Although there was only one, it still brought us a lot of trouble. Ivan slammed the steering wheel and drove an S-shape on the not spacious road to avoid the fire pouring from the helicopter. Both of our cars carry stinger anti-aircraft missiles, but every time we lock each other's helicopter with active radar, it will lower its height, cover itself with tree tops, and attack us with machine guns and uncontrolled rockets from time to time.

"Shit, this guy is too slippery." Lao Hei tried several times without locking, and the stinger is an active tracking individual air defense missile. It takes about 6 seconds for the shooter to keep tracking the target and activate the missile. It can't work without locking the infrared characteristics of the other party.

"Is there any way? Brothers?" old black turned to us with a missile on his shoulder.

Before we could make a sound, the donkey in the front car shouted to us on the walkie talkie: "monkey, this is the rain forest, with bees..."

"Yes," I cried in surprise. Unlike the advanced Apache, this old-fashioned female deer uses pilots to observe and lock the target directly. As long as it interferes with their line of sight, everything is easy to say. And in order to avoid our missiles, they always fly at the height of the treetops. If they fly high, I really can't help it. Today, we'll have an insect control skill to interfere with the helicopter.

Immediately, I calmly began to search for flying insects around. Because we were walking on the road in the rainforest, there must be a lot of bees and wasps nearby, and the number was very large. I immediately summoned some and circled in front of the flight path of the helicopter.

"Ah? Are you going to sting them with bees? Are you crazy?" the old black eyes stared at the front of the helicopter and said to the swarms of yellow fog.

"I can't sting them, but I can paste their face so that they can't see," I said proudly.

The speed of the helicopter was very fast. These insects met on the front glass and were smashed one after another. Each insect was smashed. It was a point the size of a finger belly. Soon, the two pieces of bulletproof glass were covered with insect bodies. The pilots sitting in the cab lost their sight.

They also immediately realized that something was wrong. They could not see the situation in front. In this way, it was easy to crash into a tall forest. At that time, they immediately pulled up and wanted to escape, but old black gave a grim smile, firmly locked the infrared characteristics of the engine with a poison thorn, and hit the missile out by pressing the launch button.

The missile first starts the booster engine and ejects the launch tube to protect the shooter from the impact of rocket exhaust. Then it expands the four folded tail wings and separates the booster engine. After maintaining the flight state for more than ten meters, the main engine began to work. After the missile flew into the sky, it drew a beautiful arc and hit the side of the other party's armed helicopter at Mach 2.2. Then we watched the other party's helicopter tail catch fire, spin and fall into the woods and explode into a fireball.

"Oh yeah" Lao Hei cheered and threw the stinger launcher into the rear compartment of the car. Our party got rid of each other's pursuit, hid the assault car and hid in a large mountainous area in Northwest Congo.

Even if they searched here, it would take time. We found a place to throw Saif on the ground and sprayed him with a fragrant antidote on his upper lip. After a few breaths, Saif woke up. When he opened his eyes, he saw a row of people standing in front of him, struggling for a few times and opening his mouth to scold.

We robbed Saif from the military camp. On the way, Zhuma's round black eyes always stared at him with hatred. She was going to jump up and stab him twice. The drunkard stopped her several times. This time, as soon as Saif scolded, the drunkard released the struggling Zhuma. The latter jumped up and bit Saif's head without a knife or gun.

Although Zhuma was only thirteen or fourteen years old, she moved her mouth with Tyson's demeanor. With a vicious bite, she directly bit off half of Saif's ear. From that mouth, the sound of brittle bones being bitten off reminds me of eating shredded ears in mixed vegetables, but she won't make her mouth full of blood when eating shredded ears.

Saif screamed when he was bitten and twisted his body like a fish out of the water, but his hands and feet were tied and he couldn't resist. The only active head didn't dare to work hard for fear of tearing his ears off his head.

Zhuma shook her head, forced her cheeks, and the muscles on her face trembled. "Poof" vomited out half of the ear she bit in her mouth. The second bite directly ran down Saif's neck. Looking at this posture, biting off her ear did not dispel her hatred. She had to drink two mouthfuls of blood to have fun.

Lao Hei stepped forward, grabbed his clothes, brought back the Pearl and threw it to the drunkard. It hasn't been judged yet. Don't bite us to death.

Saif gasped for breath. He looked at us with hatred and wanted to scold again. The drunkard loosened his hand and tried to let go of Everest. Saif was so frightened that he immediately shut his mouth.

