After a punch hit, Sanmei opened her eyes and took advantage of the decline in the response caused by a heavy blow to the other party's head. The left hand caught the other party's hand holding the grenade with a hook and hug, and then twisted the other party's hand with a reverse joint, and the grenade fell directly to the sand.

Before the grenade landed, Sanmei flew a foot. A low slug kicked the grenade far away, fell behind a sand dune far away, and blew up a large area of yellow sand.

While solving the grenade, Sanmei stepped forward, hooked the other party's leg, pulled her left hand back, hit her right shoulder in front, and fell with the female killer. She didn't wait for her to stand up and kick her head. Then he held the killer's chin in his right hand and shook it off. This is not the end. Another phoenix eye punch hit the female killer on the cheek and directly beat down two grinding teeth.

Looking at the poison teeth falling out of the female killer's mouth, I realized why Sanmei kept greeting her face. She stepped into the sand and punched her on the head. Then Sanmei took out the plastic buckle rope and tied the woman's hands and feet tightly. Then she said, "it's done. It's over."

Lao Hei, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed up first, took the woman back to the big truck and tied her hands and feet to the baffle of the car and the guardrail of the fuel tank. The whole person is now a big font, fixed on the side of the truck. After waking her up, the four of us stared at her coldly. Unexpectedly, she was not afraid at all. With a sneer, she turned her head to one side and looked at the sand without making a sound.

"The number, equipment and route of your accomplices. If you say so, let you go, or turn the car around and give you a sunbath. How about it?"

Lao Hei said, grinding his teeth. It's still for the sake of women. Otherwise, Lao Hei would have rushed up and started cramping, peeling and cutting his fingers.

Unexpectedly, the woman smiled contemptuously and said with a tone of memory: "Once I was caught by several Chechens. Their interrogation was very characteristic. They started from their feet to the top of their head. I insisted until they were ready to use an electric drill to make a hole in my head. Unfortunately, later, they were tired and began to rest. I found a chance to escape. I don't know if I can stick to the top of my head. How about you find an electric drill to help me?"

After listening to her words, I realized that this is a cruel role. It is difficult to get the effect just by torturing her with pain. Because when the pain is too great, the human body will automatically enter a state of self-protection, which may cause the heartbeat to slow down or even stop. Some people with strict training will self hypnotize and turn the pain exceeding a certain threshold into release pleasure. What does this woman look like It's not an ordinary character who can move with two knives. Now a big problem is in front of us.

"Didn't you bring that brain wave jammer?" I asked shopkeeper Qian.

"Nonsense, one of those things is bigger than the whole assault car, not counting the two auxiliary computers. Do you think they are like the ballistic computers you use, palm sized small objects?" shopkeeper Qian replied.

"Fuck, a killer who owes countless lives doesn't need to treat her as a woman, right?" old black turned to me and shopkeeper Qian for advice.

"That's right" We answered in unison, but neither of us moved his finger. Seriously, although I knew that I might not be able to leave the whole body in the hands of this woman. But now let me torture her with cramps, skin and bones. Although I don't think I'm a good man and a girl, and I've killed people and numbed my hands, it's hard for me to punish women One of the bottom lines.

I can't do it, let alone shopkeeper Qian and. He looked at us and said, "I'll take all the hard work, but don't find me." If she is a werewolf or a vampire, Sanmei may still be able to help, but she has been entrusted by her master, including all humans, and naturally the female killer in front of her. Moreover, this person's will is like steel and iron, and hypnosis is naturally useless. She has to find another way to do it.

"Shit, I really don't believe in evil." he was so embarrassed for a long time. Lao Hei was a little angry. He took out his saber and was about to go to the woman.

"Hehe, are you going to start at last? I'm looking forward to it. If you want to peel, remember to distinguish the muscle layer from the fat layer. And I remind you, the Chechens peeled from the inner thigh to my knee last time, and the skin there was planted later. You'd better come up with two people and bet on who's more complete while peeling. That's what they did at the beginning. Oh, right , be professional and prepare some bags of emergency plasma, or you won't have to play if I die halfway. "Then he laughed like a psycho.

The four of us looked at each other and thought, "meet a madman who is not afraid of death and torture."

I didn't think it was over. I heard her continue. "I killed a big United Bamboo Gang surnamed Chen in 2007, and then I was arrested. I was hit by the son of Chen's son and took a baseball bat for more than 10 minutes. What's his strength? I think it's almost so big." Then she suddenly stretched her head forward and hit it back. Because she was handcuffed to the car baffle, behind her head was the iron plate of the truck“

I was startled by the sound of "bang". With such great strength, most people have already fainted. If I hit the iron plate with my head, forehead and head, maybe I dare, but I don't want to die by using the back of her head like this.

Unexpectedly, she was not satisfied. She shook her head and said, "no, it's stronger than this. It should be like this." after that, she leaned forward, then forced her arms and body, hit her head hard on the iron plate, and deepened the pit that hit the first time.


