Jason didn't get too excited when he saw the shovel's body. In fact, the cunning foreign devil felt a little happy. After all, when he brought him here, the shovel had basically lost its use value and could be divided less when he died. To put it bluntly, Jason and shovel are the same kind of people. They use others as tools to make a fortune. That's all.

We buried all the bodies hastily. I also went to look at the dead snake. Sure enough, it was thicker than an adult's thigh. It was almost three meters long. Its head was pointed. There were short fins on both sides of its body. It was somewhat different from the pattern in the book. It was not so powerful and domineering. On the contrary, it was full of bullet holes. It seemed a little pitiful, Originally, this thing could live well in that strange fog, but if it was raised to look after the family and protect the tomb, it would eventually die.

The avalanche was followed by a series of fierce fights, and everyone was exhausted. During our war with the snake, the three seriously wounded didn't make it through, so there were more than 20 people left alive. Most of them were the wounded. Only 15 people could fight, including Jason and Aqiao.

The rest buried all the dead, including the shovel whose skull was broken by me and whose eyes flew out. After all, the hatred before death has passed, and the dead need to settle down.

In order to prevent something from coming out of the fog, although we were starving, we didn't dare to stop. The location has been found. The Gu mother must be somewhere underground in the valley. The thick fog and snake coming out of the lake is a proof.

I discussed with Aqiao and her partners for a while and asked them if there were any poisonous insects that could smell the smell of the corpse. Aqiao nodded and said yes. She took a bamboo tube out of her pocket and warmed the insect in her hand for a long time. The insect could barely fly, but it couldn't fly for long. It was frozen and stiff. She had to breathe in her hand to fly a short distance.

"This is an adult female insect. It wants to lay eggs in the corpse and hatch larvae with rotten and liquid." Aqiao explained to us, but made us sick.

The little bug looking for the corpse flew and stopped, bypassed the plateau lake, and finally circled in a circle on the snow. It should be here. There are corpses below, Aqiao said to us.

None of us can steal a hole. Fortunately, we have a lot of explosives left. We used engineering blasting to blow it four times at a time, stripping the frozen soil layer by layer until the green bricks and supporting structures below are exposed. We used another explosive to blow the green bricks open, revealing a hole for people to pass through.

"This is it. Go in," Ivan said angrily.

"Wait, check it out first." I stopped him. After all, ah Xi's people haven't died yet. It would be bad if they were waiting for us below.

With the corner shooting system, SM poked in with the above camera and made an OK gesture. Let's go down first and form a ladder to pick up the wounded.

The wounded also know that this is not a time to be weak. They all gritted their teeth and insisted on walking by themselves or supporting each other, trying not to drag the rest of the people. In this way, after entering the underpass, we will have enough hands to explore the way and break the rear.

Bell and eagle eye were at the end of the team to prevent being copied. I, SM and Ivan were top soldiers at the head of the team. The whole channel was very spacious, but it was also quiet and scary. Ah Xi and Gu mother didn't know where to go, or were waiting for an ambush in the dark.

All the buildings in the whole Wangdu are underground, which is understandable in combination with the cold weather here. The area of the underground buildings is frightening. We drill into this passage, which is wide enough to drive trucks. The whole is made of boulders. There are some dead lamps and figurines made of human skeleton on the wall. Not far away, there is one standing there with bare teeth and empty eyes, setting off the ghost atmosphere of the whole passage.

Compared with these gloomy ghosts, what makes me feel strange is that the underground structure of the king's capital is composed of multiple overlapping channels, which is a bit like a lotus root in the shape of a doughnut. Countless huge channels are filled in it, which makes people unable to figure out its purpose.

After drilling in, we walked around a few times and stopped at a place similar to the storage room. Everyone began to eat and rest. For the whole 20 hours, we had continuous fierce battles, avalanches and rock climbing. Everyone was very tired.

The whole underground king has a large area, like a huge underground ant nest, which is divided up, middle and down. I don't know how many floors there are. It's as complex as a maze. We walked for more than 2 hours, and it's estimated that we were just wandering around one corner. It's almost impossible to distinguish between East, West, North and south, but one thing is certain that we are still far away from the main body of the underground King City, because the facilities and decoration here are very simple, and the core part of the real King City should be very resplendent, just like home decoration, the master bedroom and the living room are one level, and the storage room is another level.

After carefully confirming that there was no one nearby, the mercenaries set up infrared induction alarms at several intersections, and everyone took turns to watch. We took the time to have a rest. If we want to come to such a large place, ah Xi, they have a small number, so it's difficult to find us.

I ate some beef jerky with hot chocolate and slept for a short time. After I was seriously overdrawn, I slept like a dead past. I almost finished the whole process unconsciously until I was awakened.

