"Well, remember to work harder in the future. I'll help you out this time." I continued to Ivan with a very righteous look: "I'll use a spell to set up a small array that makes ghosts unable to get close to me. First, protect your uncle for a period of time. This array is not very powerful, but it can deal with ordinary lonely ghosts. At the same time, we'll get your cousin's body as soon as possible, cremate her, and let her reincarnate quickly. Otherwise, your cousin will be wandering in the world and can't be reincarnated. Your uncle will tell us You have to freeze to death at night. "

After arranging the task, everyone acts separately. Before Irina's ghost comes back, arrange the array against lonely souls and wild ghosts in the ghost classic. Ivan calls some of his comrades in arms to see if he can get some diving equipment back.

This nine sided array is drawn with cinnabar, sulfur and other objects. Eight vertices are attached with eight different spells, and the remaining one is the position of the array eye, lying on the ground with a large purebred hunting dog borrowed from the neighbor's house.

At night, when the female ghost composed of white fog appeared at the door of the house, the big hound became alert, the hair on his neck stood up one by one, bared her sharp teeth and made a low roar.

At Uncle Ivan's strong request, we also coated him with potions, so as soon as the female ghost appeared, he immediately saw it. He cried out excitedly. While calling his daughter's name, he wanted to hold the fuzzy white fog. He was about to cross the array I drew on the floor.

"Stop him back quickly," I said to Ivan. Ivan immediately rushed up and took his uncle back to the center of the array like a bear. There were people shouting, dogs barking and ghosts crying in the room.

The white fog shaped female ghost revolved around the array for a long time, but each one had a corresponding spell to keep her out. The whole array was driven by the vitality of the big pure blooded hound. At present, the female ghost can't break through.

But if it takes a long time, the hound's vitality will be consumed too much, and it may not be able to withstand the ghost's Yin Qi and die. Fortunately, this is not a fierce ghost who died of hatred and sought revenge. Otherwise, even if he survived, the hound will be seriously ill. After this, Ivan's uncle has to buy more first-class dog food to comfort him, and then make a beautiful kennel for him to solve his housing Question.

The ghost kept circling around the nine sided array, trying to find a place to break in, but it never succeeded. After tossing through the most Yin Qi, the female ghost "floated" like yesterday He went back. As soon as the female ghost left, the big hound immediately fell on the ground and wilted, and his energy was exhausted. He asked Ivan's uncle to feed him some milk first, and then entertain him to have a good meal. Before he passed the female ghost, he counted on him to save his life.

We immediately followed out. Due to yesterday's experience, we prepared an old-fashioned motorcycle with a bucket. Four people crowded on it and followed the female ghost to the lake. Under the gaze of four people and eight eyes, the white female ghost floated into the lake and slowly disappeared in the direction of the middle of the lake.

"Make sure it's easy here. Come back early tomorrow morning," I said to the others, and then turned the car back.

On the way back, I was puzzled by the ghost Sutra According to the records on the, you can't stay in the world unless you have great obsession, resentment or unfinished things, that is, last wishes. Otherwise, the ghost's energy is very weak and can only disappear after a short pause. The female ghost I saw yesterday is almost transparent and is about to dissipate. How come when I saw her today, it seems that the energy field is much stronger, In other words, it seems that the degree of substantiation is much stronger. It seems that it has been "strengthened". Is there anything strange in the lake? I don't have a thought at all. I fell asleep in a daze and prepared to go into the water tomorrow to see the situation

The next morning, we sat on the old straddle motorcycle, followed by a borrowed tractor, and pulled the diving equipment and air compressor from Ivan to the lake. Looking at the old means of transportation, I thought that the gap was really big. We used to go back and forth in military aircraft. This time, we were really poor.

Fortunately, it was not far from the lake. When we arrived, we unloaded all dry diving suits, fins, gas cylinders, adjusting vests, respirators, lead blocks and other diving flashlights and underwater writing boards. When I was moving things, I saw Ivan open a small bag and take out some weapons from it. It was really thoughtful of us to do logistics.

In the past, there were four diving knives and four spp-1m underwater pistols of the Russian frogman army. This special pistol designed for frogmen to kill each other's frogmen is equipped with four SPS underwater ammunition, which can launch a long and thin arrow warhead. It has strong effective range and penetration underwater. It is much better than the underwater spear gun that can hit one shot at a time, and The distance is also farther.

