With a heavy footstep like a pile driver, a tall figure slowly appeared at the corner at the end of the corridor. According to visual inspection, this guy was almost three meters high, 80 cm higher than Ivan, and even higher than the red haired giant we saw when dealing with queen Yan.

In addition to being tall, this guy is also quite strong. He is wearing a gray military uniform. His pimple like muscles look like he wants to burst his clothes at any time. He can feel the great power contained in that muscle at a simple look.

It's natural for such a big guy to observe clearly before starting. I made a gesture to ask his partner to step back. Who knows that Ivan stepped on a slippery intestines and "Gudong" fell a solid somersault.



Lao hei and I scolded each other and pointed the gun at the huge humanoid monster who had stared at us.

The thing gave a low roar and rushed towards us with heavy steps. Lao hei and I didn't need to say hello. They immediately started shooting at the same time, aiming at the head of the tall figure.

Two AK's from Lao hei and I opened fire at the same time, and each of them fired two three rounds. At least half of them hit accurately, but this guy seemed to be all right. He didn't even shake his head. He rushed to us with a gust of air, waved his fist bigger than ordinary people's head, and ran to me with a "Hoo".

As for this guy's muscle size and the speed of this punch, maybe shopkeeper qian can barely take his punch, but I absolutely can't. I immediately bent down and walked through the gap under his arm. AK was too long to turn around. I took out a military knife and stabbed him in the liver.

I didn't stab him. His body was as hard as frozen meat in the cold storage. I only stabbed half of it. They passed by quickly. The military knife dragged a half foot long hole on the outside of his abdomen.

After a roll and stand up, Lao hei and I surrounded him one by one. At the same time, I also noticed that the black blood was slowly exuding from its abdominal wound, which was completely consistent with the blood of black blood zombies in the ward in both color and viscosity.

"Shit" I immediately realized what was going on: "those in the ward are only experimental products, or semi-finished products. In front of me, this is the real result of the German experiment. Tall, powerful, painless and fearless of knives and guns, this is the real - the undead army."

The tall black blood zombie didn't hit, stood and judged, and immediately rushed to me. I don't know whether it was because he was closer to me or just stabbed by me. This guy wants revenge.

Lao Hei shot at the moment when the guy turned around. This time, he hit the other party's joints, but he just stopped his action. I took this opportunity to go up and want to paste the symbol, but I was very depressed to find that the guy was too tall to paste the symbol directly on his forehead like a normal zombie.

You should know that the blood in the Zombie's body has solidified like a dead man. It all depends on the little corpse gas left in the brain to support a series of behaviors, and the rune Paper Town zombie also aims at this amount, suppresses the corpse gas in the Zombie's brain with the energy of Rune paper, stops its action, and then thinks of other ways to blow up or burn down its body.

But in front of me, the forehead is almost three meters high from the ground, which is higher than the height of the basketball frame. There is nothing else in the corridor except some dead bodies torn on the ground. Unless I am Jordan, it is difficult to jump to that height and stick the symbol.

While I was holding the talisman paper to find a chance, this guy's fist came again. I flashed sideways and stuck my body to the corridor wall. This guy immediately punched again. I rolled and avoided on the ground, got up and looked back. I was shocked. The wall I was standing on was hard rammed into a head size hole. If it hit me, I would be broken and killed on the spot.

Lao Hei was also startled by the power of the punch. He saw that the bullet was invalid for it. He put away the gun, took out the unparalleled knife and went forward to fight hand to hand. A knife cut off several fingers of the guy, rolled forward and returned his hand, and a knife cut off the Achilles tendon at his ankle.

"Yes, it's hard to make such a low-level mistake." I patted myself on the head, put away my saber and short assault rifle, took out the rat tooth blade and the rat King whip, and went up side by side with old black to get the result in front of me.

But then Ivan, standing opposite us, pointed behind us: "run!"

I turned around and looked back. At the end of the corridor, I didn't know when there were several such large black blood zombies standing there, dressed in neat Nazi military uniforms and printed with a unified number. I turned back and just looked at their empty and numb eyes. These guys roared in unison and ran towards us like hearing a command.

"Shit, no wonder the thunder team can't stand it so soon." I thought it's really not easy to get so many big, powerful and gun fearless Nazi Zombies.

