"It's good to have a gun. I didn't ask you to use a bow and arrow." I pointed to the bow and arrow barrel on a villager's back and said that he was our temporary guide. He would take us some way and show us the rest of the way.

So we followed the guide and plunged into the vast mountains and dense forests. From time to time, he would climb a cliff, collect some herbs, or shoot a hare with a bow and arrow. But it's fast, so it doesn't take us too much time. In addition to hunting and gathering herbs, he took us across mountains and took many shortcuts. It must be that he wasted more time than he did.

When the mountain road was difficult to walk, we would take someone out to carry almond dew, but when the girl was carried by Ivan or an alcoholic, she was clamoring to go by herself, so brother donkey and I had to give our backpacks to others and take turns to climb the mountain with her. Although it's a little troublesome, it feels good to press two soft things on your back. In contrast, you can bear to be tired.

When I carried her on my back, I asked, "sister, what are you doing? You can't walk. Why do you have to hold on?"

Almond dew lay on my back, pressed my ear and whispered, "you don't know, Ivan has a heavy body smell, and the drunkard is also full of tobacco and alcohol."

As soon as I heard it, it was for this reason. No wonder she didn't let Ivan and drunkards carry her. The Russians I've contacted are a little sweaty. Ivan is still light. The drunkard is his own reason. We drink water when we rest. He's fine. He drinks with a tin wine pot. It's strange if he doesn't smell of wine.

After walking in the mountains for most of the day with the guide, he pointed to a road and told us that if we go straight, we will encounter a river, then go straight down the river, and cross an inaccessible mountain. Over there is the land of another tribe. All the people who went were driven back, and many people who entered by mistake were injured. The guide warned us again and again that if we find someone, we can't go too far, otherwise our lives will be in danger. They locals never go there. After explaining the clear route, he took the money and left.

We followed the route he pointed out and prepared to spend the night on the beach. As for the argument that many people in that place have no return, we can only ignore it strategically and pay attention to it tactically. If we are not brave enough to know that there are tigers in the mountain, we really have to go. If we don't say anything else first and then drag on, it's hard to hear the firecrackers in the new year.

Because we were followed two days ago, although we got rid of it, we didn't guarantee to be followed again, so we walked very carefully. It was not until dark that I arrived at the river mentioned by the guide. The river was very wide, but now it is the dry season, so the exposed riverbed and the beach area are very large. At the moment, there is a big bonfire on it, and a circle of people are sitting next to the bonfire.

Originally, we thought it was the person who followed us. After observing with a telescope for a long time, we found that it was a group of ordinary self-help donkey friends. Some men and women were drinking and chatting. They looked happy.

"Last time we were such a tour group and got into trouble," said brother donkey. He looked at almonds and nodded.

The drunkard and Ivan were also watching. In other words, when the drunkard saw what those people drank, he kept swallowing. Originally, he brought a lot of wine, but it happened that he met Ivan, who liked to drink the same. They could say that they were like old friends at first sight and had the same taste of wine, so the consumption doubled. After a few meals, he drank up the drunkard's "rations", which made him greedy at the sight of others drinking.

"Hey, boss, can I advance this commission a little?" the drunkard said to me.

"Yes, no problem at all. And don't call me boss. Just call me monkey. What do you want to do? How much?" I took some money out of my backpack as I said.

"Oh, wait for the boss. Let's go for 500 first. I'll buy some wine with them." the drunkard took the money and said.

"My name is sun. I can't wait. Monkey is my nickname," I explained.

"Oh, sorry, I don't drink. I'm not very smart." the drunkard said and walked to the group of people who were at the "bonfire party". We put away our binoculars and followed. The newly bought shotguns were also packed in our travel bags to avoid scaring these people.

The group first looked at us with alert eyes, standard modern eyes, and vigilant against strangers approaching without reason, so as to prevent property losses caused by blackmail and porcelain touching.

Seeing that there were only five of us and that we were tourists, these people relaxed. I heard that one of us had made a drink, and after beer, 50, and 100 of Baijiu bought them wine, they laughed.

"Come and have a drink together. We are both camping here and are having a bonfire party," said one of the oldest men of the other party. Then each threw a bottle of beer and made room for some places. We also went to sit around the bonfire.

I took the wine in my hand and was about to touch the Swiss Army knife to open the bottle cap. The drunkard next to me had bitten off the cap with his teeth and blew off half of the bottle with his head up. Then he was belched by the gas top. He looked so cool that he suddenly felt that the concept of happiness could be very abstract or very specific. For him, happiness may be a bottle of wine when he became addicted.

