I don't know that my prayer attracted the attention of God. Maybe my life should not be destroyed. Maybe God doesn't like the people of Gu mother and wants to send me to kill them. In short, when I have stepped into the gate of hell with half my foot, I don't know which passing immortal helped me.

During the high-speed descent, I just felt that the rope in my hand was suddenly tight, and I suddenly said "there is a door" in my heart. I tried my best to tighten the rope, supported my body, put my head out of the snowing surface and shouted, "if you don't want to die, hold on."

At this time, I can shout. It doesn't mean that I'm a qualified team commander, but because only when everyone tightens the rope, I can live and the rest can live. Because if there is only one person, the rope has no place to exert force at all. As soon as the snow rushes down, everyone will tighten like a tug of war and offset each other's weight, so as to "hang" somewhere on the hillside.

The nylon rope is covered with broken snow particles, which is particularly slippery. My finger just cut several holes to deal with the fetal ghost, and it will hurt if I use a little force, not to mention that I am pulling the rope with such a suckling strength. But even if the pain is black in front of me, I dare not let go. The pain shows that I am still alive and stimulates my desire to survive.

The first stone didn't let us hold on for long. It may be that the stone is relatively small and the volume of cutting into the hillside is not enough, which was forcibly pulled out by us. It may also be that there is ice or floating snow on the rock, and the rope slipped and fell off. In short, after fighting for more than ten seconds, we began to roll down the slope again.

Although it lasted a short time of more than ten seconds, it also gave us poor people who were still in shock a little chance to breathe and refresh. I began to consciously adjust my body posture and began to slide down with my feet down and my hips and back. In this way, if there were protruding rocks on the hillside, I would not knock on it and fall out of my brain, and my feet and legs would cushion me first.

While sliding in this position, my body suddenly stopped again. I was pulled to roll laterally on the snow slope for a short section, followed by the rest. We became an eight character shape, and the top of the eight character is a mountain stone protruding from the snow surface.

The life-saving rock is really not small, and it may also be a part of the mountain. We took her to fight against the snow falling from her head. We tightened our hands and rolled our legs around it. We put on a posture of not letting go. The rest is to listen to God's life.

Because my brain was shaken too much, I lost the concept of time. It could be five minutes or half an hour. In short, when a lot of snow rolled down, I fought like this. Like a tall white giant, he tried hard to beat my head, shoulders and back, trying to hit me down, but in the end it failed. Although the wounds on my hands were all cracked and the gloves were full of blood, I survived.

After the snow ran over our heads like a train flood, I tried my best to raise my head and wanted to shout, but I found that I had no strength at all. I only made some sighs. The fight with the avalanche had emptied the last bit of strength from my bones. I guess I can't even carry a water cup at the moment.

After breathing for a few seconds, I felt my mouth was very dry, but I didn't have the strength to touch the kettle. I lowered my head and licked a little snow with the tip of my tongue. I swallowed the snow after the tip of my tongue melted. I recovered some physical strength and thinking ability through cold stimulation. However, it was funny to think that it was this thing that almost killed me just now, I feel like I live in a contradictory world.

After eating a few mouthfuls of snow, although my legs were as soft as noodles and all the things I saw were double shadows, I insisted on standing up because I had to take care of my companion. If I fell dizzy and my mouth and nose were sealed by snow, I had to dig them out in time for rescue, otherwise I would suffocate and die.

I got up and didn't take two steps. The contents of my stomach rushed up my throat. I quickly lifted my mask and vomited out. After vomit, although my body was still soft, my mind was clearer. Along the rope that had just saved my life, I began to find a companion. The first thing I found was a cousin of Aqiao. I tried with my hand and breathed, and left it alone, I have to find brother donkey, Ivan and drunkard first. Although this idea is a little selfish, I'm not God who can take care of so much.

I touched another person along the rope, but the guy had been knocked down by the big head. He didn't pull the rope with his hands and didn't get washed away. It was entirely due to the reason why the mountaineering buckle fixed his body. I used my hands to scrape the snow on him, and gradually exposed the body and the scabbard of the black five style army stab around his waist. I knew it must be an alcoholic.

After digging this guy out, I took the wine pot out of his arms, took a sip of it and gave it to him. He closed his eyes and began to cough. I was relieved. This guy can't die.

