The South African shook his head. I could still see his wide eyes through the cold proof mirror.

Sol didn't say the answer directly. Pointing to McKinley mountain, the highest peak in North America in the distance, sol said: "Do you know how much snow is piled up on that mountain every year? Under the double action of gravity and pressure of thousands of years of snow above the snow line, it is not uncommon to be hundreds of meters thick, only more than 100 meters. What's your surprise? It's good here. If we go further north, we can reach the glacier continent, which was formed and left over from the ice age, which is much older than here, but we Our equipment is not good. Going there is no difference from looking for death. "

The South African brother who asked was obviously shocked by Sol's professionalism and the magic of nature in front of him. His tone changed from questioning to unbelievable. Pointing to the boundless white in front of him, he said, "it's dozens of kilometers around? It's terrible, my God, how little tons of ice?"

"The whole huge Valley is filled with glaciers. If you have time, count for yourself." sol was too lazy to continue this literacy conversation. He sorted out his equipment, pulled out the ice pick from his backpack and prepared the ice claws on his shoes. Old black smiled and said to the guy: "If you transport a few to your side, the Sahara desert will not worry about drinking water. It can be renamed the Sahara forest."

Because marching in this harsh polar terrain is very physical, especially the sharp soldier walking in the front to walk for everyone, during the previous March, the sea snake fell into a deep snow pit several times. Thanks to us connecting him with the back several with ropes, several people pulled him out every time he fell in, but he was tired after tossing several times. After all, he asked for help, I was a little sorry, so I changed my position with him to let him rest. I turned on the tactical light on my helmet and took the lead in walking into the ice.

I felt nervous when I walked into a place that may not have been experienced by human footprints for thousands of years. Although it was beautiful from an aesthetic point of view alone, the top of my head and the bottom of my feet were blue with a flashlight, which was very crystal clear, as if I were in a cold dream kingdom at the moment. Although I really wanted to know why there were so many people in this fairy tale world The ice was blue, but I didn't open my mouth to ask, because I knew someone would do it for me.

"God, why is it blue here? Shouldn't it be transparent or milky white?" I can't see that the South African named wildebeest is really eager.

Just listen to sol's angry words: "This kind of ice is called old glacier ice in terms. The glacier is pressed by snow. There are small bubbles in it at the initial stage of formation. With the continuous great pressure for thousands of years, it will become more dense and hard, and the bubbles in it will gradually decrease. When the sun shines, the red orange wavelength is long, the diffraction ability is strong, and it will penetrate the ice. The blue light wavelength is short, so it is scattered. That's why you see these glaciers in blue. In addition, tell the black wolf that the tuition fees of you guys are deducted from the Commission of this mission and directly hit my account. "

Saul said that everyone laughed except me. Now I walk every step carefully. It's very appropriate to walk on thin ice on me at the moment, because this huge glacier may produce many very deep cracks under pressure. If it falls in, it's difficult to climb up. As Sean just said, this kind of ice dies all over the world every year There are hundreds of people in the crack, and they will always be "refrigerated" in it and integrated with the glacier. I don't know what to look at and what month the body will have a chance to see the sun again.

What is more troublesome than the ice crack is the ice cave mentioned by the sniper named snake. Due to the annual snow melting season, a large amount of snow water will pass through the glacier and form a hole like complex path. It is likely that there is only a thin layer of ice left under your feet. Below is the passage through which this water passes, but you don't know anything. If you step on it, you will fall directly Then he rushed out of the ice cave like a slide for a long time. Where he finally stopped or whether he died or lived is unknown.

What's more, unlike ordinary polar explorers, they hide from ice cracks and ice caves, and I want to find these things because I have to go deep into the glacier.

There is a slope inward along the ice gap. Although the slope is small, there is hard and slippery ice on both sides of the head and feet here. The whole world is an ice world, so the road is difficult to walk. I use an ice pick to hang on some protrusions and pull myself up. Occasionally, I want to dig a pit in several places, swing my arm and hit it with a pointed ice pick, leaving only a hole on the blue ice surface A white spot. Finally, I burned several pits with high-energy fuel before climbing over. The ice here has been squeezed for thousands of years, and the density is so great that I even think I have drilled into a huge sapphire.

In this way, we used both hands and feet. We tossed together with the fuel and ice pick for a long time. After passing the initial slope, there was a long corridor half a person high. After climbing to the end, we found a hole that should be impacted by snow water. People can straighten up in it. We had a short rest there. We burned some water in a smokeless stove and everyone drank it I ate some food to replenish my strength. Although the temperature here is also very low, it is better than outside. At least there is no biting cold wind. No wonder Eskimos use ice to cover their houses.

After eating, his body warmed a lot. Sol took out something like holding a searchlight and connected it to the single soldier computer. Facing the large and small cracks around the hole, he kept pressing the switch on it and glanced at the computer screen from time to time.

The South African named wildebeest immediately became interested, but choked several times. It seemed a little embarrassed. I couldn't help running over and asking what it was for. I saw him use it in Afghanistan before.

