The desert is extremely hot during the day. If we walk on the ground, it's like a steamer. We don't have to endure the cruel temperature below for the time being, but it seems that we can still feel the rolling heat wave brought by the sun reflected by the sand on the ground.

Corresponding to this extreme high temperature is the extremely spectacular scenery in the desert. Looking down from the air, all the sand dunes are arranged in a neat wave shape, like a yellow ocean that has been frozen in an instant, but there is no drop of water in the sea, instead of countless fine yellow sand.

Mi-1 light helicopter is a product of the last century, so there was no high-tech equipment such as airborne computer and GPS. We installed these things when we installed the engine and armor in our secret recipe. Ivan is staring at the GPS readings and the instruments on the aircraft to correct the flight direction and angle, so as to ensure that we fly on the "circle" found by brother donkey.

The old black seat was in the machine gun operation position on the right side of the crew cabin, chewing gum and searching for targets in the desert with his wolf like vision, but so far, the places we passed were desolate, and only occasional birds flew by in the air and kept flying away.

I was on the left side of the crew cabin, carrying a high-power thermal imaging to scan the desert below. This thing was removed from the tank and can scan the temperature of objects within a few kilometers. Now we hold it in our hands to find things with a temperature close to the human body in the desert.

I adjusted the parameters of thermal imaging, but from the screen, the following is a terrible bright red, indicating that the surface temperature is above 50 degrees. If people do not replenish water in time at this temperature, they will suffer heatstroke and dehydration soon, and may die within a few hours.

"It's probably useless," old black eyes said to me, sweeping the desert below.

"How do you know?" I reluctantly adjusted the parameters, trying to find a little light red object on a red surface, which may be human activity.

"Saif has those mercenaries, shiraisi has special forces of Libyan government forces, and they must have infrared proof things," Lao Hei reminded me.

"Yes, I didn't say it earlier." I put the thermal imaging aside, pulled out the m107a1 sniper rifle from my backpack, used the human body detection system matched with the sniper gun, began to scan the ground, and kept switching the scanning methods of human millimeter wave and heartbeat frequency, but there was no gain.

"Shit, do these people have the ability of blood dragon?" I think of the person with empty eyes, Andre and the Nightingale's children. I don't know what these people are busy with now. Are they still looking for their ancestors all over the world?

The cabin was quiet all the time. Only the sound of the engine and propeller was torturing our ears until Ivan, who was sitting in the cab watching the GPS driving the plane, suddenly shouted, "look ahead."

I immediately poked my head out of the cabin. The whistling wind made my face ache. If I hadn't worn goggles, I wouldn't be able to open my eyes.

Looking in the direction Ivan said, at the end of the line of sight, where the blue sky is connected with the sand sea, there is a rolling yellow line. When I picked up the telescope, I scolded my mother. I thought that I really didn't look at the imperial calendar when I went out, and didn't say if I didn't find the target. I also encountered one of the most terrible extreme weather in the desert - sandstorm.

The climate in desert areas is changeable, and sandstorm is a kind of natural disaster that often occurs. It can be clearly seen from the telescope that a yellow sand wall is moving at a high speed in our direction, which is the moving position of the yellow sand wrapped by the wind.

This sand storm can blow hundreds of tons of sand into the sky. With the weakening of the wind, it falls to the ground dozens of kilometers away and becomes a new sand dune. In this process, the whole village can even be swallowed up with yellow sand. Many ancient cities and oasis civilizations in the desert are destroyed by this natural disaster, so the people in the desert are called yellow devils.

At the sight of the rolling yellow sand formation, we were all stupid. Ivan didn't need to command. He immediately operated the helicopter and began to pull up, because the biggest threat in the sandstorm was the large sand grains or small pieces of gravel at the bottom, and these things were relatively heavy. After pulling up, we could make it past the most dangerous height.

The maximum flying height of the "hare" light helicopter is 3500 meters. It is not completely out of the height of the storm. The fast sandstorm will arrive at us in half an hour, but this height is only a fine dust layer, so we can just keep the engine from stopping because of excessive dust absorption. Don't worry about the rest.

The strong air flow wrapped in powdered yellow dust immediately filled the cabin. I pulled up the Arab scarf around my neck to block my mouth and nose before I could breathe normally. While I was busy, I put a condom on the muzzle of m107a1. This weather is too easy to cause weapon failure. It is not easy to get such an advanced sniper rifle, I don't want to be scrapped because the barrel explodes due to sand.

While I was busy, Lao Hei seemed to see something. He pointed at the bottom of our plane and shouted, "monkey, look!"

I tightened the belt of the warhead helmet to prevent it from being blown away by the wind. The probe looked at the yellow dust under the fuselage. I couldn't see a bird at all, and I didn't know what Lao Hei told me to see.

"What? Are there any hairs?" I cried to him, my voice filtered by the headscarf covering my mouth, and it sounded like talking through the door.