"That's about it." then she hit three times with "bang, bang, bang". When she hit the second time, I saw that the blood had flowed down. When she hit these times, the blood had flowed into her neck and ran all over her face along the sideburns. It was very red and dazzling. I think her head will be smashed if she bumps out again. Ordinary people can't use so much force to commit suicide.

However, just when she was so killed and bumped, the sleeves of her clothes were pulled by handcuffs, and the buttons on her chest were stretched out during the struggle. Half of the tattoo showing the bra and chest is not in the shape of a tiger biting Tai Chi. This is not surprising. A killer who often pretends to be a prostitute to perform tasks. If she tattoos the logo of a world-famous killer organization on her chest, I think her success rate will certainly decline a lot.

The tattoo on her chest is the head of a religious figure. I happen to know this person. That was my first year as a monitor. The company assigned several recruits to my class. One of them was a Korean boy from Yanbian, Jilin. Originally, there were soldiers from all over the world in the company. Everyone was used to it and didn't think there was anything.

But soon after the recruit came in, he startled us. He always took a picture with a portrait of the man on it. When he was free, he put it on the table to worship something. This practice soon attracted the attention of the company instructor. He immediately talked to the recruit and asked him to stop this behavior.

After the instructor talked to the Korean recruit for several times, the boy put the photos away, but it caused a heated discussion among several veterans in the class. The focus of the discussion was who the person in the picture was. Some people said it was Confucius. Some people who have seen a portrait of Confucius in the book say that it is not at all. It must be one of Mencius, Laozi, Zhuangzi, grandson and Sun Bin.

Anyway, everyone has it. The last few people bet that the loser will go over the mountain to the market to buy some tobacco, wine and roast chicken for the whole class (our camp is in the deep mountain). Then I make a village. If no one guesses right, all the people who participate in the bet will go out together and buy the whole class enough tobacco, wine, sugar and tea for one month.

Finally, when the North Korean boy announced the answer, we knew that the man was Cui Jiyu, the founder of Tiandao religion, a very famous local religion in North Korea. The Korean boy came into contact with this religion through several relatives who went to South Korea to work and joined it.

The figure painted with the chest pattern of he's daughter killer is Cui Jiyu, the founder of Tiandao sect and known as the great God of water and cloud. He died on October 28, 1824

Born in Gyeongju, Korea, he spent 10 years traveling around the world when he was young. Later, it integrated some theories of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and established Tiandao religion (initially known as "Eastern learning") in 1860

After the efforts of several generations of religious leaders, Tiandao religion has almost become the largest local religion in South Korea. Although the number of believers is far less than that of foreign Buddhism and Christianity, up to now, this Tiandao religion has about 1.2 million believers and 21 churches in Seoul.

Originally, the North Korean recruit wanted to introduce some theories of this religion, but I stopped it. Later, the recruit stopped talking about it until he died under the gun of drug traffickers in a combat mission the second year after he joined the army. When he died, he still held this picture in his hand and pasted it to his chest. With a smile on his face, it seemed that his soul had flown to the dream kingdom of heaven.

The departure of each comrade in arms is a lingering nightmare for me, so I have a deep memory of the image of this man, a long goatee and a layered hat. I recognized it at first sight today.

Generally, people with faith often have a very firm will, but if they can start from the place of their faith, they can shake their strong fighting spirit from the foundation and often receive unexpected results. Thinking of this, I looked back at the inside of the annular rock mountain where the fire had been extinguished and said to Lao hei and shopkeeper Qian, "tie her up firmly and come with me."

"Dead monkey, which one do you want to sing again? God talk, and install a half fairy there." they said, but they untied the woman as I said, twisted her hand to her back and tied it with alloy handcuffs, and then shopkeeper Qian held her arm with both hands. As if we were going to take someone to the execution ground, the five of us came to the inner ring of the rocky mountain where the embers were still smoking. Because there is not much to burn here, and gasoline and diesel burn fast, not fast, so there are only a few bodies burning like coke. But the temperature here is still frighteningly high. It seems that my face is going to blister. A lot of sand on the ground has been roasted in the fire just now, cooled down and turned into a layer of glass like brittle shell, pasted on the sand, and a crunchy sound is made when I step on it.

Lao Hei looked at the ground with a familiar expression and whispered to me: "I once carried out a mission in South Africa to attack an armored troop convoy. The field commander sent people to transport a large number of napalm and white phosphorus bombs. When a line of African badger armored vehicles drove by, they greeted them with those things except snipers. When the fire was out, we went over with guns, and there was no living body left, and the ground was almost the same as it is now."

"What are you taking her here for? You want her to die with her teammates?" shopkeeper Qian asked in wonder.

I didn't answer. I took out the potion soaked in the crow's eyes and ordered some on everyone's eyelids, including the captured female killer. She didn't know what this thing was for. She sneered and said, "you want to blind me? Just use a knife. Why is it so complicated?"

But the moment she opened her eyes, I heard a harsh scream. I smiled and said to Lao Hei, "the good play has begun..."

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