"Kanroji Mitsuri was also happy when he heard his senior talk about his own advantages. It turned out that in the eyes of his senior, he was not as humble as he imagined.

"Actually, those seniors' shortcomings are not considered shortcomings."

'Kanroji Mitsuri' whispered.

"Luxury, isn't that a shortcoming~?"

Su Mu was puzzled.

"What's the disadvantage of a man liking beautiful girls?"

‘Kanroji Mitsuri’ whispered: “What’s wrong with boys liking beautiful girls.

"Even if lust is not a shortcoming, I still have other shortcomings. People are not perfect."

"Senior is right."

'Kanroji Mitsuri' raised his head full of admiration, and the flickering candlelight reflected the profile of his senior. 'Kanroji Mitsuri' bit his red lips, blinked his beautiful eyes slightly, and said with a bit of charm: "So, senior, do you like me? ?"

"Didn't I just say that I still like Huo Li very much.

Su Mu smiled and spoke.

"The love I'm talking about is not the ordinary love, but the love between boys and girls..."

‘Kanroji Mitsuri’ raised his beautiful eyes, which were filled with blurred colors.

Su Mu was a little surprised.

Surprised by 'Kanroji Mitsuri's' confession, he did not expect that he would be confessed to by the other party so boldly.

After all, confession, even for a boy, requires a certain amount of courage, let alone a girl.

Therefore, Su Mu was a little surprised by the boldness of ‘Kanroji Mitsuri’ at this moment.

Especially when his eyes met the eyes of 'Kanroji Mitsuri', he could clearly feel the burning love in the other person's eyes.

Almost...a fanatical worship.

"Senior...do you like me?"

'Kanroji Mitsuri' continued to ask, and without waiting for Su Mu's answer, the girl continued on by herself: "Whether senior likes me or not, I really like senior and hope to be by his side all the time."

After the girl finished speaking, she stood there awkwardly. The girl's delicate body was tense at the moment, and her beautiful eyes were also restless.

Obviously, I don’t know how Su Mu will answer her,

For 'Kanroji Mitsuri', these days, he is full of expectations. These days, he has been working hard to create his own image in the other party's mind.

…Please give me flowers…

Now it seems that this image has been created very thoroughly.

Originally, he planned to tease the other party, wait until the time came, and then slowly taste it.

But now ‘Kanroji Mitsuri’ has confessed…

Then, there is no need to continue.

However, before that, he still has to... 012702527 Feilu 032163191]

So, he lowered his head and said with a bit of deep depression: "'Mili', maybe I am not as good as you think. Maybe one day, you will find that the real me is actually relatively vulgar, and , there will be many shortcomings, and at that time, 'Mili' will discover that 'Mili' may only like the senior in her mind, not me."

After saying this, he raised his head and stared at 'Kanroji Mitsuri' with burning eyes: "Maybe I am not the senior that 'Kanroji Mitsuri' thinks in his mind. Maybe, all this is just my disguise."

"No matter what, senior is the senior that 'Mili' likes. No matter what he becomes, he is still liked by 'Mili'."

The girl immediately hugged Su Mu and spoke with a firm voice.

With the warm fragrance of soft jade in her arms, Su Mu could feel the tenderness of the girl's body. .

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