After chasing the footprints for a few minutes, I saw the short haired woman running on the sand. The clothes tied to her head had fallen somewhere in her running. After all, she didn't run like a pityriasis without rest or breathing, so she took a few breaths when running between the sand dunes, and looked back from time to time to see if anyone was chasing her. On this sandy desert, the people chasing her are not holding bright red roses, but black and cold guns.

Although there is only one word difference between pursuit and pursuit, the way and content are completely different. But for some people who treat love as a play, chasing and pursuing may be the same thing. Many males like to chase after their hands and abandon them after a period of time, leaving a sad and broken woman. Moreover, it takes several years for this woman to heal her inner wound. In a sense, it is similar to "killing" her, but the former is hurt in the body and the latter is hurt in the heart.

I strode to catch up with the woman hundreds of meters away, and saw her face with a telescope when she looked back. At that moment, I was even stunned. This woman is very sexy and charming. Her facial features are very straight, her chest is very hip warped. The only drawback is that her face is a little dusty. There were expressions of fear in my big eyes, and some urgent tears hung on my long eyelashes, as if I were a sex wolf trying to catch up with her.

With a shawl and long hair, she is definitely a seed contestant in the beauty contest and a top car model. It's a pity that her hair is not much longer than her eyelashes, which gives a lot of discount to the overall image. However, with the perfect body curve, even the bald head also appears to have a different temperament. It is absolutely a natural beauty. If Lao Hei saw her appearance, he would probably begin to envy the good fortune of the nightmare beast.

But just being outstanding is not enough to scare me. My brother has not seen a beautiful woman. What surprises me most is that I have seen this woman. At the same time, the woman's appearance also gives answers to many questions, such as who is the employer of Taiji tiger and who is willing to use her body as bait to summon the hell beast in order to kill the four of us.

When he was still in Myanmar, kunba, the king of drugs, showed us a picture of his family. This woman was impressively among them. She should be a daughter of kunba. At that time, she stood in the first position on the left in the middle of the second row, indicating that this woman is still popular in the whole family. Next to her in the photo is kunba's most beautiful wife, the mother of the host. Later, when we reviewed the data of kunba's family, we knew that kunba's little wife was once the runner up of the beauty contest of Southeast Asia Tourism Festival, and the host looked very much like her mother. If she looked like kunba's Square national face, it was estimated that even the blind nightmare beast would not want to parasitize in her brain.

From the identity of this woman, we can infer that the whole Kun family has carried it with us. Although kunba didn't die at our hands, it also has a lot to do with how much, but she didn't expect to pay so much for her father's revenge.

In my stupefied Kung Fu, she saw someone catch up, desperately continue to run away, and kept talking with a satellite phone. I'm afraid something might happen. I quickly followed her. Today, let alone kunba's daughter. Even if she is the daughter of the Jade Emperor, she has to stay.

Who knows, after I had just chased for two steps, Lao Hei's hurried voice came from the radio: "monkey, hurry up and find a place to hide. The sandstorm is coming."

Among the natural disasters I have seen with my own eyes, the tsunami can best represent the fury of nature, but the sandstorm is full of doomsday terror. In addition, sandstorm is also known as one of the most unpredictable and violent natural disasters. Since most deserts have flat terrain and there are no mountains or trees that can reduce the wind speed, they are very suitable for the collusion of strong wind and yellow sand. Large scale sand storms can be as high as thousands of meters, which can block out the sky and the sun in a real sense; At the same time, it can sweep large areas of desert coverage at a speed of nearly 200 kilometers per hour.

A large-scale sandstorm can move large areas of sand dunes, roll millions of tons of sand from one place to another hundreds of kilometers away, and destroy anything within its power range, vehicles, houses, villages and even the whole city. In history, many civilizations were buried under the yellow sand forever by this kind of natural disaster, Therefore, sandstorm is also vividly called "yellow devil" by ethnic groups in the desert

At this moment, within my sight, a yellow sand wall rolling like a lying dragon is moving at high speed, and we are on its way. According to experience, I should immediately find a place to hide and try my best to escape this disaster. But looking at the host that just disappeared not far away, I'm really unwilling. I can't kill her today, and I have no face to live.

