Giant of the times

Chapter 42 Company expansion!

Since the release of the Popular Electronics magazine on October 1, Li Zetian and Zhang Hao have been busy answering the phone and did not even have time to eat dinner. At 8 o'clock in the evening, the two decided to take a rest.

Zhang Hao took a few sips of water and said, Boss, I'm done with my talk, let's hire some people! For things like answering the phone, just hire two female customer service staff!

Li Zetian smiled and said: I want to chat with customers in person so that I can accurately get user feedback and find out their potential needs! This will help us develop Apple's second-generation personal computer! As for recruiting people, Don’t worry, I’ve already placed an advertisement in the newspaper and asked them to meet tomorrow, including customer service, engineers, front desk, etc… I’ll take you to a place after dinner later!”


The two then went to a restaurant near the garage to have a big meal. After eating, Zhang Hao asked: Boss, where are we going now?

Go to our company's new office location!

When Zhang Hao heard this, he immediately felt happy, Boss, do you mean that we are moving out of the garage?

Li Zetian nodded, Yes, that's right! We are going to expand, and the garage can no longer accommodate us! Go and bring the car over, and we'll set off right away!

Okay, boss, wait a moment!!!

Zhang Hao quickly walked to the parking lot of the restaurant.

Li Zetian smiled, Zhang Hao had almost become a full-time driver, but who said he, the boss, didn't have a car?

Half an hour later, the black Ford parked in front of an office building in the suburbs of San Jose. The entire office building is 4 stories high and covers an area of ​​about 500 square meters. There are two large oak trees planted in front of the door and flowers and plants are planted around it. The environment is pleasant!

No way, boss, this building belongs to us?

What are you thinking about? When did I become so rich? Look to the side!!!

Zhang Hao looked where Li Zetian pointed, and there was a small red brick house next to the building. Although it was only one story high, its area was four or five times larger than the garage.

Li Zetian said: The surrounding environment is good. We will temporarily move the company headquarters to that small building. When we make money, we will occupy the office building next to it!

Definitely! I like it here so much!! It's quiet, the air is good, and there's a gurgling river behind the house. It's so pleasing to the eye! By the way, you can go swimming in the summer!!! Zhang Hao said excitedly.

Li Zetian smiled and said: You can swim, but remember to wear swimming trunks. Our company will definitely have many female employees in the future! Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. First, I will take you to see our new headquarters!!!


Pass under two large oak trees, then turn right and walk onto a grassy path to the new headquarters.

Li Zetian took out the key to unlock it, and then pushed the door open.

The decoration style inside adopts the decoration style that is more popular after the 21st century and saves money (saving money is the key). As soon as you enter, you will see the front desk. Going forward, you will find an open office with no doors or partitions, and the employees’ desks. Bring the whole office together. In addition, the roof was not suspended, and water pipes, air conditioners and other items were directly exposed to the outside. Some graffiti enthusiasts were invited to paint some paintings for free on the walls, and ceramic tiles were used on the floor. Of course, senior staff have separate offices with glass screens, which not only have good visual effects, but also increase indoor brightness.

Oh, boss, you designed this?! Zhang Hao sighed in surprise.

Yes! How does it feel?

“It’s simply great!!! The design of this office is simple and beautiful, and it is very consistent with the design concept of our Apple company. It is worthy of being designed by the boss!!!”

Li Zetian smiled. There are so many designs like this in the 21st century. It is so commonplace that it is not surprising.

Boss, when did you rent this place?

More than half a month ago, Apple-l entered testing. While I was contacting accessory manufacturers, I took the time to select the new company headquarters. At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, all applicants will come here for interviews. If they go to the garage, That makes our company look so shabby!!!”

Haha, that's right! Zhang Hao nodded.

Afterwards, the two stayed here for about ten minutes and then left.

Early the next morning, Li Zetian and Zhang Hao arrived at Apple's new headquarters early.

