Two-thirds of 140! Another ghost letter! West Desert Defense Line! (2.3) Please subscribe

“This month has passed, and there should be 3-4 months left.”

Lin Feng looked at the woman in the ghost king’s coffin and thought.

This woman, if it was a human being, would be perfect.

Unfortunately, it is the body of a ghost king.

Ghost King’s Body!

Even if the ghost king’s body is flesh and blood, it is definitely very different from the human body.

This difference is not in structure, but in ability.

In terms of structure, it should not be too different.

Just like humans.

But this ghost king’s body can’t even cut through the skin of the ghost king-level capital, which is enough to explain the problem.

This woman, in the past, must have been an extremely powerful ghost king.

At least, it is the peak-level ghost king.

As for whether it has reached a more powerful level, I don’t know.

Lin Feng watched silently.

Finally, after the blood moon was irradiated, Lin Feng continued with the following operations.

After the operation was over, Lin Feng saw that in the prompt message, the progress of controlling the ghost king’s body had become 66%!


In other words, the current control progress has reached two-thirds!

8 hours of exposure this month.

According to this calculation, after four months, when the light of the blood moon is fully illuminated for 12 hours, it should be the time to completely control the body of this ghost king!

Four months!

It was faster than Lin Feng expected.

“Next month, she should still make a move.

Lin Feng thought.

Next month, Lin Feng is still going to come here and let the ghost king’s thoughts form a habit.

In this way, the ghost king’s thoughts may not leave this area too far, and will develop in this area.

The speed of the ghost king’s thoughts is still very fast. Although the place is barren, she should be able to find a place to grow nearby.

But can’t find much.


In the last month, Lin Feng will suddenly change his position to a place very far away from here.

In 12 hours, the ghost king’s thoughts may not be able to pass!

As long as the last month, Lin Feng controls the body of this ghost king, it will be easy to say later.

“You can go back.

The blood moon has ended, and Lin Feng is ready to go back.

This month is the 11th month of this year, and there is still one month left, which is the end of the year.

At the end of the year, there will be a particularly ferocious wave of ghosts.

That wave of ghosts was extremely ferocious, and at the same time, it also contained opportunities.

Lin Feng is going to take advantage of that wave of ghosts to develop a good wave.

This month, Lin Feng is going to look at other defense lines, and then decide whether to be in the southern border defense line at the end of the year, or to change to another defense line.

Lin Feng will definitely not go to the most dangerous coastline.

There are often ghost kings there, and the way of defense is different from other lines of defense.

Usually fine.

If it is the wave of ghosts at the end of the year, there will be more than one ghost king, which is too dangerous.

The ghost town masters of the ghost king level are always killed in battle.

There is also the battlefield of the vast majority of palace-level ghost town masters.

But there are still two lines of defense, Lin Feng can go, one is the Western Desert line of defense, and the other is the central line of defense.

These two lines of defense are the main battlefields of the Ghost King class.

It is completely different from the southern border defense line.

The southern border defense line is the “genius defense line”, which is mainly developed for genius ghost town owners.

The Western Desert and the central defense line are also very dangerous to ordinary ghost-level ghost town masters.

The minimum requirement to enter these two defense lines is a level 10 ghost handsome, and a ghost town master with a level 10 ghost handsome can stay in the last row.

The others, even in the penultimate row, are ghost town masters at the level of ghost kings.

These two lines of defense are the elite soldiers route, and there are not many, but they are all very powerful ghost town masters.

Don’t look at the number.

However, a ghost town master at the level of a ghost king is more effective than thousands of ghost town masters at the level of a ghost.

The ghost army of tens of thousands is also incomparable to the ghost commander and the following ghost town masters.

There is a new channel in the north, and it is said that it is constantly expanding, but there are not many ghost tides in that channel, so Lin Feng’s visit is of little value.

After making a plan, Lin Feng was ready to leave the ghost realm.

However, he was about to leave, this time, suddenly.

A ghost pigeon fluttered its wings and flew towards Lin Feng quickly.


This is the same messenger from two months ago!

Two months ago, Lin Feng received a ghost letter with only two words: hello.

Lin Feng also replied hello and asked who the other party was.

Two months later, the other party finally replied again.

I don’t know if it is because it is too far, it takes time for the courier to fly, or the response of the other party is too slow, or there are other reasons.

The messenger flew to Lin Feng’s side and turned into a ghost paper again.

On the ghost paper, in the first row, there are still two words: hello.

The second row is Lin Feng’s reply: Hello, who are you.

In the third row, there are new words.


Only two words.


Lin Feng frowned slightly, what do you mean?

Is it the other party’s name, Lei Luo?

If you can send this kind of directional ghost letter through the ghost messenger, the other party is definitely a ghost.

Moreover, in Lin Feng’s view, it is still a somewhat strange ghost.

“Xue Er, help me reply.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng called Su Xue, and then replied to the letter again.

This time, Lin Feng wrote it in the fourth row.

His reply was simple.

Never heard of “I said, what’s the matter with you?”

Lin Feng directly asked the other party what happened.

See how this ghost responds.

After writing the reply, Su Xue threw the ghost paper into the air, and the ghost paper turned into a ghost carrier pigeon and flew away.

This time, because Su Xue knew she couldn’t catch up, she didn’t catch up.

“Come on, go back.

Lin Feng didn’t take this matter to heart.

Soon, Lin Feng opened the passage and left the ghost realm.

After Lin Feng left for a long time, a shadow appeared again.

This black shadow, if the dark ghosts are removed from her body, she is exactly the same as the ghost king.

