"If you don't panic, don't panic? Look at the headlights in that row. It's so scary," brother donkey complained.

"Don't talk nonsense. Push the car forward a little. Don't step on the accelerator too hard to attract the other party's attention." as soon as I finished, brother donkey drove the car forward a few meters. The front cars of the team can clearly see the situation in our car. Although we can't see the appearance from a long distance, it's still no problem to see the skin color.

"Fire!" I shouted, holding the pkmb trigger on the car, aiming at the front of the enemy convoy, and several cars began to sweep fiercely.

The heavy machine guns on the two pickup trucks opened fire at the same time, which immediately made the car in front of the team smoke and catch fire, and all the people in the two cars behind were killed by us. The enemy was stunned by our sudden attack, but soon turned his gun to shoot on our side.

"Run," I yelled at brother donkey as I fought back.

"I like this sentence best." brother donkey roared and answered me. The pickup engine roared and jumped out, and the other car followed us.

All of a sudden, the enemy's motorcade did not chase the big truck, because the big truck had run away. Instead, they chased after us and greeted us with heavy machine guns and RPG rockets. We fought back with heavy machine guns. Two heavy machine guns were aimed at the nearest car behind us. We only had one destination. Slow them down and find a chance to escape. Their goal is simpler. They catch up with us and kill us all.

In the chase war in this complex environment, the consumption of ammunition is very large. Because the road is very bumpy and the speed is very fast, it is more difficult to hit the target. The enemy was crazy and stuck to it. I soon ran out of a 200 round ammunition box with a heavy machine gun in my hand. I found that there was no spare on the carriage.

The same is true on the other car. In this case, our situation is very bad, because we have lost long-range fire suppression and can only rely on AK and RPG to resist.

After discovering this, the enemy became bolder and accelerated desperately with a heavy machine gun. The bullet made a "Dangdang" sound on our car body. This broken car has no bulletproof ability at all. A bullet passed me and directly made two holes in the front and rear windshield.

As we got closer and closer, we both entered the range of rocket launchers, but it was easier for us to chase. I just knocked over a car on my RPG. The shooter in the nearby car was hit by a heavy machine gun bullet. He turned over and fell out of the car. At such a high speed, he must have been saved and had to break his neck on the spot.

"This won't work. There's a dead end," I thought. I touched the radio and asked the driver of another car, "where are there trees near here?"

"Trees? There are trees on both sides of the road now?" the man's voice sounded a little confused.

"No, it's not this kind of small tree. It's the kind of tree with thick electric poles that can seal the road."

"Let me see. Just drive a few kilometers south."

"Brother donkey, speed up south"

"The south is a direction?" brother donkey's voice sounded a little flustered. Whoever sat in a car jingled by bullets would not be too calm.

"Calm down, you turn the car over and it's all over. It's on your left." I fired another rocket and ejected it. I missed the car and hit a hole in the middle of the road.

"Left, which side is left?"

Ivan in the car quickly stretched out his hand and pointed, "it's over there. Can you, can't I drive."

"Should I? I'm just a little nervous"

I kept firing in the rear compartment, and Ivan leaned out to shoot, but it could not alleviate the madness of the enemy. I had to lie on the carriage board and shoot. A bullet hit the heavy machine gun box above my head, turned into a jump bullet and hit me directly on the back waist. It was blocked by the nano clothes and didn't enter the meat, but the pain was really painful. It was also thanks to the bullet jumping. If the bullet hit directly, the huge impact force on this part would certainly cause spinal dislocation. If it was serious, I might be paralyzed.

I was beaten so hard that I couldn't fight back. During this period, the car next to me was also unlucky. A rocket hit the side of the rear of the car. The whole car was thrown up by the explosion and turned two in the air. It ran to our car like a movie stunt.

Brother donkey instinctively stepped on the brake, but Ivan shouted: "can't stop" and directly stepped on brother donkey's foot controlling the accelerator and rushed over. Almost as soon as we passed, the blown up car hit the ground, and several pieces of broken glass even splashed into my lying carriage.

Later, we simply gave up shooting, just drove desperately, and finally drove to a place with tall trees on both sides. I hit the tree with the last few rockets and blew it down in the middle of the road. While bombing me, I thought that I saved many lives today. It shouldn't be a big crime to blow down two trees. God will forgive me.

