163 The truth is revealed in front of everyone!

Jinlong only found out at this time.

It turned out that he was the one who was kept in the dark.

His heart suddenly became more violent.

He never thought that these fat-headed and big-eared guys would betray him.

Anxiety and anger inside.

In an instant, a species is formed that can have a more intense impact on others.

His heart was extremely desperate, and he originally regarded these guys as his own.

But in the end never thought about them.

It’s such a shame to actually disobey his orders at this time.

“I never thought that one day I would be taken into the pit by you.”

“The result of treating you as my own makes me so excited…”

“I really don’t understand, why are you suddenly doing this? What happened!” 090

“What caused you to be so violent?”

The golden dragon signaled his warrior to let go of this ordinary human being for the time being.

Someone they become like this, they have to react more.

This is indeed very painful, I originally wanted to be a good person at this time.

However, it is difficult to be a good person, and is always quietly used by others at this time.

“As if nothing I do now makes any sense, this may be the source of the most pain.

“I also really understand that my final value exists. In your opinion.

“Am I a very stupid person? Ah, I have already gone through many ways. 93

“I used everything I could, but the end result was not what I expected.

Humans seem to have a lot to say.

He had never felt so wronged in his heart.

He does have all sorts of skepticism about what he thinks and what he sees now.

It’s already like this, what else can he do?

Could it be that at this time, praying for Lin Feng to help him solve more troubles?

This is obviously impossible, there is no such thing as saying.

There is no one here to help him at all.

Of course, taking 10,000 steps back, Lin Feng’s actions can be regarded as extremely serious.

He also knew that he was at this time, and let the golden dragon (cgch) handle it.

In a short while, Jin Long will fry the pot. Facing these rebels, Jin Long’s heart is already crazy.

He has always been unable to accept the few humans he trusted most.

How can you do such a miserable thing!

Suddenly, his heart became more violent at this time.

He wanted to kill these humans in person, but he stopped after thinking about it for a long time.

If you really want to do this, what is the difference between you and these evil betrayals?

His heart couldn’t help but sigh…

More importantly, it was something that made him very unique in his heart right now.

He finally realized what anger was like.

I also realized how evil human intrigue is.

“I’m still too tender and oversimplified, but that’s fine!

“Just in time for them to reveal their targets…”

“Take care of these rebellious guys, little brother has worked hard for you! 19

“Let you suffer so much humiliation in the world, you can still maintain your original intention at this time.

“I understand your heart very well and I will not let you suffer in any of the above.

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