Wipe out the fingerprints, throw away the gun, find a corner to hide in Vietnam and help them all leave before we dare to get out of the chaotic airport hall. If you are a good man, you don't dare to ask the special police for credit. They say we beat away the guys who came to make trouble. These are all here to kill us. Don't mention that some of us use false identities. If the police call zhener to check carefully, it must be revealed.

We took advantage of the chaos and left Toronto to fly to other cities. We changed several flights on the way back to Beijing. After getting off the plane, our eyes were black.

When the exhausted us appeared in front of our companions already waiting at home, their reactions were different.

Sanmei gave me a warm hug and kiss with heartache, and then said, "a pool of mud, how are you so tired?"

Lao Hei said with a bad smile, "I guess I'm tired of picking wild flowers outside". The sea snake and sol who came with him immediately agreed.

Shopkeeper Qian shook his head: "the dead monkey is not you. It's estimated that he won't pick wild flowers. Based on my understanding of him, it's probably because of too much bad water and excessive brain use."

Jin Lihua immediately agreed: "yes, it's the most kind of the shopkeeper. It's very reasonable."

When we talked, we hugged one by one, and hit our fists with Lao hei and shopkeeper Qian. They have stayed abroad for a long time, and they both like to play this game. Shaking hands or something seems to be born.

Shopkeeper Qian's hand is still so hard tied, like an iron pimple. Old black's hand is also very strong, almost like mine.

In addition to drunkards, we have cooperated many times before. We are very familiar with each other, so we don't need to introduce too much. We all teased each other and farted a few words to show our missing feelings.

"Monkey, do you want to get married with your sister-in-law? Go and practice the third charm?"

"I'm afraid not. Look at the monkey. If you fall asleep halfway through the practice, your sister-in-law can't kill him."

"Don't talk about me. I haven't seen you for so long. How many times have you been smoked by sister-in-law Lihua because you are romantic everywhere?"

"Cut, blow, how dare a dead woman beat me? Oh, I'll just say that. Why do you do it again? In front of so many people, be careful I'll clean you up."

"Come on, believe it or not, I'll show you the video of the last rape arrest?"

"Hey, what, monkey? Look, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Find a place to drink and chat. What are you talking about with these women? Long hair and short insight"

"There's no time to drink. We're too busy. In the final analysis, it's thanks to you. You don't forget to find something for me to do when you go to KTV for a flower wine." after that, I told my companions what I know so far.

Hundreds of years ago, there was a mouse demon fairy in Kunlun Mountain who saved a man with his own fur coat. The man didn't return the mouse fur coat. The demon fairy was very angry and the consequences were very serious. The Taotao family was retaliated by him. It has been bad luck for so many years. Now the mouse fur coat has come into kunba's hands again. We must find a way to prevent kunba from making any trade with the demon fairy with the mouse fur coat, Otherwise, the Taotao family will continue to have bad luck for generations. If we don't say it, we can't get rid of our relationship.

"Hey, it's not easy. The shopkeeper asked Dr. Shi, who is not good at cattle, to process some weapons and ammunition for us. Aren't you also ready to transport them to Kunlun Mountain and do a big job with him? Aren't you a refined mouse? Afraid of hair, Mr. Black cut off his head with a matchless knife to see if he is still good?" old black waved his arm and shouted, This guy has been a mercenary for a long time. He likes to solve problems in the most direct and violent way. With his current character, it is estimated that he can blow up the ticket office if he buys a Spring Festival train ticket.

"No, it's far from that simple." San Mei shook her head and said, "the demon fairy can turn ordinary mice into human shapes with her own mouse hair. She must have practiced for a long time. It's definitely not so easy to deal with."

"Even the evil spirits dare not collect the peach soul, which shows the problem. The evil spirits dare not move the demon fairy. It would be better if we have a Bao to support us, but brother Bao seems to have disappeared again. We can't expect this man to come and go without a trace. We have to figure out how to settle these things by ourselves."

"Let's go and meet the peach and the stubborn donkey's girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend. She's really just a friend. Monkeys can testify."

"Come to me to testify? You're kidding. I saw you drink all the soup cooked by others with my own eyes. I don't know anything else."

Lao hei and shopkeeper Qian immediately shouted, "roar, stubborn donkey, you're finished. You can't wash the Yellow River."

"Yes, I asked a monkey to testify to you. You really don't know him. He has always been a kind of perjury. He can fool you out if he has nothing to do."

"Hey, hey, how do you two talk? Monkey master, how kind I am. Let you talk like Qin Hui."

"Well, apart from not betraying the country and betraying your brothers, you don't seem to be much different from Qin Hui."

"Fuck you"

Everyone laughed for a while, called out Taotao, almond dew and others, and found a hotel private room to have dinner together. At first, the atmosphere was harmonious until an embarrassing episode happened.

When they took their seats, almond dew and peach sat down across several empty seats. They didn't know how so coincidentally. They seemed to have rehearsed. At the same time, they shouted to brother donkey and even shouted the same: "come, little donkey, come and sit down."

Originally, everyone was arguing and chatting. After the two women said this sentence together, the private room suddenly calmed down. Everyone looked at brother donkey with seven points of sympathy and three points of curiosity to see which side he sat next to.

Brother donkey was also stupid. It was estimated that it would be good to have half of his IQ of 180. He stood there and looked at almond dew to the left and peach to the right. He suddenly showed an expression of embarrassment. Finally, he turned his eyes to me for help.

