"What? Why me?" Ivan shouted in a low voice, and the white man's face turned red.

"Don't worry, listen to me." I took my finger and counted it to him. "I'm the boss. I can't play easily, can I? Brother donkey is a military division. It's not very good to play this role, right? You and the drunkard are the most suitable for this kind of work."

"Yeah, then why did you just let me go? You're racist"

"No, no, you heard me. Under normal circumstances, both of you are OK, but you have to consider one factor. You are a Russian. We have no record in China. The drunkard often goes to six doors to study, right, drunkard?" when I asked the drunkard, he raised four fingers at me and signaled to enter the class room four times. I heard him mention it before. The longest time is three years, The shortest half a year varies from one year.

I continued: "Now you're going to make trouble and fight. In case of big trouble, drunkards will be in trouble once the case is investigated. In addition, China always takes special care of you foreigners. The devil lost a bike and found it in less than 24 hours. Another foreigner lost a wallet and more than a dozen public security officers found it in the garbage dump. In this sense, it's also your comparison More cost-effective "

Ivan was stupid and not as stubborn as brother donkey. He was easily persuaded to agree to my plan, so we went back to the bar operated by this entertainment city and drank as tourists.

"Right here? Pretending to fight? With whom?" Ivan asked me, still a little angry.

"Just look for some security guards or something. Take it easy. Don't kill people."

"If there is no resentment and hatred, you can't do it." Ivan wanted to retreat again.

As soon as I saw it, I had to continue fooling, otherwise this guy still refused to start, pointed to several people in a card seat and said, "in fact, it's easy to fight here. If you were here yesterday, you might have given them to Hai Bian."

"Why do you say that?" Ivan asked.

"When I was here with brother donkey yesterday, I heard these people talking. Yes, yes, they are. The one with red head and purple hair with bangs. I remember clearly that these guys seem to be very rich. They have whored Russian women in the northeast. They said yesterday that Russian women are as strong and durable as Russian machines. How can they toss in bed It's all right, and those with hundreds of tricks don't refuse, but their skin is bad and their body hair is a little heavy... "

Ivan, a man with a bit of national chauvinism in his bones, couldn't hear others speak ill of Russia. His face became very ugly halfway through my speech. Before I finished, he strode over. Just in time, someone in the card seat walked out. Ivan hit him like a bear. The other party immediately scolded, "fuck, you don't have eyes when you walk." , Ivan didn't scold back. He raised his fist and hit. The other two men in the card seat rushed out, and several people immediately formed a group.

"It's a pity that you don't do TV shopping. It's smoking." brother donkey looked at me with a look of contempt.

"You don't know that. Haven't you heard of the money shopkeeper who is cruel, cruel and kind to the monkey? Besides, I have to give him some motivation because he has to be whipped quickly. Besides, these guys are arrogant and domineering. It seems that they are some kind of second generation. It's not harmful to ask Ivan to clean up," I explained.

Brother donkey's contempt increased again, pointing to me and saying "typical hanging silk psychology"

As we talked, the security guard of the bar rushed up and pulled Ivan and the group apart. In order not to affect the order, they took them to the security room. Soon Ivan came back, his face was bruised, and the rest were not hurt.

"What about the things? Did they stay inside?" Ivan nodded, looked at me suspiciously and said, "how do you feel like you've been fooled again?"

I was afraid that he would ask again, so I took brother donkey and Ivan back to the room. The process of placing the bug was also very simple. We cut a hole in Ivan's pants pocket, slide the bug with the size of one-third of the cigarette end down the pants, fall to the ground, and then kick it into the corner. There are many computers and cabinets in the security room, which are kicked into the gap below, as long as it is not a big sweep Except it's hard to find.

This kind of eavesdropper has a distance limit, so we rented another car and parked the signal receiving equipment in an unobtrusive place, but there is a new problem, that is, these security guards speak Cantonese. None of us can understand it, but we found a voice input method that supports Cantonese, so we can barely understand the chat content of the security guards.

By means of eavesdropping devices and auxiliary software, we squatted for five days. Most of the things we heard in these five days were useless, but on the last day, they exchanged a message that another group of important guests were coming soon and had to arrange a car to pick them up.

And what interests us is why we use the word "you". Did we say that a group of people just came not long ago and listened to the dialogue? They seemed to have brought a lot of valuables, so we had to send a lot of security guards to pick them up. Should we trade anything here? We were immediately confused again.

From what we overheard, the group of guests will arrive the day after tomorrow. The route and hotel information are also available. It's very close to the casino, but the grade is much higher. We immediately called and wanted to book a room on the same floor as the group of guests in the casino, that is, the sixth floor. However, we were told that it was full, so we had to book a suite on the fifth floor and prepare to check it nearby Tell me the origin of this group of so-called guests.

Ivan has taken photos with the people in these casinos, so he doesn't show up. He continues to stay near the casino to monitor the security conversation and send us the monitored content. I, brother donkey and drunkard waited in the appointed luxury suite for more than 20 hours before the "guests" checked in under the cover of night, led by several leaders and security guards of the casino.