"Flash" Lao hei and I attacked the wounded black blood zombie at the same time, stabbed it in the leg with a mouse tooth blade, and launched a demon fire by pressing the mouse eye jade. The guy was burned and could not stand stably. Lao Hei jumped up and cut his head off with a sharp knife. After we both rushed over together, the guy's tall headless body shook twice in place and fell to the ground with a thump.

As we all know that the direction leading to the machine and the thick steel door is a dead end, this time we chose another direction to escape. Fortunately, the narrow corridor has brought a lot of trouble to those black blood zombies in Nazi uniforms, so that they can't run at full speed. We pulled some doors outward, so that when running, the zombies behind will hit it and slow down.

Normal people have to break when they hit this kind of metal door, but these large black blood zombies don't care. When they encounter obstacles, they hit it directly. Some metal doors are like cardboard paste in front of them. They are smashed or deformed.

"It's a pity that these guys are not urban management." I took a nonsense to Lao Hei for no reason. The latter nodded knowingly. Ivan looked like he didn't understand and didn't care. He was running with his head down.

At the turn of the zigzag corridor, I simply put down several tripping ropes with a rope, because according to my observation, these large black blood zombies have great strength, but they still retain the clumsy characteristics of zombies. I hope to trip them with a rope.

Soon after I left the corner, I heard a messy plop behind. At the same time, there were stairs in front of us. We rushed back to the upper floor.

But the scene on this floor is not necessarily good. Those guys who work for Shelley have been busy for a long time, focusing on expanding the broken hole, filling in a lot of sand and piling it into a slope, so that they can drive armored vehicles and tanks directly in.

All these armored vehicles were in a scuffle with a group of black blood zombies in the parking lot. As soon as we emerged at the entrance of the stairs, we were driven back by a line of machine gun bullets. Fortunately, we didn't shoot at us, so we only splashed cement debris.

The black blood zombies fighting with armored vehicles are very different from those just now. They are almost as large as normal people, but they are agile several times. They jump flexibly between the ceiling, ground and different armored vehicles, and their speed is as fast as lightning.

Just think about it, I probably understand what happened. The instrument we started must activate these black blood zombies and make them enter the crazy state of killing people at first sight. These quick black blood zombies hit the underground floor when they heard the sound of blasting, while the slow power zombies fell behind, Happened to meet the three of us who just activated the starter.

"Shit, everything is in a mess. What's the matter?" Ivan scolded, looking back at the powerful black blood zombies who had been chased out.

"Low key activities, life first" I whispered with old black. The three stooped close to the edge and slipped to the corner.

But now there is a duel between people and Nazi Zombies in the parking lot, and there are a large number of both sides. We are transferring by old German tanks, but we are blocked by several speed black blood zombies.

Generally, zombies are slightly slower than ordinary people, because they are not living people. Naturally, they are not as smooth as living people, and their joints are flexible. Therefore, they are called "stiff" zombies, which means their movements are stiff.

But I don't know what method the Germans used decades ago, or some kind of super era biotechnology, actually made these black blood zombies retain the advantages of not afraid of ordinary knives and guns. In addition, they also made the species in front of them extremely agile, powerful jumping and like the wind. It was a living killing machine.

The first speed type black blood zombie pounced on me, and I could barely cope with it, but when the three came together, I began to take a lot of bitterness in my heart. I was hit several times in a few rounds. Fortunately, this speed type is not as terrible as the power type attack just now, otherwise I guess I would have been killed.

I was punched heavily by a speed black blood zombie, and my blood surged. I stabbed them several times with a mouse tooth blade, and then I rolled out of the encirclement of several black blood zombies.

When I got up, I leaned against an abandoned tank, pressed the mouse eye jade on the handle of the mouse tail whip, launched a red demon fire to cover the black whip body, and then waved it like a long whip of the God of fire, which was both wind and power, which scared those black zombies back one after another. Old black and Ivan took the opportunity to lean next to me.

"Boss, you played well with the whip," Ivan praised.

"That's another whip of the monkey. It's just that you haven't seen it." Lao Hei also launched a matchless fire with matchless knife. Those zombies seemed to be afraid of these things and retreated one after another.

"Have you met?" Ivan asked, looking at us suspiciously, as if I had done something shady with old black.

"No," old black immediately said, "no, just his little fox."

"Don't talk nonsense, run if you want to live," I shouted, waving a rat tail whip.

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