I ran to a bush near the exit at the speed of 100 meters. This is a completely flat terrain. Fortunately, I was only ready to fire one or two shots and retreat. Almost as soon as I had set up my sniper gun, there was the mutual abuse of the gangs in the parking lot in my headphones. At the same time, the agents in the rear also helped with simultaneous interpretation.

After the two groups of people who had been on guard against each other saw the body in the parking lot, the smell of gunpowder in the space became stronger. They both scolded each other's people for killing first, but there was no evidence.

"What's going on? Why are my people killed? You want to collude with the cops to kill me? Bearded, let's see. It's not over."

"The note is clearly caused by you. Don't buckle the excrement basin on my head. Just put it on my horse. My machete is getting rusty. I'm looking for someone to grind their necks. Today is not the time. I'll play with you another day."

The two gang bosses were eager to avoid the police and the army, scolded each other, got into their own cars, and then started the engine to drive towards our exit. I tried to adjust my breathing instability and heart acceleration caused by running, and stared at the sight that had already adjusted the distance, waiting for the first car to appear.

I don't know which Gang owns the first car, but it doesn't affect me to deflate his tires. With the help of special muffler and special subsonic bomb, and the other party is in the car, they didn't hear the gunshot at all. The front tire of the first car was blown out and hit the wall. The cars running for their lives immediately began to rear end one after another. For a moment, there was a crash sound

Of course, the reason why I burst the tire doesn't mean that I expect them to die in a car accident. That's very unrealistic. If I had another effect, the translation from the headset let me know that my goal has been achieved.

"Son of a bitch, didn't you use your head to ensure that you didn't rob the drugs? The dog bastard in the slum doesn't even know whose wild dog his father is." from the analysis of scolding words, this should be the boss of Juarez.

"Didn't you say you've never seen my men? What's the matter? Don't think you're noble from birth. Your mother's adultery with your uncles has been put on the Internet. Your dismembered father may actually be your own uncle."

"You son of a bitch, fire on me and kill this bastard"

"Fire, none of you want to get out of here alive today"

Immediately, the gunfire and scream became one. Due to the close distance, the battle brought great casualties at the beginning, and then ended because the effective forces of one side were completely destroyed. Finally, only the boss of the machete gang and a small half of the injured Gang drove away in a broken car. It seems that even if they are the boss, they can't put down their skills. But the people who left were basically injured all over, especially the Leiva, whose whole body was covered with blood and was basically carried on the bus.

When they left, we saw from satellite images that the police car was a few kilometers away. I calmly pressed the bomb in the ransom bag and blew the car and hundreds of thousands of dollars to pieces. In this way, the police will not find that the tracker has been tampered with, and will also drag the kidnapping to the Juarez Gang through the body at the scene.

Both black and white came to you, and the boss died. I think you have any energy to protect the host. With a sneer in my heart, I jumped into the car with my companions, increased the accelerator and sped away in the opposite direction of the police and the army.

We were still in the car, and the agent in charge of monitoring in the rear came in with new information: "that bearded Leiva realized that the other party couldn't stop after he got the news that the boss was killed. He has called all the gang members and is ready to start first. The next few days will be very hot."

What moves faster than the machete Gang is Reyes, who is eager to save his wife and children. After checking the identity of the dead bodies at the scene, a large number of people and horses roared into the home of the Juarez gang in a long line of riot armored vehicles. The car is full of military and special police. Ordinary police can't get ahead at all. They can only follow and command the traffic.

Looking through a telescope, more than a dozen armored vehicles, professional soldiers of nearly a company, and special police full of two assault vehicles directly surrounded the headless Gang headquarters, and then machine gun suppression and tear gas began to attack.

The army and the police attacked the headquarters, and the machete Gang attacked several Juarez drug storage warehouses. It is the so-called wall falling and people pushing. Even several other foreign gangs brazenly joined in, annexing the power of the Juarez gangs and taking the opportunity to expand their territory.

Under the multiple attacks of black and white, several heavyweights of the Juarez Gang hid one after another. Although the big and deep-rooted old gang would not collapse immediately, at least they were not in the mood to mind their own business. In addition, the host could not continue to hide here in this chaotic scene.