The three of us are simple and easy. We are wearing hats or colored glasses. The drunkard and I are sitting on the sofa in the hall waiting for people. Brother donkey is upstairs taking photos with SLR.

Many people came down in the three lengthened Lincoln. First, there were more than a dozen guys like security guards or bodyguards. They looked around vigilantly. Then there were three people coming down from the inside, all wearing women's hats. From the figure, they were also women. With their heads down, they quickly walked through the hall and took the elevator straight to the sixth floor.

In less than two minutes of observation, although I didn't see the face, from the perspective of clothes, manners and aura, these three Asian women are the masters of living in dignity. From the perspective of hand, neck skin and earlobe size, these people are estimated to be over 40 years old. Although their skin is well maintained, they are still different from the really young and delicate skin.

After the three people checked in, the whole sixth floor was blocked. The elevator door and the stairs on both sides were guarded. The drunkard pretended to be drunk and wanted to see the situation. He was blocked directly. Climbing the wall from the outside didn't work. Although we brought adsorption climbing claws, there were several cameras on it, There are often bodyguards walking back and forth at the window. They don't have a chance to feel it secretly. Only in a few short contacts, they heard that these bodyguards speak standard Mandarin, which should be from the mainland.

"Shit, what's the origin of these guys, how such a big show, such strict security, even a fly can't fly in." after thinking about several methods, we discussed in the hotel room. The drunkard scolded angrily. At the same time, he looked up at the ceiling and wanted to make a hole.

I shook my head and said with a sense of powerlessness, "these three middle-aged women are definitely not as simple as ordinary millionaires. You see, their bodyguards are very professional and can't be invited if they have money. These women are not only rich, but also very powerful in the mainland."

"Or, the men above and below them are rich and powerful." the drunkard smiled.

"You're so obscene," I said.

"Where do you want to go? I mean, their elders or younger generation, you young man are full of ideas," said the drunkard with a solemn face.

Brother donkey interrupted us, fiddled with the SLR and said sadly, "unfortunately, I don't even have a chance to take a picture of my face, otherwise I can try image search."

At a time when the three of us were at a loss, the recording brought back by Ivan gave us a glimmer of dawn. The casino contacted the bodyguards of the three middle-aged women by telephone and arranged for the three people to go to a place, which is the peak area with the most top villas in Macao.

Because these people don't understand Cantonese and both sides communicate in Putonghua, we listened to the call recording carefully several times, and the location must not be wrong, but the security guards didn't say what they did in the dialogue. In fact, they didn't seem to know what that meant.

We pulled out the electronic map and looked at the route that the group was going to take, from Queen's road to majixianxia Road, and finally turned to a path at an exit of Peak Road, which means that any villa in the peak area is possible. There are too many targets, we can't prepare in advance, and it's difficult to track, because it's not downtown and there are very few vehicles. If you follow naken all the way Will be seen through.

"How about starting on the road? At such a long distance, we should have time to do something? Make some accidents, block the road, and then rob cars and people." Ivan thought of their common means of Russian underworld.

"No, this is Macao, not Africa. If we make such a big noise, we will be wanted all over the country." brother donkey was the first to object.

I nodded and said, "yes, and there are only four of us. They have a lengthened Lincoln and two cars in front of and behind, a total of more than a dozen bodyguards. It's like playing with the four of us. It's impossible to come here. What's more, these people are not our target. They're looking for the Gu mother."

The drunkard thought for a moment and said, "I have a way to get in with the team, but someone needs to cooperate. You try to make the car slow down. I can catch the chassis and follow in."

Brother donkey is the first to oppose "what? Don't pull it. For this model, the chassis is only tens of centimeters from the ground. If the road is a little curved, or if you cross an arch bridge, you will be finished and will be squeezed to death below."

"No, it's not the first time I've done this. If you don't believe me, I'll show you my hand." The drunkard then looked around in the suite. Finally, he chose the European style big bed and drilled under the bed like a fish. The three of us bent down and looked. This guy used his hands and feet together, firmly grasped the bed like a big gecko, and his body was very tight. In addition, the drunkard was thin and felt a little thin on it. It was really no problem.

"How long can you hold on?" I asked uneasily, because this action has high requirements for the strength of waist, abdomen, legs and arms. Ordinary people can't do this action. I estimate that they can hold on for about 20 minutes at most, while the drunkard is full of confidence. He said that the whole journey is only more than 40 minutes. Even if he can hold on from the starting point to the end point, he can have no problem.

On this basis, brother donkey thought of another way to switch the multi-functional climbing gloves to the magnetic adsorption mode and tie them to the drunkard's abdomen, which can greatly reduce the physical consumption, so as to have a greater grasp.

The remaining problem is how to slow down the other party's vehicles and find a suitable place for the drunkard to approach. The former is run by brother donkey. He will pretend to be a long-distance runner, listen to iPod jogging along the road, and then hurt his foot and stop the car on the road. In terms of location, the priority is the entrance of the sewer. Some well covers are in the middle of the road. The drunkard can hide inside in advance. After the car slows down or stops, he secretly opens the well cover and grabs the chassis to get in.

Everything is ready, but it is not implemented. I stared at the large villa area marked in the red circle and said, "brothers, let's see what these people are doing..."

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