"Get up!" they shouted and threw me into the smelly river. I quickly closed my eyes, held my breath, plumped into the black smelly water, put my head out of the water, touched some mud from the bottom of the river and fell on the two guys.

"Fuck, you guy," the two were stuck with mud and jumped with anger. I began to swim happily along the water. Although it was smelly water, I had to bear my own ideas.

Brother donkey is a scholar. We wanted him to stay here and wait for us, but this guy had to follow when he heard of his special treatment. He really admired his stubbornness. In order to fight for breath, such smelly water would jump in.

The river was deep and shallow. We also swam section by section. On the way, we met several rebels who threw things at the river. We were all stuck in the water until they passed before we dared to move on.

The first two times he threw away the domestic garbage from the barracks, but the third time, Lao Hei suddenly stopped and whistled to me to stop.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"There's a smell of blood," said old black, twitching his nose.

"Where is there?" I learned from him and smoked my nose twice, but I couldn't smell anything except the disgusting smell.

"Over there" old black stretched out his hand and pointed to the direction in which something had just fallen into the water.

"Take a look, it's still early anyway," and we swam over.

When I swam to the river, I found a corpse, and a female corpse, which seemed to have been tortured by gang rape, and there were wounds everywhere.

"These guys are really animals" old black scolded angrily.

"Come on, animals will come to no good end. We still have something to do," I said angrily.

This time, without stopping, we went directly to the East Third camp, but it still took some effort to get close, because the camp was surrounded by barbed wire, and a wooden tower was built near the river, on which searchlights were sweeping back and forth.

I slipped my head out of the water and watched the huge spot of the searchlight sweep to the position. I was about to go ashore and was pulled by Lao Hei.

"What?" I immediately picked up the gun.

"Someone" Lao Hei gently pointed to a bush above the river embankment, but I didn't find anything after looking for a long time.

Lao Hei pointed to the top of the tower and motioned me to wait for the searchlight to sweep over.

Sure enough, when the searchlight swept back, it showed a figure behind the bush. He was lying behind the Bush, facing the barracks and facing us with his back. He didn't know what he was doing.

The man focused all his attention on the front, and there was no guard behind him, or he didn't realize that someone dared to swim up from such smelly water, so he didn't realize our existence at all.

"What's the origin of this man?" we all looked at each other and were a little confused.

At this time, a slight shutter sound told us the answer. This person is either a spy who came to spy on the camp situation or a reporter who doesn't want to die for the news. I think the latter is more likely, because the equipment used by spies generally doesn't make sound.

This guy didn't know whether he thought there was no one around, or he wanted to take two pictures and leave. The shutter kept making a noise. I vaguely felt that something was going to happen, because the sound was too far away, I might not hear it, but it was easy to attract others' attention when the lens reflected the light of the searchlight.

Sure enough, the shutter rang for dozens of times. After that, the searchlight suddenly stopped scanning back and forth, but hit the light spot to the bushes. Moreover, the machine gun on the tower also turned around, the muzzle of the gun was facing the bushes, and two soldiers came out from behind the fortifications under the tower and went straight to the Tibetan bushes.

"This guy is going to be unlucky." we were all aware of this problem, and the people in the bushes themselves saw that they might be exposed and scolded "shit!" listening to the voice, she was still a woman. At the same time, the woman stepped back a little. We saw her wearing a baseball cap from the back with golden hair on the back of her head.

Shopkeeper Qian made a gesture to me to save the man. I nodded. It must be necessary, otherwise the woman would not get away from the body just now. After gang rape and abuse, she threw the body into the river.

But in this way, today is in vain. There are so many people on the other side. They can't kill all of them silently. After making a noise, they can't find the clue of little Zhuma, but there are priorities. If we don't do it, the woman can't live for 24 hours.

I mounted a sniper rifle and pointed up to signal me to deal with the searchlight and heavy machine gun. Lao Hei gathered a high explosive grenade in the fn40gl under scar and pointed horizontally to signal him to deal with the enemy behind the fortification.

When they came over, the two gave it to shopkeeper Qian. I pointed to the woman and made a gesture to the drunkard and brother donkey. After shooting, they controlled the woman first. They were scared to run around. We didn't have time to catch her back. The rebels would rush out as soon as the gun rang. We had to turn around and run before we had a chance to escape.

The two rebel soldiers were getting closer and closer to the bush. The diameter of the searchlight was more than one meter, and the bright light spot was still there. We could even see the woman trembling with fear and the smell of the bush. We could see that she also knew that once it fell into the hands of these people, there would be no good end.

"Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters,... Do it" shopkeeper Qian gave a low drink, and we pulled the trigger according to the objectives we had divided in advance.

With a "bang" shot, I burst the glass cover of the searchlight, lit a spark, and the light went out instantly. I immediately translated the muzzle and shot the heavy machine gun operator with the help of thermal imaging.

With a "pass" sound from the old black side, he shot out the killing grenade that had set the detonation distance, exploded above the other side's fortification, and turned it over to a guy hiding behind.

Shopkeeper Qian's hk23 also sounded at the same time. He beat two rebels approaching the Bush and burst several blood flowers on their chest. After shaking his body a few times, he fell to the ground like a sack full of potatoes.

Brother donkey and the drunkard also approached the secretly photographed woman. Brother donkey walked up from behind her and opened her mouth just about to speak. The woman was first discovered by the rebels, and then startled by the sudden sound of gunfire and explosion. She was in a state that she could pee her pants at any time. She heard footsteps behind, jumped up and screamed. She held a SLR camera with a long lens in her left hand, He punched brother donkey with his right hand.

Brother donkey was going to remind him. Unexpectedly, the woman was frightened and bit when she saw people. She was hit on the nose with a hard fist. She immediately covered her mouth and couldn't speak.

The drunkard immediately dodged in front of brother donkey. The woman raised her legs and kicked the drunkard in the shade. It seems that she has learned some simple women's self-defense skills. When she came up, she attacked the most vulnerable part of the man with a houseless leg.

But the drunkard is not as easy to deal with as brother donkey. He uses the scabbard army stab as a short stick, stabs it obliquely downward and points it on the front muscle group of the woman's thigh. The woman eats pain and retracts her legs. The drunkard points another back hand on her ribs. The woman immediately bends down in pain.

"We... Saved you," brother donkey finally rubbed his nose and said vaguely.

"What?" the woman straightened up and asked. It seems that the drunkard's hands have spared strength, otherwise it would not be so easy to stab the ribs.

"We're here..." brother donkey wanted to explain our origin to her here.

"Don't be fucking wordy, tell her to follow us if she doesn't want to die." Lao Hei interrupted brother donkey's nagging, shot and killed several soldiers coming out of the barracks, and shopkeeper Qian's light machine gun began to shoot. I started shooting at the vehicles parked in the barracks, exploding seven or eight car fuel tanks in one breath, replacing them with armor piercing incendiary bombs and detonating a gasoline barrel next to the vehicle, Taking advantage of the enemy to avoid explosions and flames, he took his teammates back to the river behind him.

"What? Come here, no, no, I'm not going down," cried the woman in the baseball cap, shaking her head. After getting closer to me, I smelled the heavy sweat on her. She should have been lurking in the bushes for a long time.

"Yes, you can stay here," I said. I touched a condom from my pocket and gave it to her. It is used by us to protect the barrel from sand. Everyone will take some with him.

"What are you doing?" the woman looked puzzled.

"Put it on those who raped you. Many of them are HIV carriers. Oh, one may not be enough." I swayed and took out my pocket.

"OK, OK, I'll go" was gang raped and HIV, so that the woman finally put the camera in her bag and jumped into the sewage river.

"Are you very persuasive?" old black said to me before he retreated to the river and jumped into the river.

"Hey, hey, little idea, women, it's good to coax and scare." I showed a very sinister smile and jumped into the river.

On the other side of the sewage river is a patch of tropical rain forest. After we got ashore, we fled in. The rebels fired dozens of mortars in the direction of our escape and stopped. They sent a lot of infantry to chase after us. Shopkeeper Qian carried the woman we saved and the drunkard took care of brother donkey. Lao hei and I arranged a lot of anti infantry anti personnel mines behind us, After blowing up several people, no one dared to chase after them. After running for more than an hour, they were all dumped by us.

The continuous galloping in the rain forest is very tiring, especially when there are shells, bullets and pursuers behind. After we are sure that it is safe, we all lean on the tree and gasp to recover our anoxic body and brain.

"Who are you?" the woman was carried by shopkeeper Qian all the way. Her face was not red and breathless. She was smelling. Her beautiful blond hair was stained with sand and some green algae.

"Tell me who you are first," I said after taking my breath away.


"Beauty, just because we just risked our lives to save you, and my brother ran behind you for more than an hour," old black said with a smile. After listening to him, I looked carefully. I really looked good. At least I had a big chest, but I was discounted by the appearance of dirty things all over. After washing white, I should be a good blonde.

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