So I just put a cloth over my mouth, put on my goggles, threw my backpack and sniper gun on the ground, and asked Lao Hei to take it for me and chase forward with g36c at the speed of 100 meters. But just like practicing swimming in the tsunami, comparing speed with sandstorm is also one of the stupid behaviors. When nature is powerful, human beings had better hide obediently.

I've only run less than 200 meters. I've been caught up by the sandstorm, and the visibility immediately began to decrease. Looking at the bald woman looming in and out of the sand dunes, I can't wait to bite her to death. I fired several shots with g36c, but the bullets flew in vain in the sand. Finally, I didn't even see where the bullets hit. In this climate, if I want to hit a person who is like a frightened rabbit jumping around the sand dunes, I can't do it even if I have a sniper gun in my hand.

The strong wind wrapped in sand and stones hit me. I couldn't see the human shadow completely within 30 meters. I stood there stunned and forgot to avoid the sandstorm. I was only thinking about one question: "if the woman survived the sandstorm this time, how should I face the three beauties with only 30 hours left in my life."

Standing there swaying by the wind, Lao Hei, carrying two backpacks, desperately called me on the radio. When he found me, he pressed me on the ground and shouted at me, "save your life first, and there will be hope if you live."

His words reminded me. After taking over the backpack, we fell on the ground together. The reason for this is that in a sandstorm, the bottom layer is full of large particles of sand, while upward is fine dust. So if you stand in a sandstorm, your head will be exposed to the height of fine dust, which will block the respiratory tract and suffocate people. Therefore, the correct way is to wrap your mouth and nose with clothes, keep your respiratory system, and then squat or lie on the ground. Although you will be beaten blue and blue by large grains of sand and stones flying at high speed and a bag at one end, you will not be suffocated alive at least.

Shrink on the ground, block the wind with my backpack, form an inclined plane, and shrink my head below. I washed the wound with water and did simple disinfection and dressing. As soon as the disinfectant touched the wound, my facial muscles cramped. Of course, it is impossible to be perfect in this environment. Leaving a scar is a matter of nailing on the board. Now I can only pray that the wound will not be infected. Take the anemometer to measure the wind speed from time to time. The outside of the backpack is 150 km / h and the bottom of the backpack is 57 km / h. at this speed, I can normally pump my air into my lungs without worrying about being killed by the stones and rubble occasionally wrapped in the sand. Therefore, hiding behind some strong and heavy things, it is possible to survive the tyrannical sandstorm.

In this way, Lao hei and I tied each other with ropes and tied our backpacks to prevent them from being blown away. In this way, we lay on the ground and moved from time to time to press the surrounding higher and higher sand under our body to prevent them from being buried alive. This is the practice used by camels in sandstorms. Therefore, humans can learn a lot from other species. From this point of view, protecting other species is protecting ourselves.

In this way, it lasted more than six hours before the deadly sandstorm passed. We were lucky. Some large-scale sandstorms could blow for several days. In that case, Lao hei and I would be directly blown into mummies.

Looking at the clear sky after the wind and sand, I sat on the ground and felt the impulse to cry. This damn sandstorm, 10 minutes late, I can save my favorite woman, but the stingy God refused to give it to me.

Seeing my discouraged appearance, Lao Hei came over and patted me on the shoulder and said, "come on, brother, cheer up. The host won't have such luck next time. There are still 30 hours and hope. Besides, the woman may have died in such a big storm." after that, he stretched out his hand and pulled me up, with an expression of expectation in his eyes. I looked at him, nodded, pulled his hand and stood up, desperately turning my brain to analyze the situation.

The woman may have died, but I've always been cautious. I won't put my girlfriend's life on words like "possible" and "maybe". There's no room for carelessness. The bald female host must die to see the body and live to see people. The first thing after seeing people is to turn her into a body. But if she lives, where is she now? What is the next move?

Nervous in my mind, I suddenly thought that she was communicating by satellite phone just now, and immediately contacted shopkeeper Qian

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