
“Twelve Ghost Moon!?”

“This place…”

“Why is there a twelve ghost moons?!”

Tianren looked at the terrifying scene in front of him.

Moonlight streaked by.

The appearance of the ghost finally became clear.

He has a strong bony jaw.

A third eye grows on the forehead.

The whole body is covered in bony armor.

The head also wears a helmet with half bony sides.

“That moth ghost…”

“Died like that?”

As toxins disappear from the air.

Yuto’s paralyzed body is gradually able to move.

“Captain Tianren…”


After the slaughter of the moth ghosts just now.

Now the only living ghost hunters are Tenjin and Yuto.


Remaining toxins in the body.

Tianren also excreted by breathing.

“The twelve ghost moons in front of you.”

“Can you fight with Yuto and yourself?”


“Thin blood.”

“Thin blood.”


Tianren recalled.

Information that Kimura gave himself before.

Among them is a completely unknown ghost.

It should be the twelve ghost moons in front of you.

The second of the twelve ghost moons——


[Name: Bones].

[Age: Unknown].

[Description: The whole body is surrounded by sturdy bone armor to suck the ghost of human bone lifting].

[Unleash the Blood Demon Technique that uses bones as a weapon].

[Strength rating: the second of the next string].

[Strength level: 47].

“Thin blood.”

The skeletal language system seems to be very monolithic.

Only say a sentence or a word repeatedly.

“It is not clear what the enemy is capable of.”

But it’s not hard to see.

There is no unity between ghosts and ghosts.

Tianren guessed.

The reason why Bone Qian would kill the moth ghost.

That is, to rob the thin-blooded humans in the moth, ghost silkworm chrysalis.

The unconscious woman.

“Thin blood.”

Bone Kanichi grasped Chizuru.

Roughly ripped it out of the chrysalis.

The venom in the chrysalis has corroded Chizuru’s clothes into ruins.

“That human.”


Yuto asked.

“There should be a hint of breath.”

Tianren moved his nose.

“And a hint of life.”

“Thin blood.”

“Thin blood.”

Bone muttered.

After getting the blood, he was ready to turn and leave.


The toxins have been almost completely excreted.

Tenjin regained his combat effectiveness.



“The limbs have regained consciousness and should be able to move.”


“Captain, let’s…”

“Is it really this guy’s opponent?”

Yuto’s hand holding the Nikkawa knife began to tremble.

“How do you know if you don’t try?”

“The players have all died…”

“We are the Ghost Killer Team.”

“You can’t just leave civilians dead.”

Tenjin looked firmly at Yuto on the side.

“Protect the people with the Nikki knife in your hand.”

“It’s our duty as ghost hunters!”


Yuto clenched the Nikki knife in his hand.

Look resolutely at the bones in front of you.

Take advantage of now.

Bone Kan has not yet noticed himself and Yuto.

Tianren felt.

This is a great opportunity.


Nor can it be too reckless.

After all, there is no trick of this twelve ghost moon in front of him.


Tianren held his breath and concentrated.

Steam is constantly coming out of the corners of the mouth and nasal passages.


“Distract him!”


Yuto rushed towards the bone with a knife.


Bone Qian did not dodge.

The blade struck the bone armor in his back.

The huge reaction force bounced Yuto out.

“Ghost hunter.”

“Ghost hunter.”

Bone Kan looked at Yuto who was bounced away.

“Wind Breath Three No Types”

“Hararashi Kazeki.”

Tianren wielded his blade.

With itself as the center, three wind blades are slashed forward.

The three wind blades cut towards the bone at the speed of sound.



Accompanied by a sound of hard objects colliding.

The high-speed wind blade turned into a breeze around the bone armor.

“This guy!”

“The body is so hard?”

Bone Kan held Chizuru in one hand and turned to look at Tenren behind him.

“Vampire Bone Spurs”

Suddenly, countless sharp bone ground thorns suddenly appeared on the ground.

Towards the two ghost hunters.

“Get out of the way!”

Two ghost hunters jumped one by one.

Dodged the ground thorn that was traveling at high speed.

“It seems.”

“This Twelve Ghost Moon Blood Demon Technique in front of you.”

“It’s about fighting with bone weapons.”


Naturally not.

Tianren noticed.

Although the twelve ghost moons in front of him were wrapped in bone armor.

But a small portion of the flesh was still exposed.

And those exposed muscles.

It must be the weakness of this ghost in front of you.

By cutting off the muscle.

It should be possible to remove the bone armor attached to these muscles.

As long as the bone armor grows.

Expose critical weaknesses such as this ghost’s neck.

Should be able to kill.




Yuto grabbed his knife and ran towards Bone.

“Vampire Bone Arrow”

The bone armor of the bone shoulder opened a small hole.

Several sharp bone arrows were shot from it.

“It’s an arrow!”

Yuto dodges quickly.

Attracts the attention of the bones.

“It’s now.”

“Wind Breath One Type”

“Dust whirlwind, slash!”

I saw Gao Ren spinning forward, spiraling forward at high speed.

Behind him were countless wind blades that shattered trees and ground.

Less than half a second.

Tianren moved to Bone’s eyes.

“Wind Breath and Pickpocket Type”

“First Fierce Wind Slash!”

With the momentum of the wind.

Tianren circles around the bone.

Generates countless powerful spiral wind blades.

Cutting the bone-hard armor.

“It worked!”

Piece after piece of bone armor was cut off.

A few seconds later.

The bones exposed his fragile neck.

“It worked!?”

“Wind Breath One Type”

“Dust whirlwind, slash!”

Let’s get some data!!!!

Ask for flowers! Collect it! Ask for evaluation!!!


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