In such a place where there are evil doors everywhere, you must be vigilant at night. Except for almond dew, four people sleep in turn. I was followed by Ivan. He woke me up soon after I lay down.

"What's the matter?" I touched the shotgun on the edge of my sleeping bag.

"Keep quiet and listen first," he whispered.

I pricked up my ears and listened carefully for a while. I found that there was a bell coming from nowhere. The bell didn't mean when the mobile phone called, but it was the crisp beating sound from the metal bell. We hurried out of the tent and looked around to find the source of the sound.

Listening to the sound, we quickly lay down in the grass and looked down through the moonlight. We only saw a slim Yi woman with a red cloth head, leading a group of slow-moving people to the Opium field with a bell.

When she got there, the woman seemed to read some mantra sentences. These people scattered to the field, some watering and some fertilizing. Unexpectedly, she did farm work in the middle of the night.

Look carefully again, these farmers are not others. It is the dead people lying in coffins we saw in the living rooms of each family in the village during the day.

This man actually knows how to drive away the corpse. This is my first idea. The people next to him also saw the following scene. Almond dew would move when she saw those dead people. She screamed out in a low voice on the spot.

Although the voice was not loud, the woman who drove the corpse and planted the land below seemed to feel something. She looked back at us. We quickly leaned down and hid in the grass. After looking at it for a few eyes, she turned around, took out a silver flute from her waist, put it on her lips and blew it.

The sound of the flute was like crying. In addition, a group of dead bodies were farming in the moonlight. They were as brave as me and were scared. Just then, I suddenly heard a voice in the grass behind me. Looking back, I didn't know when some poisonous snakes came out. They had raised their heads to us and were about to attack.

The drunkard usually looks dizzy. At the moment, he reacts quickly. He pulls out the army stab with his backhand and stabs two poisonous snakes with thick and thin wrists and colorful colors. Although the two snakes stabbed on the army stab are sharp and penetrating, they are not dead yet. They twist and move there.

This guy must have practiced drawing a knife thousands of times. Even I was half a beat slow. Moreover, I pulled out a high imitation military knife, cut left and cut right, and solved two poisonous snakes holding their heads up in front of me to bite. But then I swept away the rest of my companions and cried out in my heart that the beautiful girl was in danger.

Because when observing the situation, I, the drunkard and Ivan were at the front, and the donkey took care of the almond dew a little behind us. But these snakes came up from behind us. Anyway, they were the closest to her. We saw that the nearest ones had bent their necks like bows, and we had shotguns in our hands, so there was no time to rescue. She was poisoned by poisonous insects and was very weak. We don't have to find any antidote for another bite. Just carry the body back to the house.

At the critical moment, brother donkey's intermittent pure man character began to work. He rushed up, held the almond dew in his arms, rolled on the spot, turned his back to the poisonous snakes, and blocked the almond dew under his body.

Originally, those poisonous snakes were ready to attack, and they were surprised by brother donkey's action. Immediately, several poisonous snakes jumped up like a loose spring and bit brother donkey's back almost at the same time.

"Fuck", "ah ~ ~" the drunkard and almond dew cried. They didn't know that brother donkey wore the same nano clothes as me and Ivan. The snake couldn't bite through, so they were all nervous. However, it still takes great courage to do so. You know, a bite on the neck, wrist and ankle is still fatal.

Ivan naturally knew that the snake could not bite brother donkey. He immediately took out a machete and chopped the poisonous snakes that still bit brother donkey's back into several sections like cucumbers. However, Ivan's playing with a gun is very accurate, and playing with a knife is very poor. His strength control is very poor. Brother donkey's back plays the role of a "kitchen board". Every time he goes down, brother donkey will cry out in pain, which is almost worse than when he was bitten by a snake.

When we made such a fuss, the woman was still playing the flute, so it was more certain that these snakes were under her control to attack us. With the change of flute melody like ghost cry, there were more and more snakes, all kinds of colors. People who looked closely felt stuffy and wanted to vomit, and almond dew simply fainted, He was held by brother donkey and hid behind us.

"Boss sun, what should I do?" the drunkard asked me. It seems that he said he was sober after drinking. It turned out to be true. Finally, he called my last name right this time.

"What to do? Cold" Ivan and I both took up a double barrel shotgun and hit the snakes three feet in front of our feet. This native shotgun has no accuracy and no speed. The only advantage is that the bullets filled with iron sand are powerful, and nearly dozens of small beads of iron and lead can be scattered into an area as large as a bathtub. All the snakes in this circle are blown open and rotten, and some are directly beaten into several sections. Dozens of snakes are beaten with four shots, and they squirm constantly whether they are dead or not, Like a pot of boiling "snake soup".

"Dead woman, it's not enough to poison people, but to get snakes to bite us." brother donkey saw that these snakes were killed by us, but they didn't come out again, so he became more courageous. After all, it is cultivated land, not a snake's nest, so it is estimated that the Yi girl can call so many with the sound of flute in a short time.

Who knows, brother donkey turned back and scolded me. He immediately pushed me and said, "monkey, look."