After sitting down, these people continue to chat. Just now they have played the killing game, the truth adventure, everyone's embarrassment and so on. Now they are looking for the next chat topic.

"Or take turns telling ghost stories," said a boy with glasses with a bad smile.

"Now, this time? Are you sure?" I looked at my watch and converted it to midnight. His idea was really not very good.

"Talk about it, it's exciting," said a girl excitedly, and several women next to her echoed.

Most people agree. They start with boys with ideas and take turns telling ghost stories. Most of them are online jokes. Some Martians may have heard them more than once. After killing his wife, he washed his clothes in the water room, and the blood didn't fall out. The ghost of his wife came back and said that he didn't use carved washing powder; What? A man accidentally entered the morgue in the hospital and ran out in fear when he found it. He bumped into a man and said it was scary inside. The dead people were tied with red ropes and number plates. The person who was bumped stretched out his hand and said that was it; Anyway, it's all these. First, there's nothing new. Second, there's no creativity. Most of the funny elements are far from the existence of real ghosts.

Soon half of the people finished, and it was our turn in order, but the drunkard was concentrating on the third bottle of beer and ignored the conversation. Although Ivan knew Chinese, he was not fluent enough to tell ghost stories, so it was me and brother donkey to deal with it.

Brother donkey first told the story of a spiritual cat retaliating against a cat abusing woman. I heard him say that when the cat uses people to frighten, some souls will be separated, frightening a abnormal cat abusing woman into an idiot, and bringing the separated souls all the way to the Underworld (because cats, like crows, are a kind of animal that can connect Yin and Yang).

When I arrived, I thought about it and talked about an event recorded in the ghost Sutra.

In other words, it was the most powerful time in Mongolia in the Yuan Dynasty. In some places, Mongolian nobles exercised brutal rule over the Han people in their jurisdiction. They wanted to enjoy the "first night right" of Han women, that is, they had to go to the noble's house to "live" for a few days before marriage, so many local people were used to falling to death their first child. This time, too, The elder of the family took the newborn baby to the river and fell to death on a stone.

No matter who the child's father is, the mother is always heartbroken when the child is killed. The mother of the child who fell to death this time, having learned something about painting from primary school, used the water in the river to grind ink and spent a portrait to commemorate the baby who died miserably at birth.

The cruel rule continues. People can't express their views. They work all day and pay heavy taxes. If they are slightly dissatisfied with Mongolian officials, they will be sent to reeducation through labor for no reason. Even if the Han people want to buy a knife for cutting vegetables, they should use the real name system.

Although we were inferior citizens, there was no doubt about our fertility. The second child was born and grew up day by day. A surprising thing happened. The first thing the child would say when he was born was not "father and mother", but "brother".

While the whole family was surprised, they all thought of the boy who died a few years ago. The child's mother immediately turned out the picture that had been put in the box. After opening it, the whole family was almost scared crazy. The baby in the picture had become a few year old child.

In the past, people's respect for ghosts and gods was much more important than now. The family immediately looked around for Taoists who could do things. After a Taoist came to see it, he started the practice of the Dharma altar again. Finally, under the guidance of the ghost compass, he always found the stone that killed the first child. Many aquatic snails were adsorbed on the stone, which actually formed a face.

At present, the Taoist priest asked the child's grandfather and parents to kneel down and make amends, and said that grievance has a head and debt has a owner. The root of hate is not here, but the system brought about by this alien invasion. Only then did the snails fall off the adsorbed stones one by one.

The Taoist confessed to the child's parents and packed up his things and left. Later, the child's parents went to work part-time at the Mongolian noble's house and burned the snails in the dishes for the noble to swallow. Soon, the noble died of a violent illness. According to the autopsy, his intestines were forcibly pulled into pieces, and other internal organs were also scratched. Wuzuo even swore that the moment he opened his stomach, he saw a boy's face smile at him, and then disappeared.

Maybe it's a relatively novel reason. After I finished talking, everyone immediately talked about it. Some said that the child's mother was really miserable, some said that the child was the most miserable, and others said that the murdered nobleman was the most miserable and was killed by the ghost of his newborn son. Finally, brother donkey ended everyone's debate with a sentence: "as a ruled class, in that era, no matter adults or children can escape the fate of being slaves, so for the common people, there is no worst but worse before dawn."

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