This plan is much more reliable than Ivana's gun. It is obviously more feasible to turn around and get on the ship, but the villa will certainly not find hydropower workers outside. There must be in the villa, so if there is this method, there are still many details to be improved.

The drunkard drank very well. After a few words, he continued to exchange feelings with the contents of the cup. It was brother donkey's turn. Brother donkey's thinking is very clear. In addition, this guy is smart. He combines the thinking of Ivan and drunkard, and takes everyone's ability into account. Even my ability to control insects is taken into account by him.

Brother donkey's plan is complicated, but because he has clear ideas and good eloquence, we understood it several times. First, I used to recruit some cockroaches, ants and other things near the villa, climbed into the villa at night, and then came out to roam around during the day.

When this kind of insect with strong reproductive ability becomes a disaster, ordinary insecticides can no longer work. We have to hand it over to a professional pest control company. The villa will certainly call the pest control company. We can pretend to be the staff of the pest control company.

As for the specific plan, this guy's mind really turns faster than ordinary people. He wants to do it in such a short time. First find out the company that has served the villa, and then let the phone of the pest control company be busy when the housekeeper of the villa calls. We intercept the phone by cutting off the physical line or hacking software, Then use the vehicles and clothes camouflaged in advance to "kill insects" in the villa. When killing insects, we have to sprinkle high concentrations of pesticides and close the room for more than an hour to achieve results, which gives us time for further action.

After listening to brother donkey's plan, Ivan and the drunkard nodded again and again. I didn't have any loopholes after thinking about it. However, I still added the item of looking for the black market to buy some weapons. It's better to be prepared after all. It's better than pointing at my head at 3:00.

No matter how good the plan is, it's useless for no one to implement it. Brother donkey, as a military strategist think tank, is undoubtedly very qualified. Having him saved me a lot of effort. So I went near villa 7 and controlled some insects to climb into the villa every morning, ready to add up and let them have a big outbreak in a few days.

Due to the shortage of manpower, Ivan and the drunkard were naturally not idle. Ivan was sent out to get some weapons in the local area. As for who to contact and ask him to call Lao Hei, or through his original relationship network, he spent a lot of money and effort, and finally got back four pistols and dry bullets.

It may be the reputation of the big circle gang in Hong Kong and Macao before the return. The black guns here are mainly imitation of the 54 style. Ivan has two of the four guns himself, one of me and the drunkard. Ivan spent a few hours to change all the bullets, and made a cross cut on the front of each warhead with a knife. In this way, the ordinary pistol bullet became a fake version of the "flowering bullet", reducing the penetration, but the shallow lethality can be doubled.

Brother donkey, we didn't give him the gun, because he has a more powerful weapon than the gun, that is, a smart mind and a mouth that can nag people alive. He claims to be the housekeeper of a villa in the peak area. He calls all pest control companies in Macao to ask for each other's information and success stories, and then calls each other's customer service to deceive people in death, Finally find out which one has provided service for villa 7.

After brother donkey found out the pest control company serving villa 7, the drunkard found out the details of the company, made several sets of their employee cards and work clothes, and located the company's parking lot. Once there is a need, he can start stealing cars.

The whole preparation for the infiltration took almost a week. Everything was ready. We began to put the whole plan into practice on a sunny morning.

The first step was started by me. I ordered the ants and cockroaches who had drilled into the villa a few days ago to start crawling. Ivan and brother donkey from the pest control company cut off the telephone line, connected the prepared telephone, and successfully intercepted the telephone from villa 7 asking them to come to the house for service immediately.

After receiving the short message from brother donkey, the drunkard stole the car that went out to provide pest control service before the workers went to work. There were four sets of spraying tools and several sets of protective clothing in the car, plus the business cards we had made before. I believe we can muddle through.

I was near the villa. After receiving the news that they had reached the entrance of Peak Road, I immediately took the path and ran down to meet the three of them. Before long, they appeared in front of me in a modified minibus with the company name and address in traditional Chinese characters sprayed on the body: "urban professional pest control company, address:

No. 99, Tidu street, Jubilee, Macao

"In block L, 2nd floor, qunwei building," the three of them have put on their protective clothes and hung their filter respirators on their chest. They look like biochemical troops in the film. It's really frightening from the scene. I also jumped into the car and took the protective clothes handed over by the drunkard and began to put them on.

"What did you say on the phone?" I asked brother donkey.

"I didn't answer the phone," brother donkey said without looking back.

"Who's that?" I asked, and Ivan pointed to himself.

"Him? How can I get him to answer the phone?" I asked brother donkey.

"None of us can speak Cantonese. His English sounds neat. Although he has a strong Russian accent, and the person in charge of this pest control company is a foreigner, so let him pick it up," brother donkey explained.

"What did you say?" I lay on the rear floor of the car with my seat removed, put on my pants, touched my boots and began to push on my feet.



Ivan repeated these words without expression. It sounded like the other party called, first complained a few words, and then asked the people of the pest control company to go immediately, which basically met our expectations.

The car sped along the road. Soon we drove to the gate of villa 7. First, we came up and scanned the car with instruments to see if there were explosives. Then we looked at the work cards hung on our chest, turned back and made an OK gesture. Immediately, someone dressed opened the gate to both sides. Brother donkey stepped on the accelerator and drove the car in.

