a fairy descending to earth, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up!

After Yu Jingqiu came on stage, she said: I will sing a song specifically for little girl Zhou Qiqi tonight. I hope she likes it! The name of this song is Dawn!!!

As soon as he finished speaking, the piano began to play.

that was a winter

The wind is so lingering

Reminds me of their helpless eyes

The singing moved everyone present, and people burst into tears!

In all previous performances, Zhou Qiqi had a dull expression. However, when she heard this song, she suddenly thought of her parents, burst into tears and sobbed!

Yu Jingqiu shed tears uncontrollably and continued singing with emotion.

I saw my parents walking away like this

Leave me in this strange world

I would like to build a beautiful garden for him

I want to hold his hand tight

Mom told me I hope there will be more

see the sun coming out

they laughed

Its daybreak

After singing the song, Yu Jingqiu wiped away her tears, looked at Zhou Qiqi in the audience, and said: Zhou Qiqi, you have to learn to be strong. Your parents will look at you with a smile in the sky...

After saying that, Yu Jingqiu walked off the stage.

The audience immediately burst into applause! ! !

The party was over. Li Zetian stood up from the piano chair and walked backstage to pick up Yu Jingqiu.

The singing tonight was perfect!

Li Zetian hugged Yu Jingqiu, and then wiped the tears on her face with a tissue.

Just when the two of them were about to leave, a middle-aged man hurriedly ran in. When he saw Yu Jingqiu, his eyes lit up and he said: Hello, miss, I just watched your singing, it was so good. That's great. If you enter the entertainment industry, I can guarantee that you will be the second Teresa Teng!!! Oh, by the way, let me introduce myself first. My name is Wang Zheng, a talent scout from Taiwan PolyGram Records! !!”

With that said, the middle-aged man quickly took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Yu Jingqiu.

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