"Well, that's just right. You can say whatever you ask. Don't put any useless farts, or we'll let go of the little guy and give him a knife. You'll think about the consequences yourself," old black pointed to Zhuma.

"What do you want to ask?" Saif said quickly with his eyes turned.

"The guy with dark eyes and no white eyes who listens to classical music on the battlefield, don't say you don't know him." I gestured on my side with my hand, indicating that he was not tall.

"Lord Xie Laixi" Saifu has no intention to hide. He seems to have made a good posture of saying what he has, but this kind of person can help evil spirits. He can't be worse. God knows if he pretends to be like this.

"Well, yes, that's Shelley. What do you know about him?" I asked, staring into his eyes.

"I don't know. We only do what he tells us and don't know anything else," Saif flatly denied, but it's a little hard to say whether it's true or false.

"Forget it, put on the vomit and hypnosis," said old black, spreading his hands. His face looked like he had lost his patience. Ivan nodded his head next to him. They were the most impatient of all.

"No, I just used incense containing technique on the open ground. In order to Daze some people, I have consumed the power of Mei technique and have to rest for a few days before I can use hypnosis." San Mei shook her head and said, now I have to think of another way, because only spitting solid agent does not necessarily guarantee the effect.

"Hey, hey, let's use primitive means. I like it best." Lao Hei rubbed his hands and looked forward to it. This guy must want to torture Saif. He likes it best. Although Jin Lihua is also good at torture, it's just for the needs of the task, not like it. But Lao Hei can find his own fun from torturing others, and it's also a wonderful hobby.

"Let me come," interrupted Zhuma, who had been silent.

"You?" several of our adults asked a question in a rising tone.

Juma pointed to seif lying on the ground and said, "we have learned how to treat prisoners, and he has demonstrated it to us himself."

"Oh?" we all expressed our surprise with a higher rising tone. We thought it was interesting. The apprentice was going to fight the master, although the master didn't have any good intentions at the beginning.

"All right." we all nodded with interest.

Juma reached out to ask the drunkard for a knife, but after receiving the drunkard's military stab, she looked at it and felt that it was strange and useless. She handed it back and replaced Ivan's ordinary military knife.

Saifu looked at Zhuma with a knife and walked towards him step by step with fear. It was like a woman who saw a sex wolf walking towards her, and their body size was not proportional at all. One was an orphan with all his relatives dead and nothing, and the other was a rebel commander with tens of thousands of people at the top, but the contrast in the gas field was particularly sharp at the moment.

Zhuma went to Saifu, squatted down slightly, turned Saifu's back up and face down, sat on his legs, pressed the knee socket, pointed the Achilles tendon above his heel with the tip of the knife and said, "I remember you said that the broken hamstring is right here."

With that, he stabbed Saif without waiting for Saif to answer. Saif shouted loudly, and the sound made the birds flutter and fly up to the sky.

"Do you remember the prisoners you killed in front of us? You said they were enemies of the country. You can be cruel to them, can't you? You also said that the meat knife here hurts the most, but it can't be too deep, otherwise it will hurt the artery and you won't have to play. I remember all these." Zhuma's tone was like a pupil reciting the text to the teacher, But his hand movements were not so gentle. He pierced Saif's camouflage pants with a knife and cut back and forth on the tender meat inside his thigh with the sawtooth of the vice blade of the military knife.

Seif must now hate why he taught these things to a child, and then he killed his only family. The most terrible people in the world are those who have no way back. But he had no time to think about it now, because the pain had occupied his whole brain. Saif's body stretched out very straight, kept twisting, and hit his head on the ground to knock himself out.

"Tut tut" shopkeeper Qian said to Saifu in a sympathetic tone, "tell us if you want to move, or we'll throw you to this little guy for half an hour, and you'll think about the consequences yourself."

"Half an hour, will it be too long? It's estimated that it's all cut into pieces." old black smiled heartlessly, and even meant to help.

As we talked, Zhuma changed another method and burned Saif's lower Yin with a lighter. Lao hei and Ivan finally couldn't help but help. They pressed Saif and didn't let him move. After a while, there was a smell of burnt hair, including the smell of roast meat. It was like we were cannibals and were preparing to roast Saif.

Even with the knife and fire, Lao Hei finally took some cruel measures. Saif finally couldn't resist all the moves and told him everything he knew about the dwarf evil spirit. We were afraid that he would lie. We put him to sleep with potion and asked him again with vomit. The contents of the two times were the same. Then we believed the truth of his words.

But seif is only a subordinate of the evil spirit after all. His knowledge is very limited. We still need to further investigate and analyze

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