When I was about to find the third person, I found a head not far from me, and then shook it twice to shake off the snow on my head. As soon as I saw that it was no one else but brother donkey, I shouted happily and ran over to pull him out. I dug up half of the drunkard's limbs and climbed over on the snow. It seemed that I wanted to help me, but I didn't know how, His eyes were directed at us, but his body was crooked. It is estimated that the dizziness has not passed, and his cerebellum is still in a state of losing sense of direction.

The same dizziness hasn't passed. Ivan, who was dug up by me and brother donkey, wanted to sit with his legs spread apart, but he couldn't sit straight at all. As soon as the person who helped him let go, he fell back into the snow again. We were anxious to find someone else, so he just lay down. The guy shouted again there. What Corinna jumped again. The drunkard can really drink. Brother donkey, shut up, Class I, with a loud voice, made me want to pinch a snowball to hit him.

Aqiao wasn't hurt either. She was light and fixed with a mountaineering buckle, so she didn't suffer any injury, but one of his cousin's arms was pulled and dislocated, and the other man's fingers accidentally wound around the rope. When the rope was straightened by great force, one of his fingers was broken, and the horizontal plate was 90 degrees, rolling in pain on the snow.

I asked the drunkard and brother donkey to hold him down, held his fracture with a cruel hand, pulled it with a slight "click", reset the bone, then cut open the pen tube of a marker pen, made a temporary fixation, and gave him a simple treatment. Otherwise, in the case of low temperature and a long time, the broken finger will soon become necrotic and have to be cut off.

Ah Qiao's other companion was much more serious than him. The whole right ankle was twisted and broken. The toe turned 180 degrees, and the heel was facing the positive direction. We handled it the same way. Two people pressed it, and I twisted it hard to help him reset. It was also painful. He was sweating, but these brothers of ethnic minorities were really tough, and others had to cry in pain.

After the treatment of the two fractures, the rest of us recovered. A Qiao's companions, a man and a woman, disappeared. Some people said that they didn't grasp the rope at the beginning, and others said that they loosened their hands later. These are not important. The outcome is the same.

The rest of the people sat in a daze on the snow and thought that the other party was really cruel enough. They tried hard to sacrifice several lives to attract us, and they beat us so badly. If the losses of shovel and Jason were included, at least more than half of the people would be destroyed at once.

Just when I was annoyed by the other party's poison and my carelessness, a burst of noise suddenly came from the walkie talkie. After adjustment, it became Berkeley's unique British accent: "call, does anyone hear it? Please answer."

"This guy isn't dead either?" I was so happy that I buttoned up my walkie talkie and said, "hear me, explain your position."

After communicating, I found that they were a little lower than us. I rushed over with my movable donkey and drunkard. From a distance, I saw several small trees growing on the hillside and one was uprooted. It is estimated that these trees helped them stop the falling momentum.

However, these strong cold zone trees not only saved their lives, but also brought them great trouble. Scratches and abrasions have been calculated. There are several fractures. Berkeley is also among them. The broken bones support a big bag under the ribs and are biting a military knife for fixation there.

But this is not the worst, because I can see a guy clinging to the trunk and his body leaning soft on it. The broken residue of a branch stretched out from the back of his brain. There are frozen blood and yellow brain foam on it. It is estimated that he was rolled out of control by the snow. He hit his body directly and was poked through his head by the branch on the spot.

Jason's life was very big. He was only scratched by a branch, but he was not lightly frightened. He sat there and drank water. His hands trembled too much. He didn't find the water all over his body, and other mercenaries around him had regained their senses. They took care of the seriously injured and lightly injured, so they were busy in an orderly manner, From this point of view, those who play with their mouths are not as calm as those who play with their lives once they encounter real danger.

Compared with our side, the mercenary team lost a little more. Because their formation spread a little slowly, they rolled down the slope farther than us. In addition, the hard texture of trees in the cold zone caused them a lot of trouble. It is roughly estimated that at least three died and several seriously injured Bobcats were taken care of just now, At the moment, he also managed to get up and treat the wound of a mercenary with a serious fracture of his lower leg.

Just when I wanted to go up and help a lot, suddenly there was a gunshot at the foot of the mountain, which scared us frightened birds to brush their necks together. Several people who could play immediately touched the gun and were ready for battle. You know that ah Xi and others may kill back at any time.

But everyone was born in the army. They immediately recognized that they were not shooting at us, and the sound of the shot sounded very strange. I don't know who shouted "it seems to be in the snow"

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