Sol didn't look back. He pressed a few times on the personal computer and shared his desktop with me through Bluetooth. After the connection was successful, I saw that it was a very complex graph composed of many tree branches. After looking at the graphics, I probably understood that this thing should be used to explore cave terrain by using the principle of sound wave reflection. There are corresponding parameters next to the picture, which are written with some terms. It seems that it should be density and anti explosion index.

Seeing sol busy, the sea snake explained to him, "it was invented by the U.S. Army to catch enemies hiding in caves all year round, or for special operations in caves. I also brought some other gadgets this time. I'll show you when I'm free."

In the process of chatting, sol had finished his work. He pointed to a narrow crack and said, "go here."

"Ah? It's not wide enough here? Why choose here?" the wildebeest finally asked, unable to resist the torture of curiosity.

"Other detours are too far and dangerous. After opening here, it is a long and straight corridor that can lead to the holes in the glacier," Sol said with certainty.

"How do we do it? Use explosives? It's too dangerous. Ice is a good seismic transmitter. Will it cause a chain reaction and bury us here?" the Northern Ireland sniper named Sean asked cautiously.

"Such a large glacier shouldn't be so light and can't afford to toss? How many explosives did we take in more than ten people?" a South African soldier expressed his view.

"No, his worry is reasonable. The internal structure of the glacier is very wonderful, and it is likely to be in a fragile balance this season. If C4 is used in the corresponding key position, it will definitely destroy the internal support structure and cause a chain reaction. Because it is also full of cracks and holes. If it explodes, no one can control the consequences, at least it will lead to a chain reaction "There's a local collapse," Sol put away the acoustic detector and pulled out another thing I haven't seen from his clothes. Before he got into the glacier, I saw him take it out of his backpack and put it into the military uniform that would be heated after power on. At that time, I wondered why he did it. Now I think he's keeping it warm.

"What shall we do? Dig with a knife or pee?" a South African soldier threatened to untie his pants.

"Keep it for washing your face. Let's see what professionals are. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll be unconvinced by my high commission." solyang raised his hand and said, I saw that it was a bit like a single 40mm grenade launcher. There is a nozzle like a water gun in front and a capsule shaped metal container in the back, which can hold almost a liter of water.

Then sol pressed a switch on the water gun in his hand, and the nozzle immediately spit out a half meter long flame. After adjusting the knob, the flame became shorter, and sol began to bake the ice. This move scared us all silly. Even if he carried all the fuel on his back, it was not enough to be so extravagant.

Seeing our eyes widened because of surprise and confusion, the sea snake explained the principle of this thing to us. The full name of this thing is pulse type high-energy flame ejector. It uses the principle of pulse to form very fine and uniform small particles of liquid fuel, and then injects them into the air for combustion. In this way, the utilization rate of fuel is very high, so the effect is very good. The sea snake said that this was based on a pulsed liquid mine. The mine can be placed in a closed space such as a cave. It will spray small particles of liquid fuel formed by pulses on all sides. Then when the infrared device of the mine detects someone passing by, it will ignite and hold the whole cave to burn. Because it is in a semi closed space, it has great lethality, It's kind of like a thermobaric bomb.

I haven't seen you for more than a year. Your equipment is getting better and better. I said with admiration. The sea snake didn't care to help. I also took out an ice pick to clean up the broken ice.

Although it is roasted by fire, it does not completely turn ice into water. It is impossible to pump all our blood as oil. After the fire sweeps up, the hard ice will expand to a certain extent due to heat, make a small breaking sound and crack many small net lines. When it is knocked by the tip of the ice pick, it will fall to the ground like broken glass.

In this way, sol was responsible for the first step of roasting and separating the ice layer. The sea snake knocked with an ice pick, and I flattened the T-shaped ice pick and pulled out the large and small broken ice falling on the ice. After being busy for more than two hours, the sea snake and I were replaced by others, but sol insisted on coming by himself. He said that if it was not done well, the ice on the top would collapse. He was still relieved of his craft.

Just when we were sweating hard in the ice wall of the eternal glacier, the female host woke up from her coma and began to struggle desperately again. When we were on the plane, we gave her some sedatives for fear of hurting the fetus, so the dose was a little small, so she woke up faster.

Do you need another shot? Shopkeeper Qian looked at me with solicitous eyes and clamped her arm to prevent her from falling to the ground.

My plan is to inject tetrodotoxin first to make her enter the state of suspended death, and after entering the state of suspended death, its original God will also be isolated, so that we can have the opportunity to take the next step. The ghost Sutra records that a pill similar to Guixi pill can achieve the same effect, but those complex Chinese herbal medicines are not complete for a while. I think of a way to replace it with modern medical products. I don't know whether I can keep pace with the times in the exorcism world.

After her Yuanshen leaves the body, the nightmare beast attached to her has no place to hide. It will leave the host's flesh with her Yuanshen, and then use the nine death resurrection grass to lead the host's Yuanshen back to the flesh alone. Then, we must play hard, collapse the glacier and bury the monster, and kill the monster that is full of fire with the essence of ice accumulated over the past ten million years.

After looking at sol, I almost dug through more than half. I said to shopkeeper Qian, "don't use sedatives. Take off her hood and earplugs. It's time to scare her and start acting..."

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