After yesterday's publicity in Popular Electronics, Apple is no longer an unknown small company, but a highly innovative new technology star. Hundreds of applicants have come in one after another, many of whom are very skilled computer experts. The developers of Apple-l are full of admiration and believe that a company that can develop such amazing products as Apple-l must be extraordinary, and this is the company they want to join!

Excellent companies select talents, and similarly, excellent talents select companies!

Apple has undoubtedly become the most innovative new company at the moment, and it has naturally attracted the ideas of many talented people.

Li Zetian attaches great importance to technology, so the corporate culture will naturally tend to be engineer culture. Therefore, the recruitment of talents this time is mainly to recruit engineers.

In order to ensure quality, Li Zetian is personally responsible for the recruitment process and strictly controls the recruitment process. Based on the principle of prefer to lack rather than overfill, all outstanding talents must be carefully selected, especially in the early stages of the company, because these people are the first to come to the company and will develop into the company's mainstay in the future!

At 9 o'clock, the recruitment activity began, but it almost made a big joke.

All the applicants were stunned for a while when they saw Li Zetian sitting in the chair of the interviewer.

Who is this young man?

Couldn't he be the interviewer?

Unexpectedly, Li Zetian shocked everyone as soon as he opened his mouth.

Hello everyone, I am Apple CEO - Chronos Lee!

Is he the CEO of Apple? !

Everyone looked at each other in shock! I'm afraid he hasn't graduated from high school yet, right?

Li Zetian said calmly: Since I am sitting here, I am the real CEO. If any of you don't believe it, you can leave now!

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Zetian announced: Apple's recruitment activities have officially begun. Those who apply for engineers will first take a written test here. Those who pass the written test will be interviewed in the afternoon. Those who apply for the company's customer service and front desk will follow the person next to me to another room. …”

Zhang Hao felt depressed. His title was Apple's Chief Technology Officer, yet he went to recruit customer service girls and front desk ladies...

Li Zetian couldn't help but feel funny when he saw Zhang Hao's unwillingness. He thought to himself, are you not willing to deal with a sexy and beautiful customer service girl? How many people want to go but don’t have the chance!

Zhang Hao stood up and took a dozen young and beautiful girls to another room.

Since Apple is still relatively small, Li Zetian can hold several positions including CEO, human resources director, financial director, sales director, etc. In fact, he only needs customer service, front desk, and engineers now! There are only a few people in the company, how can Li Zetian still not manage them? When the company grows, it won’t be too late to recruit people from other companies!

At the end of the day, Li Zetian only recruited 7 people: 2 customer service girls, 1 front desk lady and 4 engineers.

These four engineers are all top students from Ivy League schools in the United States. They graduated from Harvard University, Stanford University, MIT, and University of California, Berkeley respectively.

Although I dropped out of college, there will be thousands of top students from Ivy League universities working for me in the future!!!

Li Zetian couldn't help but smile.

After dinner, Li Zetian asked Zhang Han to count the Apple-l orders in the past two days. In the end, the total number was 150!

Each Apple-l computer sells for US$2,000, and 150 of them is US$300,000! Boss, in two days, we made US$300,000!!! Zhang Hao couldn't help shouting in excitement.

Li Zetian calmed down a lot and thought to himself, this is just the beginning, he will make more in the future!

Apple's products in previous lives have always been highly profitable, and this one is no exception.

The hardware manufacturing cost of an Apple-l is actually less than US$500, and the profit can be as high as US$1,500! Of course, the reason why it is so expensive is because it mainly sells technology, innovation and taste! Apple doesn’t have its own factory yet, otherwise, the manufacturing costs could be reduced! However, as long as the funds arrive, Li Zetian will definitely start building his own factory immediately!

PS: Tomorrow is Monday, the last time to hit the new book list. As long as there are votes and rewards, updates will not be slow.

PS: Tomorrow is Monday, the last time to hit the new book list. As long as there are votes and rewards, updates will not be slow.

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