Maybe seven or eight security guards in black T-shirts in a row at the door were scared. Brother donkey's hands and feet trembled. The car almost hit the wall outside the fountain. Fortunately, he hit the steering wheel in time. The fountain's pool was round again. It didn't happen. It was small to smash the lights. It was troublesome to panic and attract the other party's attention.

Compared with brother donkey's little panic, the drunkard seems more sophisticated and calm. I think it should be the psychological quality practiced by the Buddha. Ivan still follows him heartlessly. He is the character that we have a Russian gun in hand and dare to go anywhere. He opens the door and jumps out of the car. He asks in strange Chinese: "where is Jia

Za (local term for cockroaches)

Several people dressed as cleaners gathered around and said, "there are groceries, garages, everywhere..."

"OK, I'm chicken, close the doors and windows, take out all the people inside, and seal them for two hours after spraying the medicine." Ivan said vaguely, then turned back and made a gesture to the three of us: "start work"

The whole villa group covers an area of thousands of square meters and has seven main buildings. When making the action plan, we use a, B, C, D, e, F and g respectively. A is the main building of the villa group, which is also the place where those who were sucked into yangshou last time. F. G is the grocery store and garage, B, C and D are smaller double-storey buildings, and E is the flower house. We have divided each building, who goes in to inquire, where to meet in case of danger, etc.

I wore a respirator, put on my protective clothing hat, picked up the sprayer and walked to the main building. The drunkard and I followed me.

But a security guard stood in front of me and said to me, "you can't go there."

"How about that? Insects build nests everywhere. If they don't sprinkle medicine to kill them, they will reproduce soon," I told him. The sound was made strange by the respirator.

"You leave a set of tools and we'll do it ourselves. In short, we can't go there." the other party's tone was very firm and there was no room for relaxation.

I looked back at Ivan. Ivan made a gesture and said, "start from other rooms". I nodded and walked to building B with the drunkard. Brother donkey and Ivan went to building C.

When I opened the thick solid wood door, my reaction was that the door was solid wood and heavy, with some antique patterns on it. Drunkards may be a matter of professional habits. They are very sensitive to what is valuable. They also noticed this detail and turned back to me and said, "mahogany."

I nodded. This thing is priced by two. This door alone can buy an ordinary house in the mainland. Many families can afford it with the strength of two generations and 20 years of debt.

After entering the hall on the first floor, I affirmed this judgment even more. Carpets, paintings, ornaments, chandeliers and everything in sight were luxurious. I think even if it could not reach the level of ancient emperors, at least it was the level of Prince Baylor.

Some valuable things have been moved and the paintings have been covered with plastic film. The drunkard and I began to sprinkle medicine everywhere while paying attention to the situation of each room.

All the rooms were empty and the doors and windows were tightly closed. We blocked the window room with opaque plastic cloth and began to investigate. Small furniture and items afraid of pollution were also removed here, so there were few places where people could hide. I pretended to sprinkle insecticides on the dead corner, looked under the bed and behind the cabinet of each room, and the drunkard took the floor, Some places at the bottom of the cabinet were knocked, but no interlayer was found.

The whole building B took us nearly an hour, but there was no harvest. The drunkard and I went back to the car to add liquid medicine to the spray can. We saw Ivan and brother donkey coming out of building C. when brother donkey was adding liquid medicine, he shook his head at me and signaled that nothing had been found in building D.

"Hurry up, we have to pack up." several cleaners of the villa urged us. The four of us immediately went to the E and f buildings.

Building e is also a double-layer building, but it is very special. There are many French windows, and the roof is made of transparent reinforced glass. The ground on the second floor is also paved with large pieces of glass. The sun can shine from the roof and French windows to every corner of the room.

The reason why so much effort is spent is not that this small building is used for reality shows, but that the e building is a huge flower house, in which the two floors are filled with flower racks and flower pots, and all the glass is to meet the lighting needs of plants. We were told that we must control the amount of pesticides here so as not to damage the soil for raising flowers.

Different from the luxury B building, where the eyes are full of flowers, the flowers can be smelled through the respirator, and there are many varieties, from ordinary lilies and daffodils to well-known orchids and peonies, to some relatively rare water lilies and tulips.

There are more flowers that I can't name. It's not too much to say that flowers are beautiful. Some are as red as fire, some are as white as snow, and some flowers are small, but the flowers bloom one after another. The flowers in the whole greenhouse are very beautiful. Even I, a layman who can only shoot and fight, catch ghosts and fight demons, feel an impulse to write poetry.

"Boss, it's so beautiful here." the drunkard is similar to me. His eyes behind the mask are so wide that he looks like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

After wandering for a few seconds, I came back. I didn't come to see the scenery. I immediately asked the drunkard to work, but this 60% transparent glass building is difficult to hide anything. It took us less than ten minutes to sprinkle medicine on the second floor of hundreds of square meters, and then walked between the flower racks on the first floor, spraying medicine and observing around.

Originally, I thought this was a simple flower house. Even if there were clues, it was somewhere else, but at this time, the drunkard "eh" squatted down between the two rows of stepped flower racks, observed carefully for a while and said to me, "boss, there seems to be a way here."

"What?" I immediately cheered up, looked at the pot of flowers he pointed at with the handle of the sprayer, and asked, "it's no different."

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