"Come on, you go first," I shouted to Ivan, pointing to the triangular gap.

"You'd better go first, in case I get stuck..." Ivan was a little afraid to try.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you're stuck, we can drag you back. If we pass by and you're stuck here, they'll come up and you'll be a live target," old black said, pointing to another wave of enemies.

"All right." Ivan threw his rifle, backpack, tactical vest and bulletproof vest down the hole, inhaled, began to drill down from the hole, got stuck in his shoulder, and old black went up and helped kick his feet. Finally, old black jumped down like a toilet. I threw two grenades at the end for a while, He also slipped from there against the wall to the next room.

When landing, Lao hei and Ivan picked me up. After stepping on my feet, I looked at the room with a flashlight. My first reaction was: "how did you get to the hospital in the base?"

The room is not big. The most conspicuous thing is an iron bed used in the hospital. The bed is also covered with white bedding, but what has fallen on it is gray. You can also see several large black traces, like dried blood, but the color is a little wrong.

Ignoring more details, we wanted to open the door and leave this place, which is both like a ward and an operating room, but when we pulled the door, we found that the door was locked from the outside.

"It's home today." Lao Hei fired several shots at the door lock, but they were bounced back. A closer look at the door looks like that in prison. Even the door frame is metal. One of the bounces hit Lao Hei's helmet and bounced to the ceiling.

But Lao Hei took out his unparalleled knife, and with a few knives in his arm, he hacked all the door locks and bolts. Only then did the three people run to the corridor.

Almost as soon as our front feet came out, there was the crash of grenades when they landed in the back room. The three booms sounded almost in no order. The air waves piled the door open heavily, hit my back, almost knocked me over, and staggered forward to stabilize my body.

I straightened up and looked at the corridor. I don't know how far the other end extends, but there are rooms on both sides. A series of numbers are also printed on the doors, and all the doors are locked from the outside.

"Flash, they're coming down." Lao Hei emptied a magazine into the triangular gap and stepped back to replace it. Ivan immediately went up with the AK74 to continue shooting, but there were a few loud noises overhead. They blew up several other channels and penetrated into this layer from many positions by using multi-point breakthrough tactics.

This area is a ward like cubicle, which is divided into a grid shape by the corridor. The corridor is clean and there is no place to hide. I had to shrink in the recess at the door of a ward and shoot at the corner of a corridor with an assault rifle. When I was busy shooting without blinking my eyelids, I suddenly felt a tight neck and was grabbed by the clothes on my shoulder, He's dragging his life into the ward.

My first reaction was the enemy, but then I felt wrong. First, I didn't hear an explosion in the ward behind me. Second, the enemy had weapons. There were iron bars separated and one foot square air windows on the door of the ward. The enemy could shoot me from here.

After judging this, I continued shooting with g36c in one hand, and touched the shoulder of the tactical vest with the other hand. Unexpectedly, I touched a hand.

The hand stretched out from the small window on the door of the ward was very cold and stiff. There were long nails on it. I couldn't get rid of my tactical vest. In a hurry, I took out the military knife from the multifunctional belt on my chest and stabbed it into the hand on my shoulder.

When ordinary people were stabbed in their hands, they must have retracted their hands immediately, but the man holding me seemed to have the temper of brother donkey. He didn't let go of his hand. I also became cruel, changed stabbing into cutting, cut off the fingers held on it several times, and finally broke free from the shackles. Several dodged and joined my companions.

Lao hei and Ivan shot in one direction respectively. I freed my hand to take off the finger from my clothes and pulled it on it. I was stunned with a flashlight. My fingers were blue and white with withered and yellow nails. The strangest thing was that the blood flowing at the fracture was black, not the red blood of normal people.

"Shit, I've seen a ghost. Is it that kind of thing?" I scolded and threw my fingers away. I thought of a monster recorded in the ghost Sutra. At the same time, I had an idea in my heart.

"Open the door," I shouted to Lao hei and Ivan, and took the lead in breaking a bolt.

"What are you doing?" they asked, but they also shot at the door lock like me, and one door was opened one after another.

"There's something in the door," I replied. I'm not sure if it's a person, so I used something instead.

Sure enough, after the doors of these ward like rooms were opened, some people in hospital clothes appeared from inside. These people seemed to walk a little stiff. When they came out, they began to attack the nearest people. For a moment, both US and Shelley's men were attacked by these things.

