It's no use just thinking about these questions. We have to find answers one by one, or when the time is ripe, the answers will be revealed automatically. What we have to do is to fight the enemy and live until that time.

Because we were afraid that the other party would find another way, we couldn't stay in the same place for too long. After a short rest, we continued to March, bypassed the isolated peak and entered the tundra. The temperature here suddenly dropped. We put on cold proof clothes, walked for more than 20 hours, got off the snow peak and stopped to rest at the junction of glacier and mountain.

Between the glacier and the mountain, there was a big cavity washed out by the snow on the top of the mountain. We slept in it. Although it was cold, it was very hidden, which met our current needs.

After resting and eating, everyone recovered some strength. Brother donkey, San Mei, Lao Hei, shopkeeper Qian and I began to discuss what to do next. The current situation is that we have crossed the place where mouse people gather on the map and should be close to their main nest. However, with the participation of so many mouse people and kunba, it is useless even if we find the nest. We will die if we go in. We have to find another way.

"Find the nest and blow them up." Lao Hei said eight words, which made us shake our heads together. It would be so simple.

"We have to kill the kunba group first. They work together, and we can't afford it." shopkeeper Qian put forward a more pragmatic view. Everyone nodded. We can deal with any of these two groups, but they work together, with guns far away and rats near, which is really troublesome.

Brother donkey kept silent, looked up at the glacier on the top and asked sol, "how many explosives do you need to destroy this glacier?"

Saul calculated in his mind and replied, "not too much. It's the season of glacier melting. It's a fragile and unstable time. A small amount of explosives will cause a chain reaction."

Brother donkey nodded, "as I thought, we can lead them here and bury them with the glaciers here. If it's harder, we can make avalanches."

"It's the same way you used to deal with that, sleepy animals," old black pointed at me.

"Brother, please, it's called nightmare beast. It's also a nightmare. I think you've left too much. Your memory is declining."

"Oh, yes, nightmare, I remember wrong, ha ha" Lao Hei scratched his head awkwardly, while Jin Lihua kissed beside him.

That night, we looked for a place to sleep in the water flow alluvial cave in the glacier. Although it was a little cold, it was relatively safe. The glacier was very large, and there were a large number of channels from the alluvial melting of snow water at the bottom. These channels were circuitous and complex. Even if we looked for them, we had to look for them for half a day.

We set up alarms and anti evil symbols at the bifurcation points of several water-soluble channels, and then shrink into an ice cave with a large area for the night. Lao Hei's sleeping bag has high scientific and technological content and can generate heat with paper batteries. Lao Hei took his own to Taotao, and then squeezed it into a sleeping bag with Jinlihua. He touched Jinlihua before going to bed, It's honest to get a slap in the end.

As usual, we had to take turns to watch, but there are hard rocks under us here. Unless those people can drill through the ice layer more than ten meters thick, they can't come in without touching our alarm, so I asked everyone to sleep. It's difficult to survive the extreme environment of the plateau after several days of mountain roads and fierce fighting, Everyone needs sleep to replenish their energy and spirit.

Everyone found a place to lie down. I turned the light of the camp light to the darkest and could only shine a few feet between them. Because I was too tired, there was a slight snoring in less than five minutes.

When I slept until midnight, I suddenly woke up without warning. I found that Sanmei next to me was also looking at the ice above my head with big eyes and a very serious expression.

"What's the matter?" I asked softly.

Sanmei didn't answer me directly, but asked, "have you seen the split body of the rat demon fairy, with snow-white beard, triangular face, blood red round eyes, jade complexion and kind look."

"Eh, yes, that's right. That's right. How do you know?"

Sanmei didn't answer, but motioned me to look up at the ice wall.

When I woke up, I was sleeping on my side. I turned my head and looked in the direction indicated by Sanmei. Suddenly, I was so scared that I almost cried out. I saw a glowing face in the light blue ice wall. Carefully, it was the look of the mouse demon fairy.

My first reaction was to touch the symbol with a gun, but then I stopped, because I found that this face was not an entity, but just a one meter square illusion appeared in the ice, just like the ice layer was a large embedded LCD screen.

Soon after the illusion appeared, everyone felt the change of light one after another. Lao Hei, who had the intuition of wild animals, woke up, followed everyone and opened his eyes. He found the face of the mouse demon fairy in the ice wall. Peach was scared and almost cried out. In the dark, I saw her holding brother donkey nearby, shaking all over her body. It seemed that she was extremely afraid.

