All the endings seem to have been doomed, and no matter what you do, it seems irreversible. Faced with this destined ending, 'Himejima Kyoumei' is extremely unwilling in his heart. He wants to desperately change everything, but he can't.

"Become a ghost. Become a ghost like me. Why should you continue to be stubborn?"

Kokushibou spread his hands and looked at 'Himejima Kyoumei': "I was also a human being like you, and I also hesitated in my heart about becoming a ghost, but in the end, I chose to give up my identity as a human and chose to become a ghost. "

Kokushibou whispered, he was once a human, and even a swordsman of the Demon Slayer Corps. He was a swordsman no less than a 'Hashira', but he gave up his belief in the Demon Slayer Corps and killed the 'Lord' at that time. , sacrificed his head to Kibutsuji Muzan, thereby obtaining Kibutsuji Muzan's blood.

"If I hadn't turned into a ghost, I might have turned into a pile of withered bones just like my younger brother.

Suddenly, Kokushibou couldn't help but recall scenes from many years ago.

Even if time passes, it still cannot be forgotten.

It was a night with a red moon, and he saw his younger brother in a seven-story pagoda in the suburbs.

Regarding his younger brother Jiguo Enichi, he has always wanted to surpass him, but he has never had the chance.

That night of the red moon was the first time he saw his younger brother Jiguo Enichi after becoming a ghost.

That was the sixty years since it became a ghost, and it was also after becoming a ghost that it wrote about meeting its brother again sixty years later.

After becoming a ghost, it is still young, and time will not leave many traces on its body. However, its younger brother, the person it once looked up to, is already over eighty years old and is already an old man in his dying years. It seemed that in the next second, a ray of breeze would blow it down.

However, his poor brother, even though he was about to die, still spoke to him in a pitiful tone: "You are so pitiful, brother.

Kokushibou did not expect that even at this time, he would be pitied by his elderly brother, but Kokushibou did not feel angry, but disappointed.

All along, Kokushibou has longed for a younger brother who is as dazzling as a pearl, but when he saw his younger brother who was already in his twilight years, he felt ridiculous.

However, Ji Guoyuan was indeed his younger brother. Even though he was in his twilight years and was about to die, he still swung a sword at him.

Kokushibou still remembers that sword clearly. Even before it could defend itself, the sword had already slashed towards its neck. At that time, it did not expect that even in Feng Zhuo's twilight years, Jigoku Enichi's speed and Its power was no different from that in its heyday. Just when it thought it would die from its younger brother's sword, the sword stopped.


It's not that Enichi Tsukuni cared about their brotherhood with his last sword. They had long since lost their friendship, which was gone when Kokushibou cut off the 'lord's' head and presented it to Kibutsuji Muzan.

The reason why Jiguo Enichi's sword stopped was entirely because Jiguo Enichi had reached the end of his life and was dead.

Although even if he died, Jiguo Enichi still maintained his stance with the sword drawn, there was no doubt that the opponent was completely dead.

Looking at his dead brother, Kokushibou felt complicated. The one he wanted to surpass most in his life was his younger brother. However, as the other brother passed away, he had no chance at all. Even at the end of his life, he still could not defeat him.

But he doesn't think he has lost.

After all, compared to his dead brother, he is still alive. Human life is short after all.

Only by becoming a ghost can all this be made up for.

At the moment, 'Himejima Kyoumei' is admired by Kokushibou. It hopes that the other party can become one of its own. Although the other party has rejected itself one after another, Kokushibou is still willing to give him one last chance to die. .

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