Although the rat fur coat has been taken away, we have not left Canada for the time being, but stay in Quebec, pay attention to the progress of the police on the news, and inform Lao Hei, San Mei, shopkeeper Qian and Jin Lihua to wait for us in China first. Now the other side is unprecedentedly strong, and we must concentrate all our strength. In addition, I'm still trying to find a way to contact Po to see if he can provide us with some help.

Some methods of praying for God and divination are recorded in the ghost Sutra and Tongshen. I tried to use them twice, but last time I roared and saved our brother Bao. It seemed to disappear again. No matter I burned the Fu or set up the Dharma altar, I didn't respond. It felt like a person woke up, roared and turned over to sleep.

"People, it's still up to me," I said to my companions, thinking about how to get the rat fur coat back.

We thought of a way to monitor the radio communication of the local police. Finally, we heard a clue in a police call for support.

There is a very strict animal protection mechanism in Canada. Animal fur and other items will also be tested at the airport. If they are found to be carried, they should spot check the hunting license or prove the fur channel. However, on that day, the airport security inspection found an Asian man with suspected animal products in his bag. When he asked him to open the box, the man immediately knocked over several airport security guards and fled, The police immediately mobilized people to catch him, but the man ran away.

The police did not link this incident with the attack a few days ago, but we are different. Asian men, fur products, are likely to want to take the rat fur coat out of Canada. We must find this person as soon as possible.

Canada is a country of immigrants, including a large number of Asians. It's not easy to find a person who has no name, no surname and only one news photo here. Fortunately, everyone in my current companions has more ways to think of.

Ivan had previously mixed in the Russian arms group and knew a little about the underworld all over the world. According to him, Toronto is a multicultural city. This diversity is also reflected in the underworld composition of the city. Many gangs here are divided by race and color. Among them are the famous big circle gang and Vietnam gang in the 1990s. These two gangs once carried out large-scale fire fighting with AK and black star, and attracted the attention of the police after making several murders. After being hit several times, these two gangs became a lot of low-key, but they are still the leading underworld group in Toronto.

The evil spirit kunba is now mainly engaged in activities in Asia, doing some bad things, doing business, collecting human souls, and taking revenge on us. If it is a person sent by him, most of them should contact one of the two gangs to seek asylum, because only local gangs with a certain scale can hide people, and the police can't find them at all.

"Boss, which Gang shall we find first?"

"First check the Vietnamese gang. It's best not to conflict with their compatriots. In addition, the man looks a little like Vietnam in the photo."

After listening to me, Ivan shook his head and said, "if anyone calls me a nationalist again in the future, I'll tell him today's dialogue."

Brother donkey smiled: "nationalism is not only an individual's state of mind, but also a common consciousness with members of a nation, so almost everyone has it, as long as it is not too extreme..."

As soon as this guy opened his mouth, I knew it must be a long sermon. He immediately waved his hand and ran away with the drunkard and Ivan. Brother donkey shouted to us like he was not happy behind him: "Hey, I haven't finished yet. Listen to me explain clearly, there will be no doubt next time. Hey, don't run, wait for me..."

We drove a rented car and went straight to a local strip bar to check the news of the underworld. There is no better place than these places. Men always talk more in front of women with chest and thigh thongs, and these women who give money will help men turn the world around,

Naturally, you can ask something for money.

The four of us went in and asked for a private room. Two women came in and twisted wildly on the middle table. They saw that my nose blood almost gushed out. The drunkard had his eyes shining and wiped some oil when he lent tips from time to time.

After the dance, we left one who looked more talkative and took out $100 to shake in front of her. The red haired woman with a lip ring first brightened her eyes, and then said, "if you go to bed, you have to pay more. There's more p I don't do."

"No, no, you misunderstood. Ask something. It's only half. Pay the other half after asking."

"Are you cops?" she immediately became vigilant.

"Do you think we look like?" Ivan took out the aura of the second leader of the arms group to frighten people.

"Unlike" the woman immediately shook her head with certainty, looked at the drunkard again, and thought to herself, "where is such an obscene policeman?"

"Good eyesight. We're not police. We're just asking about something. It's very simple."

"Tell me"

"Vietnam Gang, have you heard of it?"

"Of course I've heard. You want to trouble them? You four? Do you want to die?"

"No, no, let's worry about whether we want to die. You can tell us about them and where they usually move?" brother donkey saw that the woman had sharp teeth and was afraid that Ivan would be stupid, so he continued to ask questions.

The dancer didn't answer. Instead, she looked at the $100 on the small round table and didn't answer. Brother donkey and I looked at each other and knew that she was too short of money.

