“I’m dreaming now.”

“Mei can be human.”

“But when she and I wake up.”

“She’s going to be a ghost…”

Ye Xuan listened suspiciously to the system’s prompt in his mind.

“No, this system can also work for ghosts.”

“What about the curse without misery?”

【System prompt: Please go to the subconscious realm of the effective object first】

[Curse of Killing No Misery].

[Cut off Mei’s connection with the prostitute Taro and the consciousness of no misery].

“Have a mission?”

“Kill the consciousness of incomprehension.”

Ye Xuan listened carefully to the plan just given by the system.


“Didn’t Wu Miserable divide the blood of the Twelve Ghost Moon…”

“Cut off the bonds of consciousness.”

“The cells in the body will still be controlled without misery.”

[System: After cutting off consciousness with Mumi and the prostitute Taro].

[Fall into a coma].

[Please take effect with Yukihime at this time, the Tako Tofuku System].

[Inject host cells into Ji Ji].

[Make it react with miserable cells].

[So that Ji Ji can get out of the control of Misery].

“What about the prostitute Taro…”

“Aren’t Okige and the prostitute Taro bind.”

Ye Xuan asked.

[System: Let the prostitute Taro drink the mixed blood of the host and Yukihime].

[It can then lift the control of the prostitute Taro without misery].

“I’ll go…”

I didn’t expect my gold finger to be so restrained and miserable.

“What a powerful system…”

Ye Xuan sighed.

In this way, he can be with Mei.

and can keep Mei’s only relative.

Best of both worlds.

“Mei, I have a way to get you to stay with me.”

Ye Xuan said to Mei.



“Master Ye Xuan.”

Mei’s eyes lit up for a moment.

He looked at Ye Xuan expectantly.

“Since this is your consciousness…”

“We will find the curse without misery.”

“After cutting off the curse, I will be forcibly kicked out of my dream by you.”

“Then I will kill Nightmare and take your body away.”

“Use my cells to affect the cells that are not miserable.”

“What about my brother?”

May asked.

“After I have sex with you, he can also get out of the control of Wuxian just by drinking the mixture of our blood.”

“So it is…”

May nodded.

“The sky in the real world may be about to light up…”

“We have to hurry up.”

Ye Xuan said.

Take Mei’s hand.

Ye Xuan walked into the distance.

Coming to a very ordinary building, Ye Xuan stretched out his left hand.

The air touched by the left hand creates water-like ripples.

It was a wall of air.

“This should be the boundary of Mei’s memories.”

Ye Xuan thought so.

Before stepping into the other end of the air wall, Ye Xuan looked back at Xiaomei, who was holding his palm tightly.

“Trust me.”



Mei’s eyes kept rolling with tears.

On Ye Xuan’s body.

May gained a sense of security she had never felt before.

Over the air wall.

came to Mei’s subconscious area.

It’s like a calm lake.

There is a white glowing sphere on the surface of the lake.

It’s like a bright moon.

“This should be Mei’s subconscious center.”

Taking Mei’s hand, Ye Xuan slowly approached the center.

Underneath the sphere.

It’s Taro, the prostitute.

He was holding Mei, who was burned beyond recognition, crying bitterly.

It seems that the real-world Mei is not so lucky as in her dreams

Taro, a prostitute full of hatred, decides to take revenge.

But he had already been betrayed by the proprietress who rented his own house.

A samurai slashes at Taro, a weeping prostitute who is holding Mei, who is holding a faceless Mei from behind.

After a scream.

The prostitute Taro and Mei fell to the ground together.

Right at this moment.

A figure appeared in the distance on the surface of the calm lake.

He walked slowly towards the two ill-fated children.

The man had white hair.

He wears a red blouse with some black patterns around his neck.

“That was…”

“Is it miserable?”

Looking at the man who was slowly leaning in, Ye Xuan asked.


May replied.

The man was getting closer and closer, and Ye Xuan was finally able to see the man’s appearance.

His rainbow-like iris reads “winding” and “land” on the left and right, respectively.

“Winding land?”

Ye Xuan whispered.

“This was the upper winding land at that time.”

“Now the winding two.”

“Tong Mo.”

May said slowly.

“Tong Mo?”

Ye Xuan became vigilant.

The Tong Mo walking in front of him did have an unusual aura.

“Prostitute Taro.”

“Become a ghost.”

“With your sister.”

“Serve the lord…”

Tong Mo crouched down and said to the dying prostitute Taro.

“Tong Mo should be the embodiment of the unconscious realm of the No Tragic Curse.”

“Kill him, and Mei will be able to cut off contact with Taro, a prostitute without misery!”

“Thunder Breath One Type”

The calm lake-like ground ripples instantly.

Ye Xuan’s eyes flashed with thunder.

In half a second, the thunder blade rushed towards Tong Mo.


At the moment when the blade is about to cut down Tong Mo.

Tong Mo disappeared.

“What’s the situation…”

Ye Xuan slowly turned his head and looked at Taro, the prostitute behind him.


I saw the prostitute Taro and the side of Xiaomei, who was burned beyond recognition, and black shadows kept appearing.

Red blood began to envelop the two children.

“That’s you!”

“Ye Xuan!!”

A low and terrifying voice began to echo through space.

The prostitute Taro gradually becomes ghosted.

The eyes glow red.

It turned into a huge black shadow.

“Ye Xuan!”

Black Shadow shouted.

“Kill you!”


The black shadow in front of you is the embodiment of the curse without tragedy.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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