The demon fairy illusion in the ice seemed to see us and began to speak with a mouth the size of a washbasin.

"Hide here and think I can't find you?"

Seeing that the ice wall was just an illusion, I relaxed a little. It should be a trick made by the demon fairy with magic power. I don't think it would be very powerful, otherwise it would kill us all while we were still sleeping.

"What are you going to do? Can't you let my family go?" peach was the first to speak. She was crying and had a pleading tone.

"Little cute, of course, as long as you promise me one thing"

"What do you promise? Haven't you got the rat fur coat?"

"Oh, that's only part. As long as you promise me, I'll let the rest of your family go. How about it?"

"Promise you what?" peach listens to the tone, unexpectedly has the tendency to agree.

"If you follow my people, you will naturally..."

"Don't listen to it, you'll die." I interrupted the mouse demon fairy.

"Hum, do you think you can live in this way? Tell you, hand her over and I'll let you live, or I'll throw you to my disciples and grandchildren and gnaw on them for a few days when I catch you. What's the matter? Do you want to try?"

"Fuck, old goblin, you scare me. You have the seed to put your horse here."

"Call me a goblin. Why isn't that beautiful woman sleeping next to you? Unfortunately, her blood is impure and she's a fox. Otherwise, I can consider marrying her. I'm a little moved."

At this moment, everyone has recovered from the initial shock. Lao Hei grinned at his words: "fuck, dead mouse, you're late. This beautiful woman is already my sister-in-law. Wait for them to have another daughter. You can be the door-to-door son-in-law."

"Don't be bullshit. It's older than my grandfather's grandfather. I don't want it to be a son-in-law." I shook my head and gestured to everyone to get up, because the phantom of the demon fairy can appear here, indicating that it knows our location. It is estimated that rat man and kunba are coming here.

"Hum, you are arrogant." the mouse demon fairy's face changed into a cruel expression: "do you really think I can't hurt you?"

"Fuck, you can do whatever you can. I'm afraid you can't do it."

The face of the rat demon fairy in the ice wall stopped talking and stopped for a few seconds. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and shouted.

We were startled by its exaggerated action. We thought it was Kunlun rat howling, which would break our eardrum.

But all this didn't make a sound, it didn't shout, or it didn't shout what we could hear.

Shortly after the end of its action, with a slight but continuous sound of breaking, small broken lines cracked on the top of the head and the ice walls on all sides, followed by some ice pieces the size of fingernails, which began to fall sporadically.

"It's over." I tightened my heart and shouted, "this place is going to collapse."

The people were immediately dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, the mouse demon fairy was so powerful that the mountain like glacier could crack inch by inch. We immediately turned over and jumped up, ran away in the roar of the demon fairy phantom in the ice wall and in the crumbling glacier.

Experiencing this scene inside the glacier feels like being in a dangerous house in an earthquake, even more terrible. After all, the earthquake will not shake the whole house into fist sized pieces, but the glacier will.

When the first broken ice hit my helmet, it only made a slight "Dong", but the second time it became a "bang". After the "bang" sound became a piece, everyone couldn't bear it.

"Fuck, this is going to bury us alive." I don't know who shouted in the confusion.

"Up, the ice above is smaller." I heard the voice of brother donkey.

Then, before we ran 30 meters, the glacier completely collapsed. The glacier that thought it could protect us has now become a nightmare frozen grave to bury us all.

The broken ice wrapped the cold air and wrapped me face to face. A large number of broken ice debris flows rolled us down the mountain.

At the moment, I am like a fruit thrown into a smoothie machine. With the broken ice rolling involuntarily, the ice scraps are all over my body and face. I protect my eyes with my hands to prevent being scratched, but I still have many small scratches on my hands. During the rolling process, broken ice continues to get into my clothes and turn into water, taking away a lot of my body temperature. Some large and small pieces of ice kept beating on me, small as a finger belly, big as a football, with different strength. Some knocked "bang bang" on the helmet, and some beat me with abdominal pain. I felt that I was being surrounded and beaten by a group of people of all ages.

At the beginning, I fought twice, but soon found that it was futile. Human strength seemed very poor in front of these hundreds of tons of big things. I simply relaxed my body and focused on protecting my head, face, backpack and gun. I don't know why a sentence came out of my mind: "if you can't resist, then relax and enjoy..."

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