After unloading the equipment and filling the rubber boat with gas, we rowed slowly to the middle of the lake. The place where the female ghost entered the lake yesterday is where there is a large area of dense water grass, so it is easier to identify.

The lake surface is very large. Except for the different color of the water, all others give people a feeling of the sea. The weather is cloudy and there is no wind, so the lake surface is relatively stable. Only a few water ducks are disturbed and drill into the water, rippling in circles. The whole lake surface gives people a feeling of death. The gas field of the whole lake and the cemetery is in a fight, or here It's really a good place for water burial.

Holding the cool engineering plastic handle of the oar, the four of us slowly rowed the boat to a place far away from the shore. The lake was so quiet that we could only hear the sound of our oars, which made us seem afraid of frightening anyone, and the volume of our speech decreased.

"Go into the water in batches, don't take too long." although I knew that these people were not the first time to dive, I told them like nonsense. Then, under the guidance of the principle of "women first", I turned over with Ivan first.

Used to high-tech artificial gills, lengbuding changed back to this old respirator. It was really a little uncomfortable. After spitting bubbles for a long time and Stabilizing our heartbeat, Ivan and I gestured to each other and adjusted the height valve to dive to the lower part of the lake.

Even on the lake, it's gray today, let alone underwater, and the visibility is worse. After reaching a certain depth, Ivan and I turned on the strong light diving flashlight and looked at the bottom of the lake.

There are a lot of impurities in the lake. Countless particles can be seen in the water through which the light column of flashlight passes. The bottom of the lake is covered with a layer of ash, and most things are covered tightly. Some can see the shape of rocks when they wear them. According to the photos, many fish are swimming in the distance. It is obvious that they are frightened by two "uninvited guests" and stare at us with fish eyes on one side, It feels very bad. In this already cold water, people feel cold from the bottom of their heart.

He picked up several places at the bottom of the water with a probe rod, and only dug up a stream of dust to make the water more turbid. He didn't find anything useful. But this approach is like looking for a needle in the great lake. Even if there are dead bones, the probability of successful discovery is very low. Fortunately, before entering the water, we made a direction mark, followed the direction of the gyroscope, and began to search along the place where the female ghost disappeared and connected with the center of the lake.

As it moves towards the center of the lake, the depth is also increasing a little. The lake has a large area, but the bottom slope is very small. It is a bit like a Japanese noodle bowl, which has a large mouth but is relatively shallow. The more you look inside, you can see more big fish. Some are up to half a meter long, with big mouths open and sharp awl like teeth. I'm really worried about how painful it will be to be bitten by this guy.

Use the aluminum alloy probe rod to constantly search on the ground. After a while, when the oxygen is running out, we float to the water to rest. Then Sanmei and Lihua women go into the water. The four of us go into the water in two groups in turn. I was busy until noon, but I didn't find anything. There was no difference except that the water and grass were getting longer and longer and the fish were getting bigger and bigger. It's not our fault. The lake is too big. Although it has been positioned in a straight line, it can't be finished in a month.

At noon, there was enough sunshine, and the lake was warm at last, which meant that the water waves in the Honghu Lake hit the waves. Unfortunately, we were almost exhausted. We rowed the rubber boat back to the shore to have a rest for a while and began to eat lunch.

Lunch is very Russian bread with jam and butter, ham and sausage slices, and some beef jerky with poor taste. I ate a few mouthfuls of beef. My temples hurt a little. The outer skin of the bread is crisp and the inner flesh is soft, with a unique flavor and taste. If I eat it for the first time, I may feel a strange sour taste, but I used to eat the "Da lieba" brought back by a comrade in arms in Harbin after visiting his relatives, so I'm more comfortable. This time I ate more pure bread. I couldn't help but have a big appetite. I ate almost half of the bread bigger than half a basketball. The larger Ivan ate more than me, and he didn't feel bad. He ate all the hard bound beef jerky, and then we lay down by the lake to rest.

I didn't sleep for a few hours last night. I was busy with heavy physical work all morning. Now I lie on the grass by the lake, smelling the fragrance of nature and enjoying the gifts of the sun. Coupled with the pleasure after a full meal, my limbs feel a little numb.

Confused, I suddenly heard a low and sad voice floating on the lake: "... It's so cold... Help me..."

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