Although I usually like to make fun of him, I have to help him out at this critical time. No, I quickly said that men should boast and drink. It's best to sit next to each other. Women like to talk about clothes, shoes and cosmetics. It's best to sit together and talk about convenience.

Almond dew and peach looked at each other and saw something from each other's eyes. Peach took the lead in moving his eyes and nodded. Brother donkey took a breath and gave me a grateful look. I looked back with sympathy and thought it was the most difficult to accept beauty's kindness. You two beautiful girls are in trouble in the future.

With this awkward beginning, it was strange to rectify the atmosphere of the meal until we talked about the results of Daniel's divination with tarot cards.

Thinking of what Daniel said that day, I picked up the wine, stood up and said to all my companions: "Everyone, as predicted, our enemy will be unprecedentedly strong this time. There is no doubt that this trip will be very difficult. However, this is not the reason for us to retreat. We want to fight against evil. Whether he is an evil spirit or a demon fairy, we can't let us give in. With Daniel's words in divination, I wish our just chariot invincible! Cheers"

My lover, my brother, all the companions who are about to embark on the journey, get up and say in unison: "cheers"

No matter whether the glass was red, beer or white, everyone drank it in one gulp, and the atmosphere finally turned from dull to warm. Jin Lihua talked about the embarrassing story of Lao Hei going out to cheat and being killed by her, which almost made us laugh and lie on the ground. Lao Hei's face was as purple as pig's liver. He was so angry that he scolded: "dead woman, if you scare him twice, you have to scare us sick."

After talking about Lao Hei's affair, shopkeeper Qian talked about some things they did in the super suicide hunting group. With the new liquid silver bullet and the Buddha light bullet that can be processed in large quantities, their ability to deal with vampires and individual werewolves has been greatly strengthened, which can be done easily.

Finally, we talked about the children. The three little guys kept fighting every day, and the White Wolf of the old black family always changed. My son Xiaoqi hypnotized other children when he had nothing to do, or called a lot of insects to climb everywhere. The son of shopkeeper Qian, Xiao tietou, is now almost as strong as an ordinary adult. How can these three children go to kindergarten if they grow up a little It's all a problem. An ordinary nanny is estimated to have to scare away in two days, and the three of us have to take turns to bring it.

As we were leaving for Qinghai tomorrow, we didn't drink too much, and everyone had a good time. When almond dew said goodbye to everyone at the door of the hotel, she took a meaningful look at brother donkey and left without saying anything, but I guess what she wanted to say was expressed by her eyes. As for whether she could understand, it depends on whether brother donkey's EQ is as high as his IQ ???

Back to the hotel, naturally, he practiced the third charm technique with San Mei. Lao hei and Jin Lihua didn't have time to see the meaning. It was bitter. Shopkeeper Qian, who slept in the middle of our two rooms, knocked on me and old blackhead the next morning to show revenge.

This time, we are three off-road vehicles with all kinds of equipment and materials. There are not many weapons and ammunition, because it is very troublesome to be found on the road, and the ones provided by Dr. Shi are being smuggled by someone else, which can only be received in Qinghai.

Driving all the way to Qinghai, the road is safe. With our current lineup, even if we encounter kunba, we won't be afraid. It's really the rhythm of people blocking killing and evil spirits blocking killing evil spirits.

In the first car are me, Lao Hei, Sanmei and Jinlihua, in the middle car are shopkeeper Qian, brother donkey and peach, and in the last car are Ivan, drunkard, sea snake and sol. Our group of 11 people crossed Hoh Xil Nature Reserve from Qinghai boundary according to the last route, headed east at National Highway 109 and came to Kunlun mountain pass.

We didn't rush in here, but waited for the smuggled arms to arrive. The border line here is very long, and most of them are in mountainous areas, so it's easy to smuggle. We waited for about a day and a half and received more than a dozen large bags of arms and materials.

There was a checkpoint at the mountain pass. We didn't dare to open it. Brother donkey opened the road with a guide card. Where we couldn't, we stuffed red envelopes, passed the mountain pass and entered the last chinatai swamp.

Here, we have assembled all the weapons, and each person has enough ammunition. These bullets, grenades and sabres have been processed by Dr. Shi with optical instruments, which have the same effect as the relic radiation. I believe they can deal with those rats well. Moreover, considering the nature of these rats afraid of fire, combustion weapons must be indispensable, except for two fire sprays that atomize high-performance incendiary agents In addition to the weapon, there are dozens of burning grenades such as yellow phosphorus, white phosphorus and magnesium powder. Touching these things, I seem to see a scene in which a rat man is burned and curled up.

In addition to conventional weapons, Lao Hei's unparalleled, shopkeeper Qian's ghost chop, and three Mei's Zhu Tian are also prepared. Zhu Tian temporarily uses ordinary crossbows and arrows to deal with the evil spirit of kunba. I'm afraid it's not powerful enough. It's still no problem to kill children and monsters.

With my familiar m107a1 and g36c on my back, a fully automatic Glock pinned to my waist, and grenades for various purposes hung on my chest, as well as personal computers, friend or foe identification systems and night vision devices, I instantly evolved from a sharpshooter with August 1 into a modern special force. I looked at the mountains and said in my heart, "rats, monkey master, I'm back. Are you ready to die?"

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