When I hesitated, the snake neck beast's eyes showed a strong plea, and looked at me nodding like a child asking for sugar. Sanmei and Jinlihua immediately softened their hearts and said to me, "what are you doing? Find a way."

I just wanted to tell these two beautiful women with big maternal hair about my concerns, when I saw the snake neck beast, I suddenly made a surprising move. It swam a little distance to the side, which happened to be a corner of the sacrificial tower. After it took away its snake like head, it hit it hard like the hard black rock that is not inferior to steel. Moreover, it hit it several times, and the skin and meat on the top of its head were immediately broken. A lot of blood stained red lake water could be seen under the flashlight.

"What's this? Self mutilation and threats if you don't let it go? This guy is a little like me when I was a child. He rolls all over the ground without delicious food." I wondered.

After a few hard bumps, his forehead was already flesh and blood blurred. Then he shook his head and rubbed on the sharp stone edges and corners. Finally, he swam back with his body.

After swimming close, he put his head outside the crystal observation window, and the four of us gave a cry of surprise. We saw a thick translucent membrane under the skin and flesh he had knocked open. It was shaking like eyelids to open. It seemed that there was an organ such as eyes under the flesh membrane.

"Turn down the flashlight" three Mei called first, and we also reacted one after another. We were afraid that the strong light would hurt the eyes under the film. We immediately turned the flashlight to other places. On the side of the observation window that lost light, it immediately darkened.

Suddenly, in the dark lake outside, an orange light seemed to light up. After the translucent meat film opened, the "third eye" of the snake neck beast was exposed

It swam back a distance. Because its third eye was particularly bright in the dark water, we all clearly saw that its slender pupil began to rotate along the needle.

Thinking of that strange dream, I immediately found eye drops from the diving bag. Everyone applied a little. When I opened my eyes, I saw a scene that was even more amazing than a dream.

The four of us seem to be in an underwater cinema. The snake neck beast's heavenly eyes are like the lens of a projector, and the four-dimensional crystal observation windows become the screen of the projection.

The screen began to show some pictures. At the beginning, there was a girl's room, pink sheets, white bedside table with flowers and a photo frame. If Yi saw the girl in the picture, she called "Irina"

Next is a place similar to a bar. A handsome man is pouring wine. The other hand of the man is holding a woman's slender jade hand. It looks like two people are like glue. Then there is a group of lingering scenes that are not suitable for children. The two people are naked, holding each other and rolling around. They can't see their appearance clearly, but the scene is really yellow, It seems that it should be in the home of both sides.

But when the third group of silent images changed, the handsome man said something ferociously, holding a thick stack of dollars in his hand, punching and kicking in the direction of the camera, and his hands were stained with blood.

The fourth group of images is more yellow and more violent. Finally, a black muzzle appeared, shot at the lens, and then the crystal observation window went black. Finally, we saw a wisp of white fog floating out along the eyes of the snake necked beast and scattered in the water.

"What's the matter?" because she was too excited, Yiwan picked up my clothes and asked. She was so strong that I couldn't get angry. Using the method taught by Sanmei, I stretched out three fingers and stuck the acupoints on his wrist. After breaking off his big hand, I began to explain my understanding in combination with some theories in the ghost Sutra.

Yuanshen will have this pre life memory, but Yuanshen is a special energy group, or electromagnetic field. It is energy, so it must follow the laws of the universe, so it will be lost, disappear, or transformed into another form to continue to exist.

Your cousin's Yuanshen is almost disappearing due to energy loss. In our expert's words, the remaining Yuanshen is very weak, leaving only part of her memory fragments. Just now, it was projected by the snake neck beast with some special functions of the third eye, which is the scenes you saw.

"So she must have been killed?" Ivan said, trying to pull my clothes again. I hurriedly stepped back and said, yes, from the image projected by the snake neck beast, it's like this. Moreover, the remaining gods of your cousin lived in the third eye of the snake neck beast.

The four of us looked at the snake necked beast outside the window. Its third eye had been closed and opened two normal eyes. It was looking at us with extremely begging eyes. If possible, I think it will put an image with words on the crystal window, which says "I've helped you with everything you want to know. Would you please let me go?"

It was not only me who saw the intention of this spirit beast whose intelligence was no less than that of human beings. Sanmei and Jinlihua nodded at me. Ivan was full of thoughts about his cousin's death or how to revenge, and ignored me at all. After thinking about it, I think I'd better put it away. From the fact that it can help us, the snake neck beast may not be bad.

So we began to study the mechanical device in our hand, put it down at the end of the device, and there are three folded handles that can be unfolded. With the expansion of the handle, the front end of the device is pushed out like a triangular army thorn, almost 20 cm long, with high bottom undulating sawtooth and convex groove.

This time, no one needs to say. I can see that this thing is similar to a key. But where? We looked at the snake neck beast outside the crystal window. It kept motioning us down. When we saw that we nodded, the figure disappeared.

