Giant of the times

Chapter 22 Standing on your own

Li Zetian nodded and said, I have already thought of a way. I will tell you when my uncle's funeral is over!

You're still cheating on me... Xiao Zhixuan smiled and patted Li Zetian's head gently.

This method is not very perfect. I am going to think about it carefully tonight and then tell you... Li Zetian said pretending to be innocent.

Okay, let's not talk about this. Tell me about your life at Harvard University! Xiao Zhixuan changed the subject and asked, Did you have a girlfriend there?

Mom, why do you ask about this?

You kid are still pretending to me! Whose smell of women's perfume you have! In addition, since you were a child, you have folded your clothes casually and are not particular at all. But look at your suitcase, your clothes It’s actually folded neatly, which makes me feel strange, who folded these clothes for you?!”

Li Zetian was stunned for a moment and smiled bitterly. My mother, you are really sharp-eyed and know your son well...

Tell me, what's the girl's name? Does she look good-looking?

At this time, Xiao Zhixuan acted like a three-court trial, and Li Zetian had to confess and be lenient.

Her name is Yu Jingqiu, and she is as beautiful as you, mother!

Stop flattering me, your mother is old, how can she be beautiful? Although Xiao Zhixuan said this, it was obviously very useful to her, and she felt happy after hearing it. Then, she asked: How did you meet? How did you catch her?

This, you may not believe it...she was actually the one chasing me! Li Zetian said.

When Xiao Zhixuan heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned: What? She took the initiative to chase you?!

Yes, she took the initiative to chase me! Li Zetian nodded and confirmed.

Xiao Zhixuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and she became more interested in Li Zetian's girlfriend, and quickly asked about the specific situation.

Li Zetian gave her a rough explanation, but changed the reason he was beaten to a fever.

After Li Zetian finished telling his love story with Yu Jingqiu, Xiao Zhixuan nodded and said: Well, Yu Jingqiu is a good girl, you are not allowed to bully others!

Mom, you started helping her before she even came through the door...

Your mother is a woman, and of course women have to help women! Xiao Zhixuan said with a smile, Okay, you flew all night to come to Taiwan. You must be tired now. Go to bed early. You have to get up early tomorrow to hold the funeral for your uncle!

Well, then you should go to bed early!

The next day, when it was still dark, Li Zetian and Xiao Zhixuan went out and took a car to their uncle's house. My great-uncle's cemetery has been selected and cost NT$1 million. According to the Feng Shui master, there is a Feng Shui treasure land with coiling dragon and crouching tiger, which can bless future generations with wealth and peace!

At 8 o'clock, the auspicious time arrives.

A group of people carried the coffin out in a mighty manner. Li Zetian held a wreath in one hand and walked among the crowd. Next to him was a teenage boy named Li Zhengyu, who was his uncle's youngest grandson and his most beloved grandson. Li Zhengyu's parents died in a plane crash in his early years, so Li Zhengyu lived with his grandfather since he was a child.

Li Zhengyu's eldest uncle and second uncle are both selfish people. His uncle was worried that Li Zhengyu would have no one to take care of him in the future, so he established a trust fund of NT$100 million for him early, which was converted into US dollars, which is almost more than 2.5 million US dollars. The money in this trust fund cannot be withdrawn until Li Zhengyu grows up and reaches the age of 20. Previously, only a portion of the money would be used to pay for Li Zhengyu's life and education every year.

When his grandfather passed away, Li Zhengyu was very sad and his little eyes were red from crying.

Li Zetian looked at him and felt quite pitiful.

Once his grandfather died, he had no one to rely on. The uncle and the second uncle were obsessed with lust. The old man's bones were still cold, but the two of them began to quarrel over the family property. I'm afraid they were still thinking about the money in Li Zhengyu's trust fund.

Brother Zetian, what are you going to write in your next book? Li Zhengyu looked up at Li Zetian and asked. Li Zhengyu likes Li Chengzhi's family very much, and has been particularly obsessed with mystery novels since he was a child. After watching The Devotion of Suspect X and White Night Journey, he regarded Li Zetian as his biggest idol.

Li Zetian shook his head, I won't write anymore!

Why don't you write it?

Your uncle and second uncle have decided to sell Life magazine, so I won't write anymore!

Li Zhengyu was very young and didn't understand much about adult matters. He didn't know why his uncle and his second uncle wanted to sell Life magazine, but it was obvious that there was nothing he could do about it!

At this time, Li Zetian added: However, I may publish the novel elsewhere!

No matter where Li Zetian publishes his novels, Li Zhengyu felt happy immediately when he heard that he would continue to publish novels!

After the burial, the relationship between Li Zetian and his uncle's family was basically severed.

Dad, what will Xiao Zhengyu do in the future? Will his uncle or second uncle take care of him? Li Zetian sympathized with the child.

His grandparents will pick him up and live with him! Li Chengzhi replied.

Hearing this, Li Zetian nodded: Well, this is the best! By the way, Dad, is Life magazine going to be sold?

How do you know? Did your mother tell you?

Yes! Li Zetian nodded and said immediately, Dad, since the Life magazine is going to be sold, you should simply resign and start your own business! Let's start by building a simple newspaper first!!!

Li Chengzhi lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

Li Zetian struck while the iron was hot and said: The most difficult thing about running a newspaper is applying for a publication number, but I have already thought of a way.

Li Chengzhi looked at Li Zetian and motioned for him to continue.

Aren't there many large publishing houses now approaching us to talk about the publication of the two books The Devotion of Suspect No.! For ordinary people like us, it is indeed difficult to apply for a serial number, but for them, it is a very simple matter!

Well, yes, that's right! Li Chengzhi nodded in agreement.

Usually, large publishing houses have a better relationship with their publicity departments, and Li Chengzhi himself is also a veteran in the industry. The success of Life magazine is a medal of merit on Li Chengzhi's shoulders, so the success rate of applying for a publication is still quite high. of.

Dad, since we want to establish our own newspaper, we have to consider many issues, such as content sources, printing factories, sales channels, etc. As the person in charge of Life magazine, you must have information and contact information in this regard. ?”

Do you want me to make a copy?


But this kind of behavior is an unfair business practice...

Li Zetian shook his head. The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and people who are too upright are not suitable for business.

Okay, then let's think of another way... Well, let's do this. After the newspaper was established, we held a press conference and said that our newspaper will serialize Mr., the author of The Devotion of Suspect X and White Night Walk li's new work! I think the media will report on it, and then the channel dealers who heard the news may come to us.

Well, this is a good idea!!!

Li Zetian smiled on his face, but he was thinking about what work he should write this time. He had already written two mystery novels, and it was time to change his style...

Tomorrow Sunday at 2:00 pm I will start recommending on the Qidian website. I’m so excited! Everyone, please vote for it and let Giant of the Times fly while it is recommended by the website!

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