I nodded to brother donkey and motioned him to smash the money. Brother donkey understood and counted another four thousand Canadian dollars and threw them on the table. The woman took the money away with a small hand. After quickly counting and checking that there were no counterfeit money, she stuffed the money into her bra with a smile. I think she would laugh. The money is enough for her to earn a month here. She doesn't have to twist around on the stage in slap clothes, From time to time, he has to be pinched by a man on his ass.

It is true in any country that money can make the devil push the mill. Often money works better than guns. This woman told us everything she knew about the Vietnamese gang.

According to her, the Vietnamese Gang is the second largest gang in Toronto, and its power is slightly smaller than that of the big circle Gang, which mainly smuggles Chinese. However, because many of these Vietnamese have participated in the Vietnam War, they are ruthless and have a large number of people, and the big circle Gang can't eat them. The police don't want the big circle Gang to dominate. They are happy to watch the two gangs restrict each other as long as they don't cause trouble and don't create blood cases, Without causing public panic and complaints, the police will turn a blind eye. After all, triads exist in any country. Some underground orders and businesses really need such underground organizations to be well managed.

In Toronto, the main business of gangs is nothing more than operating pornographic places, lending and collecting money, drugs and so on. Vietnamese gangs have done a lot in the area of drugs. After all, they have geographical advantages. Their country borders the golden triangle and can get high-quality goods, which is very popular with drug addicts. Therefore, their activities are generally in the east of the city. There are many bars and nightclubs where they distribute drugs.

As for where the boss of the Vietnamese Gang is, the woman insists that she doesn't know. This is also a very smart way. You should know that what she told us earlier is not particularly important information. You can know it just after mixing for a few years at that time, but you should be careful when it comes to the senior level. Maybe it's the goods that kill people, so it's estimated that she won't say even if she knows, After all, you have to spend your life to make money.

We already think we can ask these questions. We have to go further to find the key figures. Brother donkey nodded and said thank you. The four settled the private room fee and tip and left the dance hall.

Then there is the old routine. Weapons should be made before action, but there is a problem here. Gun control in Canada is stricter than that in the United States. Ordinary residents have to go through a lot of formalities to buy guns, take shooting courses or apply for hunting certificates, not to mention those foreigners and those who use fake passports. But the regular channels didn't work. We went back to the hotel and checked the addresses of several gun stores on the Internet. After 10 o'clock, these stores were closed and there were fewer people on the street, we drove to the largest one. The drunkard pried the door and unlocked it. In addition, Ivan and I got in, closed the fire door behind us, and left brother donkey to guard us in the car outside.

"Mom, there are so many real guys." after we came in, we didn't dare to turn on the light and shine a flashlight on the wall. The cabinets were lined up with guns. The drunkard didn't see this scene and couldn't help but marvel.

But Ivan and I were much calmer. Ivan looked around and scolded, "fuck, there's a lot of farts. They're all semi-automatic civil types. They fight very slowly."

"This is Canada, not the United States, and this is a civilian gun shop. The main customers are gun players or hunters. Of course, they sell civilian guns, otherwise they will sell you a rocket launcher to shoot wild ducks? Some are good, but they are still stolen."

Ivan was silenced by me and chose an AK74 civilian version of the physical sight. The gun was equipped with a blocking iron, so he can only shoot one shot. If time is enough, Ivan can change to full-automatic, but anyway, it's too late tonight.

I chose a Remington M700 as the main weapon. Although I knew that there were few opportunities to use it, I chose one with telescope sight out of my professional habits. This series of guns are both light and accurate. That's why this gun has been placed in the most eye-catching position in the whole store.

It can be expected that if there is a conflict in the other side's field, the pistol will be the most important weapon, because the barrel of civilian guns is lengthened due to legal requirements to increase the difficulty of carrying and concealment. It is impossible for us to carry a guy more than one meter into the pub. It is estimated that before entering the door, people will come out with a fully automatic AK to "welcome" us.

So we took five pistols, Ivan and I each had two, and the drunkard himself had one. In addition to pistols and rifles, we also loaded several shotguns into large backpacks. This gun can make up for our lack of firepower in close combat. All guns have enough bullets according to caliber. Finally, when they left, they each got a hunting knife, a hunting anesthetic gun, an anesthetic bullet and other small things. Then they got on the bus happily and thought that it was a great feeling that they didn't have to pay for everything!!!!

Loaded some long guns and threw them into the trunk. Everyone took pistols and knives with them. I said to brother donkey, "drive, let's meet those Vietnamese gangsters..."

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