"It's good to fish in troubled water. Flash with me." I turned off my flashlight, carried my gun on my back, bent over and climbed up on the ground.

Lao hei and Ivan followed me and tried to keep quiet. When they passed the door of the ward, they opened the plug on the door and let more rigid humanoid monsters out.

Gunshots came from many places in the ward area. These stiff people were not afraid of knives or guns. They were hit by bullets and splashed with black blood, but they could still move normally.

In the process of climbing, these monsters were attacking us. I took out a piece of Rune paper against zombies from my leg bag with a try mood, and stuck it on its face when it bent over to catch me. This thing stopped at once, and was given the power of Rune paper there, like a statue.

"Ha ha, it's done." I'm happy, but it's strange. But now it's not the time to seek knowledge. It's business to find a place to hide while the enemy is entangled by these things.

We walked in a straight line in one direction and climbed in the dark for a long time. We carefully avoided the black intelligence zombies and Shelley's men in the ward. If we couldn't escape, we solved them with guns and amulets. It took nine cattle to escape from the ward.

Those black blood zombies seem to have just awakened, but with the increase of the number of people killed and the aggravation of the smell of blood, these black blood zombies have become more flexible and move more and more quickly.

"Well, it's safe at last. What were those just now?" old black leaned against a cabinet and took out the spare ammunition in his backpack and pinned it on the tactical vest.

"It should be a kind of zombie. Its joints are not flexible, but it's not afraid of bullets. I don't know what the Germans think. It's really sick to train such normal people who want to run when they see it," I replied.

"I'm in a hurry. If I dare to be the enemy of our great Soviet empire, I'm sure he'll never turn over." Ivan said proudly, boasting there completely regardless of historical facts.

None of us dared to turn on the flashlight and looked around with night vision instruments. It seemed to be a place like an electromechanical room. There were cabinets on the three walls, which contained all kinds of instruments and equipment I couldn't even name. With the exception of one wall, it was like a bank vault. There was a thick steel door.

"Do you want to bet? Just the diamonds you just won from shopkeeper Qian, and the gold searched by Rommel is right behind here." old black poked the round steel door with scar's muzzle and said.

"With your nonsense, if you hide so tightly, it must be those treasures," I replied. It's a pity that the drunkard is not here, but he may not be able to open this steel door here. There's no way to enter the yard for a while.

While we were panting, Lao Hei suddenly made a quiet gesture. At the same time, I heard a slight sound of footsteps approaching our hiding place.

I gestured to Lao Hei to throw a grenade. Ivan and I surrounded from the left and right, and both my companions nodded.

I climbed a section of the road with my hands and feet, listening to the position of the sound. When the grenade on the old black side landed, Ivan and I rushed up from the left and right hiding places at the same time, and locked the gun outside the explosion range, so that we could fire when the enemy was forced to transfer the position by the grenade.

However, with the explosion of grenade, I didn't see anyone coming out from behind the large row of cabinets. I was surprised, but with a burst of "Baba" footsteps, I walked out of three hell three headed dogs with Mars on their bodies, and slowly stood out of Xie Laixi's figure in the dark behind the hell dog.

"My dog has been hungry for a long time. It happened that you three fed them today." with that, the guy slowly returned to the dark shadow.

After the owner left, the three hell dogs roared and rushed up. Lao Hei did not hesitate to enter the transformation state and rushed up with an unparalleled knife. I also took out the rat tooth blade and rat tail whip from my waist to make a group with the three hell dogs' heads.

At the beginning of the fight, Ivan climbed onto an instrument cabinet more than three meters high, squatted on the top of the cabinet and shot at the bottom to interfere with the hell dogs, but the main hand to hand combat work was undertaken by me and Lao Hei.

In the face of these five hell dogs, Lao hei and I dare not take it lightly. This thing has three heads, and there is huge poison in his mouth. Lao Hei's beast constitution may be able to withstand it. If I am bitten, I must have stopped cooking on the spot.

Fortunately, I now have the artifact sent by Po in my hand. Mouse tooth blade and mouse tail whip can well restrain these evil creatures from another world.

I held the mouse tooth blade in my left hand to resist closely. The mouse tail whip in my right hand shook a whip flower, caught the head in the middle of a hell dog, threw my wrist around the other two, pressed the mouse eye jade on the whip handle, and the red demon fire burned up along the black whip. The hell dog screamed twice and was burned to ashes

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