With the delay of the obstacles behind us, we finally got rid of the pursuit and got lost. Finally, we had to contact Jinlihua by satellite phone and finally joined her with the help of GPS.

We threw away all the guns, and the soldiers with the words "UN" on their bulletproof vests let us go. In the refugee gathering point, I saw Jinlihua and tens of thousands of refugees. A large group of parents gathered around and thanked me in English, French or some local language I didn't understand. Thank us for saving their children, some excited hugged us and cried. War destroys human nature. In war, human nature will also be revealed. The protection and love of parents for their children has nothing to do with skin color or race.

"Compared with the few of us who survived, I think the three black compatriots killed in the war deserve your thanks more." I said to these people. Only after I came back did I know that one of Jinlihua had also been sacrificed. The three of us also suffered minor injuries. After receiving their thanks, we wanted to bandage the wound.

At this time, an old man who looked at least 60 years old pushed aside the crowd and hugged me. He thanked me in English for saving his grandson. He said that the child's parents died in the war. Now the grandparents and grandchildren depend on each other. The child is the only spiritual pillar for him to survive in this troubled country.

Holding his thin hand, I immediately felt that there was no white adventure this time. I also said some words to comfort him. When it comes to the United Nations, it will be safe. All children will have food, books and a bright future.

He was very happy to hear what I said. After thinking about it, he wanted to take out a coin like thing from his pocket and give it to me. He motioned me to accept it. He said it was a small toy given to him by his father. It was copper. He wanted to make me a souvenir.

I wanted to refuse, but he insisted that I take it, so I had to take it, but I didn't have anything to give back. The gun and sabre were confiscated when they passed the door inspection just now. The only valuable thing on my body is the ring on my ring finger, but this is a wedding ring. The inner ring is engraved with the names of me and Sanmei. If I give it to someone, Sanmei has to cut me into eight pieces with a knife.

Finally, brother donkey came out to help me out and gave me an MP3 player he occasionally listens to music when flying. I handed it to the old man and signaled that it could be given to his little grandson. The old man didn't accept it as soon as he opened it, but I said you didn't accept it and I didn't accept the copper coin. He accepted it and said that his little grandson loved music and would like it very much.

"Thanks, brother donkey," I said after the old man left.

"You're welcome. Just pay me back," said brother donkey.

"No problem, I'll pay you a high-grade one later." I slapped him on the shoulder, but accidentally touched his wound cut by broken glass.

"Fuck, dead monkey, you did it on purpose"

"It's not intentional. Go and bandage it. The wound is bleeding again."

"I didn't bleed, you bastard." brother donkey scolded angrily. I happened to have a wound on my body, so I went to the medical room with him.

When the doctor disinfected my wound, I took a copper coin and played with it in my hand. It was about the size of a yuan, but the process was better. A tiger head was cast in the whole copper coin. Some patterns were carved out of the tiger's mouth, eyes and nose. I didn't understand what it was after reading it in the sun for a long time.

However, the overall feeling is that it should be a product in recent 100 years, because the workmanship and polishing are very excellent, and it is not marked with face value and date like ordinary coins. It should be something like commemorative coins forged by lovers. After a few glances, I put it in my pocket, and then a doctor came to help me break my cold needle.

When I looked at the tiger head copper coin, brother donkey was nagging. After saying a few words, I ignored him and felt a little boring. He turned on his mobile phone and began to surf the Internet and check his email.

Seeing that it was half his turn to have an injection, he lay there, half took off his pants and waited, his fingers still sliding around on the mobile phone screen.

"It's quiet at last. It's not easy," I turned to Ivan. Unexpectedly, the donkey on the other side shouted and jumped up.

"No, I said, man, the pain of a needle is like this?" I asked, but then I saw the nurse standing aside with a syringe and alcohol cotton. The medicine was still full and didn't start the injection at all.

Brother donkey took his mobile phone and said, "I received an email. I, a good friend of mine, had an accident. I have to go back to my country immediately."

"Don't worry, don't worry. You have to finish the injection before you go. This is Africa. If you are infected, you will be finished. Besides, you have to wait for the flight." I said, brother donkey can only lie down and ask the nurse to give him an injection, but his face is still anxious.

"What's the matter?" I asked with concern.

"Let me call and ask." after the injection, brother donkey put on his pants and called in the corridor. When he came back, he said to me, "monkey, you have to go back with me this time. My friend, something strange has happened."

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