When I looked in the direction pointed by brother donkey, I immediately took a breath of air conditioning. I saw the bodies that were just fertilizing and watering,

At the moment, the farm tools had been put down and were coming to us along the hillside, and the woman's flute had changed its tune, which was supposed to be used to command these bodies.

"Shit, you have to break her corpse control first, and you two help me block it." I handed the shotgun to the drunkard, pulled the carrying belt, took out the array thing prepared long ago, and began to write Rune spells on yellow paper.

Originally, I thought these were zombies, so I wrote corresponding runes, but there was no effect after pasting them. The one pasted just slowed down. Then I pulled off the rune and continued to wave to me.

"Monkey, can you? Don't joke about this joint." brother donkey shouted first, carrying almond dew on his back as if he wanted to run away.

I rolled back a little distance and shouted angrily, "can't you trust me so?"

Brother donkey stepped back and said, "it's not that I don't believe you, I believe in the facts more."

I was forced to retreat by these walking corpses. I was also thinking why they were not afraid of runes. Maybe these were different from ancient zombies, because it was difficult to bend the joints of zombies. Just now the corpse grabbed the runes stuck on his forehead. Zombies could not be so flexible.

However, no matter what the corpse is, one way must work. I took the shotgun back from the drunkard, smashed the recent guy's head, and quickly wiped some potions that can see ghosts on my eyelids.

Sure enough, as I thought, after my head was smashed, a very weak yuan God left the body, that is to say, the people who control these bodies beat part of their souls out of the body. The remaining yuan gods are not enough to maintain sober mind, but they can also do some basic actions and use them to plant opium in this unknown place in the mountains and forests.

"What a poisonous means," I thought, and said to Ivan, "open fire and kill those close at hand."

"These people can't be saved, can they?" asked brother donkey behind me.

"Yes, half of them are separated from the body, half can only move, and they can't reincarnate. They can only work for the controller like walking dead. They don't have their own thoughts at all. Moreover, the yuan God has been separated for too long and can't go back. Let's start." after that, Ivan and I opened fire and shot the approaching walking corpses one by one with this shotgun.

After killing more than 20 people in a row, we all realized that a serious problem was that we were running out of bullets. We had to find a way to stop controlling the flute sound of these bodies.

The Yi girl is at the bottom of the hillside. As long as there is an ordinary military rifle at this distance, both I and Ivan can easily kill her, but we can't do so. First, we can't use the gun in our hands. Second, we don't dare to kill her at present. We still expect her to find medicine to relieve the Gu.

There are two kinds of bullets we buy from the villagers. One is iron sand bullet. This kind of bullet doesn't need to be too accurate when it is used. If you shoot it at its approximate position, you will always hit a few iron sand to hit small and fast-moving prey such as rabbits and pheasants; The other is a lead bullet with a solid ball, which is used to hit large prey such as bears and leopards. It needs some shooting skills to hit a long distance. However, with the reduction of large animals in recent years, the use of this solid lead bullet is becoming less and less, so we only bought 4 rounds, and it hasn't been used for too long. We don't know if it can make a sound.

"Ivan, we have to jump a little distance and break her flute," I said with a finger.

"What? Do you think these things are made of paper?" Ivan said, pointing to the semi-circular corpses on the hillside.

"The boss's words must be listened to, otherwise there is no money to drink and whore." the drunkard obviously will come than Ivan. He took out the three arris army to stab the first one.

It's impossible to blow the heads of these walking corpses with military spikes, but it's not a matter at all under the dazzling Sabre technique of the drunkard. This guy stabbed the military spikes into places such as eyes and temples, quickly turned his wrist, stirred up the brain tissue of the stabbed walking corpses, and killed several walking corpses by dividing two from three.

"You and you are spoiled by me. Look at other people's new employees and deduct your wages back." I pointed to brother donkey and Ivan, smiled and scolded, and then rushed up with a gun.

"Dare you, I'll go to the labor arbitration department to sue you." brother donkey tightened his back and almond dew replied, while Ivan rushed forward with me without saying a word.

The first few walking corpses were knocked down by us with the butt of the gun, and the last few fired. The two shotguns were used in turn, and the drunkard also fired with the revolver, but his shooting was really bad. In addition, he was originally a local revolver, and the bullets flew away either high or low. On the contrary, it was not as efficient as he stabbed with the triangular army.

We used both knives and guns, and finally rushed within 50 meters of the woman who played the flute. At this time, she also commanded the walking corpses to block in front of us. We pushed away several walking corpses with all our strength. I put on a lead bullet and aimed at her flute. The first shot was slightly higher, and the second shot was just right, breaking the flute into two sections.

The woman scolded and ran quickly into the woods. We wanted to chase them, but the remaining corpses were still faithfully executing the instructions to surround and kill us. After getting rid of them, the woman had disappeared.

"TMD, you're busy for nothing." after the drunkard wiped the army spike clean, don't go back to the scabbard and scold.

"How can I be busy in vain?" I looked down at the traces left by the woman's escape and said, "next, let's show you how a special force tracked in the jungle..."

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