When I wake up in this environment, it is naturally impossible to stretch, look at my watch and shout, "good sleep". The first reaction when I open my eyes is to put my hand on the grip and open the insurance of the gun.

It was eagle eye who woke me up. The others were still sleeping. He whispered to me, "the vibrator responds."

"Fuck, wake everyone up and move quickly." I don't understand his reaction. It's reasonable to say that if a vibration is detected in this place, it's probably ah Xi's ticket.

"No, we sent someone to see it. The vibration came from below," said eagle eye with a nervous look.

"Is there an earthquake here?" I was wondering whether to call brother donkey up and ask if it was in the earthquake zone.

"No," the eagle eye shook his head and said, "it looks like the vibration caused by something passing through." after that, he told me the alarm sequence of the vibrator. It really sounded in turn. That's strange. Is there a subway here? Just sent a shift? This is too unreliable. I was a little amused myself. Holding a gun, I stood up, moved my hands and feet, and asked eagle eye about their plans.

These people undoubtedly listen to Jason. Jason undoubtedly wants to find the core of the king's capital, where there will be the most valuable cultural relics. With the long history of the ancient city, it is estimated that looking for anything outside is sky high. I can't help itching. I began to think about whether to kill the Gu mother, kill all Jason and go out with these treasures, No, I have to be richer than shopkeeper Qian, but on second thought, I'm not too short of money so far. The foundation I laid before is enough to support me so that I don't rush to do these black eating black things.

Aqiao and I must also look for the core position of the king's capital, because in this place with religious significance, all important sacrifices and ceremonies will be held in the core place, and cultivating those poisonous insects is undoubtedly one of them. Therefore, we should find the bronze statue with six Ba snakes and a huge hanging copper tripod.

The search process still depends on something that can catalyze the rapid growth of insects - corpse Qi.

There are many explanations for the so-called corpse gas. If analyzed by common sense, it is the gas emitted when the corpse decays, which is a kind of stench. Another explanation is that the corpse gas is actually a kind of bacteria, which is produced when the corpse decays and can be spread in the air. Therefore, some people who steal the tomb, open the coffin or move the dead body "choke to death" by the corpse gas is actually sucking these bacteria into the body, If the body is not strong enough to resist, it will cause disease and even death. We also bring gas masks and use them in places where the corpse gas is too strong.

From this point of view, those female insects are wonderful. They can only hatch in the virgin body, and then they can grow by fumigating with corpse gas. I guess these insects have the ability to absorb these bacteria and convert them into the energy needed for their own body growth.

Thinking of those poisonous insects, I reminded Aqiao that the insect she gave me in villa 7 exposed me and the drunkard, so do you want to prevent similar incidents from happening again?

Aqiao nodded and spoke the minority language to several people. Several people immediately took out all kinds of bamboo tubes and porcelain bottles from their bodies, wrapped them and put them aside. It is estimated that they are ready to clean up the Gu mother and come back to get them. After all, some Gu insects are difficult to refine and take a lot of effort.

But this surprised me. These people can't use guns. If they fight, they are a little better than brother donkey at most, but they must have thrown away all the insects under the drunkard. Won't their combat effectiveness return to zero?

After listening to my concerns, ah Qiao explained that when these people came, they were ready to have a head-on conflict with the insect mother. They knew the power of the insect mother better than I did, so they chose experts of plant insects.

"Next, I'll show you that in addition to insects looking for corpse gas, plant insects also have the same ability," said ah Qiao confidently, nodding to a fierce middle-aged woman in her family, motioning her to start.

Originally, I thought this fierce looking woman would do something completely different from her appearance, such as taking out a small flower and grass from her backpack, watering some water and doing something, but the facts in front of me tell me that this sentence is quite reasonable in most cases.

The woman whizzed out her machete, rolled up her sleeve and cut horizontally on her thick arm. At that time, she startled me and thought Ya was going to commit suicide. As a result, she took out something and stuffed it into the wound, wrapped it with gauze, and swallowed some black pills with medicinal wine.

Those mercenaries haven't seen this battle. They don't know what she's doing when they look at each other. When I understand a little, I explain to them that it's using magic tricks, which makes them look amazed, like they can fly when they see a pig.

After a while, a small green seedling came out of the gauze net covering the wound. She swallowed some pills and wine. The green seedling grew rapidly. When it was about two inches high, it became a curved grass. A trumpet shaped white flower also opened at the top. Moreover, the flower still moved. It turned several directions and shook a few times. Finally, it pointed to one direction, The woman turned her body, and the flowers also turned, but she always pointed in the same direction, which means a plant compass.

"Over there," said ah Qiao Su with a finger. The mercenaries talked about "amazing", "great", "don't mess with them", and moved forward in the direction of ah Qiao's finger with a gun.

I'm a little funny to follow you, which scares you like this. You can't pee your pants after seeing the Gu mother?

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