"There, something flashed by just now, like a dress." Lao Hei said in a very positive tone, pointing to a lower angle in front of our fuselage.

"Clothes?" I immediately became interested. It's rare to have a resident here for dozens of miles. How can I have clothes? At the thought of this, I immediately asked Ivan to fly lower. It may be swept in the dust. If it is lower, it may be seen again.

"In this weather? Flying low? You two lunatics, Mi-1 is single shot. If the intake is blocked by too much sand dust, pray that you can catch fire again before the crash," Ivan shouted at me. However, he began to lower the altitude and fly back and forth according to my order. Lao Hei stared and looked for it in the Yellow giant marshmallow like dust under the fuselage.

"It's all right. Didn't we change the latest engine? Besides, I can't believe your technology without looking at who drives the plane?" I put a high hat on Ivan, who was happy to use it.

"There" Lao Hei suddenly patted me, reached out and pointed to a shadow parallel to his right and asked me to see it.

The shadow is like a strange bird, changing its shape with the strong wind. I can see what it is at this distance. It is not a dress as old black said, but a camouflage cloth of desert camouflage color.

I am very familiar with this camouflage cloth. It can be divided into desert, mountain and grassland according to the use area, but the function is the same. It is used to hide infantry or armored forces from aerial reconnaissance. Covering this camouflage cloth on the depression or bunker on the ground looks consistent with the surrounding environment from the air and can play a certain effect of visual deception, Although it is an old method, it has been used all the time, which is also one of the basic tactics of infantry air defense.

When Lao hei and I looked at each other, we all showed a surprise smile. This thing must be used by the other party's people and horses who came in to find the treasure. We were ready to deal with our air reconnaissance together with anti infrared leakage. Unexpectedly, we were swept away by the sudden sandstorm, wrapped in the wind and dancing in the wind, and then seen by Lao Hei with super eyesight.

If so, they must be in the direction of the sandstorm at the moment and are dealing with the trouble caused by the sandstorm. If we are fast enough and the search area is wide enough, it is likely that they have not come and rearrange their camouflage.

"Come on, come on, the diamond is coming." old black eyes shine on Ivan's pilot seat. Ivan also comes to the spirit. His small eyes under his brown eyebrows stare into the park and concentrate on flying the plane steadily in the wind and sand.

After the altitude of the aircraft decreased, some large grains of sand made a loud noise on the iron sheet of the fuselage, and some rubbed the sour friction sound of teeth, adding some more annoying ingredients to the ghost crying storm sound.

In the process of our elevation and descent, the strongest part of the sandstorm has passed us and rushed to the coast, while we are advancing towards the hinterland of the Sahara desert, turning on various instruments and looking for clues from the enemy.

With little effort this time, they directly found the busy enemy camp with a telescope. It seems that at least hundreds of them are pulling large camouflage cloth and support frame again to cover some transport and armored vehicles.

The enemy is not blind. When we saw them, the other party immediately saw us. In the telescope, I saw a guy standing on a Hummer pointing at us and shouting something. Immediately, the anti-aircraft machine guns on several armored vehicles of the other party turned around and pointed at us.

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw" I saw the other party's action from the telescope and immediately called Ivan to run. At this time, the other party's first round bullets had hit, and Lao Hei immediately began to fight back with the machine gun at the hatch. The machine gun bullets of both sides pulled out several obvious lines of fire in the air, cutting the yellow dust that had not completely dissipated in the air.

However, a cruel fact is that our firepower is obviously weaker than that of the other party. At the same time, they have four 1.27mm vehicle mounted high-level dual-purpose heavy machine guns shooting at us. In contrast, we only have one M134 or 7.62 caliber. Therefore, Ivan tried his best to avoid the other party's flight trajectory, so that he can get two shots less.

Lao Hei splashed out the bullets of machine gun M134 like water, and the fire lines drawn by the bullets were like ferrule whips, drawing arcs. In this way, we can give full play to the characteristics of high firing of six barrel machine guns. The other side was afraid to look up when the dense bullets swept. The firing speed of 2000 rounds per minute was very high, and we mixed some special ammunition, such as composite armor piercing ammunition, armor piercing incendiary ammunition, etc, We blew up several light jeeps, but there was nothing we could do about those tanks and armored vehicles. We had to speed up and escape from each other's fire range.

When the two sides entered the sight of each other's telescopes, we began to exchange fire. After confirming that it was the person we were looking for, we immediately withdrew. The whole process was very short. The small "hare" had good mobility and was soon out of the range of the other party's anti-aircraft machine gun.

But before we were happy, we saw two large pieces of camouflage cloth on the other side's position, revealing the covered helicopter. Then we saw that the propellers of the two helicopters began to rotate, rolled up a stream of yellow sand, and slowly took off to catch up with us

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