After appearing this time, the shadow looks more solid.

That transparent feeling has faded a lot.

Her strength has also been greatly enhanced.

This enhancement was obtained by her repeated risky attacks in order to regain her body!

Lin Feng has been working hard.

However, this black shadow, in order to regain his body, fights even more!

After she appeared, the surroundings darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, everything around him turned into darkness.

She was looking for traces of Lin Feng.

Finally, she seemed to see something and came to the passage that Lin Feng had opened before. There, the passage had already been closed, and even if an ordinary ghost king arrived, after so long, he could no longer find any clues.

However, this dark shadow seemed to feel an abnormality.

It’s just that the channel has been closed for a long time, and she just felt an abnormality, and she didn’t find much.

She looked there, with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

This is not among the aspects that can be communicated, but now she seems to be quite vivid.

Then, she left here.

In the villa in Sioux City, Lin Feng came back again.

This month’s harvest is not small.

“There are still 25 ghost generals and 4 ghost handsomes.”

Lin Feng whispered.

Now, there are still 25 ghost generals and 3 ghost handsomes away from level 6 ghost town.

In his ghost town, under the vigorous training of Lin Feng, there are already 7 ghost handsome.

Liu Yun, Xiao Shi, two ghost cooks, two ghost tailors, and one who was trained later.

The ghost chef and the ghost tailor joined Lin Feng’s ghost town very early, and they have already arrived at the ghost handsome, so they can make up the number.

Next month, Lin Feng’s ghost town will be upgraded to level 6. At that time, all the ghost soldiers will be ghost generals!

In addition, the increase will also become 60 times.

will be more powerful.

Lin Feng first took a hot bath, then lay on the balcony and basked in the sun.

At this time, Lin Feng saw a message.

A few months ago, he was still the first ghost town owner on the rookie list. Under the stimulation of Lin Feng, he took a risk and cultivated a ghost king at the end of this month!

Maybe it is because of the ghost king who has swelled up, this guy is clamoring to take back the first place in the rookie list by the end of this year.

“Ah, regaining the No. 1 rookie list? It’s almost a dream!”

“I’m afraid all of Lin Feng’s ghosts have reached level 2. Otherwise, how can you kill five ghosts? Your level 1 ghosts can’t catch up with Lin Feng.”

“Lin Feng’s ghost army is said to be many, and he also has ghost cavalry. How can you compare him?”

“It’s obviously swollen. Although I am very envious, you are far from being comparable to Lin Feng.”

However, on the main forum of Ghost Town, this guy was not unexpectedly ridiculed by the group.

Nobody likes him.

Lin Feng lost interest after watching it for a while.

Not to mention that this guy has cultivated a ghost, even if he has a few more, it is useless.

The rookie list is destined to be occupied by Lin Feng for a long time.

Even if Lin Feng enters the hall at that time, because Lin Feng is too young, he can still be on the rookie list within 10 years.

At that time, it is estimated that it will be the nightmare of ghost town owners in the past 10 years, because they will never be able to emerge.


In this way, after Lin Feng rested in the villa in Sioux City for two days, the ghost tide was coming.

Lin Feng finally chose to go to the Western Desert Defense Line after looking at several defense lines that he could go to.

The Western Desert Line of Defense and the Central Line of Defense are both ghost-lord-level battlefields, and many ghost-lords have appeared.

It is said that there are also ghost kings, but the ghost kings will be intercepted by the palace-level powerhouses ahead.

For Lin Feng, it was just right.

However, the current Lin Feng can only be in the second row, even if he exposes the city lord.

Because the level of ghost towns is limited.

In the first row, it can only be a ghost town above level 6.

“The second row is the second row.

Lin Feng thought.

Anyway, this month is just to see the situation of the West Desert line of defense. In addition, Lin Feng has several ghost kings. At that time, Lin Feng can completely let Su Xue and the others guard the ghost town, and follow the painting city owner to hunt down the ghost kings.


This time, Lin Feng didn’t notify Sun Die, and directly chose the West Desert line of defense. In the second row, he chose a middle position.

Xia Yubing and Shen Mengzhu both contacted Lin Feng. After hearing that Lin Feng was going to the Western Desert Defense Line, Shen Mengzhu was a little worried.

Because there are many ghosts in the Western Desert line of defense, ghosts above level 6 often appear.

Shen Mengzhu still didn’t know the painting city master.

The Xia Yubing sisters were not surprised. They knew how strong Lin Feng was.

After choosing a location, Lin Feng teleported over.

Then, the ghost town unfolds.

In the first few rows of the Western Desert Defense Line, there are quite a lot of level 6 ghost towns. In the first row, you can even see a small number of level 7 ghost towns!

The ghost town master here is quite powerful. After all, the Western Desert Defense Line and the Central Defense Line are second only to the most severe coastal defense line!

Lin Feng’s level 5 ghost town is very special here.

It also attracted the attention of some ghost town owners.

“It should be Lin Feng!”

This time, the ghost town master who found out that Lin Feng ghost town was abnormal, reacted very quickly, because, at this stage, there are not many ghost towns who meet the level 5 ghost town and have a relatively powerful ghost king level combat power.

What Lin Feng didn’t know was.

After he appeared in the Western Desert line of defense, in the ghost realm, in the middle of a wave of terrifying ghost waves that numbered tens of millions, a black figure followed silently.

This black shadow, after the blood moon ended, took two days to find it!

PS: I went to leave today, there are chapters with fewer words, and I will resume the big chapter tomorrow, sorry~ I lost,

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