The cold fingertips slipped over her warm skin. The touch of ice and fire brought about a strange feeling. He felt that his movements were rare and gentle, and the hair that fell on his shoulders was also pulled behind his shoulders. The air There was endless ambiguous breath, and even the floating air flow was hot, and suddenly she couldn't breathe.

She was taken aback by his actions first, and then she forced herself to calm down, but it was useless at all.

"What those two people?" She couldn't keep up with her thoughts, and asked indifferently.

"I met in Linlang Pavilion," he explained patiently, his eyes falling on her gradually red cheeks without leaving.

The breath was gone.

The perplexity at the bottom of her eyes disappeared, because she remembered that he had lost his temper with himself because of the two of them. She reached out against his chest and looked at him with an eyebrow. "Don't you say I hit anyone casually? Have already convicted me, then you are still asking me what to do? Do you want to scold me? Tell you Xiao Hou, my dignified Princess Nan Cang, is not inferior to you, why is you short? Intercept, being reprimanded as if you were a schoolboy, Princess Ben is upset and refuses to talk to you! "

The portrait in front of him was stomped on his tail, and he suddenly jumped to his feet. The red face on his face was not shy, or annoyed, his face was red, very seductive, and it reminded him of spring peaches.

But at this time she erected a thorn all over her, very guarded against him, and very angry, making him a little difficult.

"Then I'll listen to your explanation now. Do you have anything to say?" He looked into her eyes and said.

Come to ask her now, is it too late?

He no longer looks harsh today, and whispered softly, and it is very effective for people like Pang Yuejing who eat soft and not hard.

It was like a warm wind, which gently rang the door of her heart, letting her slowly burst out her grievances, her eyes gradually became red, and her nose was sour.

"Why do you explain me and explain it? What do you think of me? Do you call me a doll on the go!" She held back tears and glared at him.

But she didn't know how distressing the tearful appearance was, but she was trying to stop it from flowing down.

Xiao Hou had not paid much attention to her thoughts before, and now seeing her look so grieved and complained, she seemed to have been dug a hole in her heart, empty.

He could not help reaching out to hug her and calm her down.

When he leaned in, Pang Jingjing collapsed, and fisted up against him. "You bad guy, my soul is light! I always look at others with tinted glasses, imperious, arbitrary, I am bullied, You still scold me! "

"I'm clearly angry for you, but you don't ask why, I think I'm arrogant. I always admire the ability to move and don't do it. If it's not too angry, would I smash someone with a vase? I'm afraid I'll kill someone to kill them. Be particularly careful. "

"Their mouths are not clean. Did I teach them anything wrong? You still blame me, who am I and you still don't know? Am I the kind of troublemaker? Xiao Hou, you asshole, bad guy!"

He held her in his arms and let her slap and let go. She was weak, and her fist was tickling, but her cry was like an invisible rope, and it was constantly entangled in his heart. , I feel a little distressed.

He tightened his hands and said with a good temper, "I blame you wrong, I was wrong, you have to fight and scold, I recognize it."

Maybe even Xiao Hou didn't know. This is how he grew up. For the first time, he bowed his head sincerely and confessed his mistakes. In the past, he played a lot of dramas, but only this time, he acknowledged from the heart.

His gentle apology, like a catalyst, forced all her tears out.

"Your dog bites Lu Dongbin, and he doesn't know people!"

"Yes, I don't know people."

"You are arbitrary and you will only teach people. You are so bad!"

"Yes, I'm bad."



One complained as if he wanted to vent his grievances to him.

One soothed her heart, as if to pour her soft and gentle all her life.

But listening to him, she cried louder.

I don't know how long it took. In the end, she was really weak. The whole person collapsed in his arms. Fortunately, he locked her in his arms and helped her, otherwise she would have close contact with the earth.

Tired of crying and tired of scolding, she hummed, "If apology is useful, what else do you need to catch?"

Xiao Hou raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, "You've been out of breath for so long?"

Pang Yuejing hummed, "If I forgive so easily, it wouldn't be too cheap for you. Compared to your spiritual and spiritual harm to me, what I said just now is not enough to offset half of it."

Is this not enough? Xiao Hou has a headache.

"What do you want?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, but if you can say respectfully and respectfully to me, Grandma, I was wrong, and I will give you a chance to commit crimes."

She belongs to someone who gives a pole and she will climb up.

But often the situation is not clear, so I have been tossing myself.

After she had finished speaking, she was just about to watch him recognize the plant. Suddenly, she felt that her feet were hanging, and then she turned around. After opening her eyes, she opened her eyes and found that she and Xiao Hou were sitting on the trunk.

If it were a tall one-man trunk, the tree was bare, with no leaves and no light, and looked down at the ground, feeling dizzy.

She hugged his waist tightly, and suddenly she was still pretentious. "Take me down, I'm afraid!"

Xiao Hou, the old god, was leaning on the trunk, glanced at her holding his hand, and then slowly said, "What apology did you make me say?"

"No, no apologies!" She wanted to go now!

"That's still angry?" He held out his hand, rolled up her hair and played with it casually.

"No gas!" She shook her head firmly.

"Am I terrible?" He continued.

"I'm bad I jerk!" She cried.

"How good." He touched her head.

"Can we go down then?" She asked carefully and carefully.

Xiao Hou idly said, "Don't worry, stand tall and look far away. Don't you think it's best to see the scenery outside the station at this height?"

"Look at you! I don't care if I go down! Hurry up!" She couldn't bear it anymore, and beat him to protest!

Eyes fell on her flushed cheek, Xiao Hou calmly said, "If you move again, Wang can't guarantee that this branch can bear it."

As soon as the words fell, the branch shuddered in the right moment.

She was so scared that she immediately hugged him again, then raised her head from his arms, and asked pitifully, "So when will we go down?"

"If you behave well."

Pang Yuejing's face suddenly turned black.

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