We held the key and Jinlihua carried the diving bag with three belly shaped jade bottles. We went back to the pool on the second floor, drilled in, laboriously passed through stone doors with waterproof function, and finally came to the place where we drilled in. Almost as soon as we arrived, the stone pillars overhead fell down, and we drilled out the sacrificial tower along the hole we just came in. When I got out, I saw that the snake necked beast turned the arms of four black stone men with its head arched and opened the hole. The four black stone men, acting as organs, slowly turned back, and the stone pillars gradually rose, blocking the circular entrance at the top of the tower.

Seeing the key in my hand, the snake necked beast kept swimming in the water, like a little dolphin who had just eaten fish. But at this time, the reading of the oxygen cylinder we carried was very low. We wanted to give it the diving bag and key, and then float to the surface to replace the oxygen cylinder.

Unexpectedly, it may think that we should ignore it. It immediately became angry. Its two eyes seemed to be a little congested. One by one, it bumped us back, and then bared its teeth to warn us.

I kept gesticulating, indicating that we might die of hypoxia, but I didn't know whether it could understand it. I saw it constantly making a human expression and shaking its head.

"Shit, I'm afraid this guy is going to become a sperm," I scolded in my heart, but I also want to. If you've been locked up by humans for many years, I'm afraid it's hard to believe this kind of faithless mammal.

It's no way to drag on like this. However, I risked diving disease and collected their three spare small cylinders. These four cylinders can take about 20 minutes. I motioned the three of them to go up. I went to follow this thing and see what to do.

Sanmei's eyes were full of concern, but she was not the kind of woman who took my hand at the critical moment and said, "what do you do? You must be careful?" the woman who said such nonsense and wasted time saw my firm expression. She turned and swam up with golden pear flowers and Ivan, and I showed the snake neck beast to lead the way.

Maybe I swam slowly and slowed down its pursuit of freedom. This thing held me up in my mouth, but the strength was used properly. Those sharp teeth didn't even pierce my skin.

It swam hard for a few minutes, came to the edge of the bottle belly structure, and let me go in a stone wall. This huge black stone wall seems to be caused by a huge rock with the size of a floor. I was shocked to find that under the stone wall, there are many snake necked animal bones, which are rotten to the bone, and clear cracks can be seen on some skulls. It seems that it is the ancestor in front of us who wants to break the black rock on the stone wall, But they didn't succeed in the end. They just sacrificed here.

I illuminated it with a diving flashlight. Without much effort at the bottom of the stone wall, I found a square hole. I carefully drilled into the hole. This hole is definitely designed for human beings. The snake neck beast can't drill in except for its head. Just like the hole we came in, the snake neck beast can only watch and worry.

After swimming inside and turning two more turns, I could see a triangular hole. I compared the things in my hand and found that the size was just right, so I didn't hesitate to put them in. First, I turned around and found that it didn't move, so I turned in the opposite direction. Just after half a turn, it felt like it triggered some mechanism and device, and the water around me shook violently. I knew it might be right.

But then I was frightened to find that the rock above me was falling. In other words, the stone wall composed of black stone was sinking.

"Fuck, you have to use the death squads to open the door. If you slow down, you will be brought below the ground by the boulder, and you will be told not to do it every day and to die where the earth doesn't care. Although I can't save oxygen, I immediately pedaled on the stone walls on both sides and swam quickly to the exit. Seeing that the exit is getting closer and closer, the stone is getting lower and lower, and I can only see half of the exit.

Thanks to the fact that I didn't carry the oxygen bottle on my back, otherwise my body was half thick and might have been clamped. Just as I tried my best to stretch out the front half of my body, my thigh had been clamped.

"It's over" just when I thought I was going to die here, the snake neck beast on one side fiercely stretched out his mouth, bit my upper body and dragged me out. I was cut several holes by its sharp teeth, but it was worth saving my life.

In a short time, the whole black stone wall had sunk, which seemed to lead to some huge underground waters. The snake neck beast showed a happy expression and plunged into it. But its figure immediately came back from the huge hole after the stone wall disappeared, looked at me, opened its big mouth and bit me.

"No, do you want to eat some snacks before you go on the road? Or are you being bullied by human beings? It's too heartless to bite one or two out of anger. I risked my life to release you. How can you think of revenge as soon as your sentence is over?" my idea was immediately overturned by its action. It bit my body and swam back, When we got to the bottleneck hole where we drilled in, we loosened our mouth and let go of me. Only then did we see that this thing was also very grateful.

Pass him the diving bag filled with ambergris jade bottle. Although he knows that this thing is several times more expensive than gold, he has been in prison for so long, and he is not guilty of miscarriage of justice. He has to pay some compensation. However, he opened his mouth and bit it. He kept shaking his head. After throwing out a bottle from the inside, he arched his mouth and pushed it in front of me. When he saw me reach for it, he waved his head and quickly disappeared in the direction of the huge hole.

Holding the jade bottle to the upstream, he said to himself: "goodbye, little Denver". He couldn't help laughing. When he gave the snake neck beast a nickname, he looked up and swam out along the hole. Not far away, he saw his companions change their oxygen bottles, pick me up with a flashlight, immediately adjust the buoyancy and greet them

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