Therefore, on the second day after the chaos began, through the cameras at the intersection and the hacker software invading the local transportation department, we also located the daughter of kunba, that is, the location of the host. She was on a road to an airstrip, and might want to fly back to the headquarters of the African Taiji tiger.

"Hurry up," I kept urging Lao Hei.

"No matter how fast, no matter how fast, the pointer is bent." the old black eye didn't leave the road and stepped on the accelerator. With such a fast speed and bad road conditions, it's easy to roll over if you don't drive carefully.

But the benefit of speeding at the risk of my life is that we finally caught up with the airport before the plane took off and saw the small plane preparing to enter the taxiway to accelerate, not to mention how happy I was. After stopping the car, without saying a word, the large caliber sniper gun on the rack broke a wheel of the aircraft, and fired all the armour piercing incendiary bombs in a magazine towards the position of the cockpit. I don't know what ignited something in the cockpit. Anyway, smoke came out. Even if the Wright brothers came to drive, it was impossible to take off. People inside jumped out with guns and prepared to fight with us on the ground.

Seeing the graceful figure of the host among the flustered enemies, Lao Hei joked: "because the takeoff and landing runway is too busy, this flight has to be cancelled. Dongxia Airlines suggests that you should never choose Dongxia for urgent travel. Take off in winter and arrive in summer to ensure that it is not on time."

Old black nonsense, shopkeeper Qian and I pressed up from both wings and saw the figure of the host again. We were all red eyed. The combination of large caliber armor piercing projectiles and high explosive grenades soon killed and injured each other, but these murderers are also really fierce and still fight to the death. All kinds of long and short weapons keep firing at us, and the injured also lie on the ground and shoot.

Their struggle caused old blackheart to get angry. He took out a tube of transformation medicine and stabbed it into his body. After becoming a werewolf, he took his matchless knife in his right hand and his maddog saber in his left hand. Under the cover of the smoke bomb thrown by shopkeeper Qian and I, he rushed to the enemy's hiding place with extremely fast movements. Then there was a flurry of flying limbs and blood sprayed several meters high. I knew it was the effect that the neck artery was quickly cut off by a sharp knife.

Taking advantage of the fire gap from the old black charge, shopkeeper Qian and I pressed forward further and threw the sniper gun. I replaced the g36c. After shooting out two parallel magazines, I had no time to change bullets. I threw a short assault rifle. I directly pulled out the pistol and fired at the rest of the enemy. When my pistol was almost empty, I found that only the three of us could stand.

The host who tried to escape on foot has been caught back by Lao Hei. His body less than 100 kg was carried by Lao Hei with one hand and thrown onto the airport runway in front of me.

When she was thrown on the hard ground, she gave a sweet cry, but it didn't work for the three of us. Even if she screamed better than Teresa Teng, she couldn't save her. The woman looked up and saw our three murderous faces. Unexpectedly, she was very calm and said, "it's finally in your hands. Do you want to kill me?"

"You know the answer very well. You should have this psychological preparation when you summon the monster from hell. We didn't kill your father. He died of suicide. You can only say that you chose the wrong object for revenge." I said, changed the magazine for the pistol and aimed it at her eyebrows to end all this.

"I know he committed suicide, but I'll kill you in order to get all the property of the Kun family." when she spoke, a fierce expression appeared on her beautiful face, which was not commensurate with her face that could participate in the beauty contest. I think the so-called snake and scorpion beauty refers to the kind in front of me.

"Well, in that case, I have no psychological burden. If you just avenge your father, maybe I'll hesitate."

"Hum, my father won't let you go. Besides, have you considered the price if you want to kill me?" her face, which combines beauty and ferocity, showed an expression of eating us.

"Price? Hehe, the biggest price to kill you now is to kill me. Why? Do you still have a small atomic bomb with you?" I looked at her slim and appropriate figure and said that apart from the two bulging peaks in front of her chest, she can't hide a grenade. I don't believe she has any cards.

She sneered and suddenly began to untie her belt. Seeing her strange behavior, Lao Hei said, "why? Beauty trick? Seduction? It's too late. Although I'm good at this, it's not the time now. You'd better close your eyes and die early and lift the fetus early."

But before Lao Hei finished, I noticed that many blood red mantras were densely tattooed on the host's snow-white and flat belly. When I looked at it carefully, I immediately looked silly and thought that this woman was really cruel to the limit of human beings.

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