"Come on, they're coming up." shopkeeper Qian didn't know when he ran to the kitchen and dragged out several methane tanks. These air tanks may be used by decoration workers to cook. They are only one-third the size of normal household. They are usually used in camping. Now Lao hei and shopkeeper Qian wrapped a lot of nails with decoration tape and changed them into a large fragment killing bomb.

With all his strength, shopkeeper Qian threw the gas tank out from a distance. When it was about to land, three Mei sand Eagles with both hands fired at the same time. 50 bullets detonated the gas tank, and the splashed nails turned over several of the other party's attack teams. But the other party seemed not afraid of death at all. He stepped on the body and continued to rush forward. The injured shot in situ until the last breath. Several people who rushed to the front threw grenades one after another. Relying on her agility, Sanmei grabbed the wooden strips for decoration from the ground and blocked the grenades like playing baseball.

"Fuck, I'm still trying to fight with the uncle." Lao Hei scolded and wrapped the nail around the gas tank. Shopkeeper Qian was responsible for throwing Sanmei, shooting and detonating, and even threw out the other three gas tanks, killing many people and horses of the other party. This was the first attack of the other party.

"The cell phone signal is blocked, what about the others?" asked Sanmei when she changed the last two magazines for Sha Ying.

Yes, Ah Wei patted himself on the head and said, "monkey, come up and cover me. Let's hold on for another ten minutes." while he spoke, I realized what he meant. Generally, larger hotels are equipped with radio alarm equipment. Because although many modern communication facilities are convenient and fast and have large information throughput, they all have a common feature - vulnerability. On the contrary, the radio equipment that has been used for more than 100 years is simple, durable and easy to maintain, so it is often used as a backup means of long-distance communication.

"Thank God you can hold on for 5 minutes. I can't attract them in. I'll use the incense technique," said Sanmei. This method is a little too risky. After all, these people didn't plan to catch alive. They must use bullets to sweep back a few laps before rushing in, so they were denied by everyone.

He threw some spare magazines to Lao Hei. Ah Wei and I ran to the fourth floor and saw fireflies hiding behind an iron cabinet.

"Be careful, the other sniper, on the tree at 1 o'clock," she said after confirming it was us.

"Can you kill it?" Ah Wei asked

"It's hard, my gun can't, but I can hold him down by the terrain," replied the firefly.

"OK, cover us, 1, 2, 3, rush." Ah Wei and I crossed the corner and rushed to the roof. Fireflies flashed out of their hiding place at the same time. Hunched down and slammed a shot out of the window, followed by a side roll, but with the gunshot of the other party, she screamed out of her teeth.

"Firefly?" Ah Wei shouted to rush down to see the situation.

But I heard the firefly bite her teeth and answer, "jump, it's okay" and the sound of her continuing shooting.

Finally, he rushed to the roof. Ah Wei opened the door and just wanted to rush up, but he collided with another guy in camouflage armor. And it was a solid collision. The guy was only about 1.76 meters tall, a whole head shorter than Ah Wei, who was more than 1.9 meters.

Behind this man, there are three people with the same clothes. It seems that they are sneaking up and ready to kill the firefly first. So that our snipers can give full play to their firepower, so that the snipers can cover the assault of the commandos, but they didn't expect to meet us unexpectedly. If the firefly is killed, Sanmei and others on the first floor will be completely suppressed by them. I must destroy several enemies in front of me, which is the only idea in my heart.

At the critical moment, the legendary supernatural Hunter finally let me understand what is called Wuxu under the winning name. He held the enemy in his arms with a standard bear hug. His left hand hugged the other party so that he could not move. His right hand circled the back of the other party's brain, clamped the man's head with his big arm and forearm, twisted it with force, and broke the enemy's neck in the fierce sound of the bone.

The people behind the other party didn't react slowly. When they saw the situation, they raised their guns and shot. As the space between the fourth floor and the roof is very narrow, once it is suppressed by the other party, it is difficult to fight back. This is also the reason why the US Airborne commando tactical manual lists the drop attack from the top of the building as the first choice.

Pressing down can squeeze the enemy to the first floor, and finally drive out of the building to the street and become a live target for snipers. But if you attack from the top up, the defender can defend layer by layer, step by step up, and finally get air support and retreat on the roof. Ah Wei, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, naturally knows what the enemy wants to do, so he doesn't retreat but advances. Holding the body of the enemy in bulletproof vests in front of him, holding out a pistol is a very fast three shot burst, knocking down the enemy in front.

Many pistol shooting masters like to use the "memory" of muscles to naturally return their arms to the shooting position. However, Ah Wei completely used the recoil force of the hard top pistol with strong arm strength. His gun holding posture was a little different from the standard posture of the agent. His palm and forearm rotated 90 degrees, and the bottom of the handle was not vertically downward but horizontally outward. This can give better play to the strength of forearm muscles, so as to improve shooting speed and accuracy.

I can't just keep him busy. When he opened fire, I also bent over and pushed over, holding Glock in full-automatic mode to shoot out the remaining dozen bullets. This "monkey scattering flowers" shooting at close range immediately turned over the two enemies behind.

After eliminating the enemy, we rushed to the rooftop and found that the other party came up not only the front four, but also the first combat group. They pulled a rope from the top of a tree that we couldn't see in the distance, and climbed over unconsciously. If Ah Wei and I hadn't rushed to the roof and wanted to use the hotel's wireless telegraph letter, they might have succeeded at the moment.

On that rope, another one has climbed up, and the rope behind is still shaking. I don't know how many people there are. Signal Ah Wei to find the radio equipment quickly. I'll deal with these. I didn't have time to pick up the scattered guns on the roof. I threw the empty gun in my hand at the enemy. When he dodged sideways, I ran up, turned and kicked in the air. He kicked the enemy who had not yet established a firm foothold directly from the rooftop, howled and fell downstairs. Life and death are unknown. While I was kicking in the air, I had pulled out a military knife from my waist and was ready to stab him twice if I didn't kick, but if I succeeded, I saved some things.

At this time, another enemy's hand had reached the edge of the roof. I cut off the climbing rope with a knife. Due to too much force, I slashed the cement edge of the roof and drew a trail of sparks. Just trying to cut off the hand with another knife, the man climbed the outer edge of the rooftop and turned over. At the same time, he kicked the knife in my hand with an air sweep leg movement combining Taekwondo and gymnastics.

Before his feet stepped on the asphalt floor of the roof, he pulled out an APS pistol in his left hand. Before he leveled the gun, I rushed up close. Seeing my action, he immediately gave up his plan to level the pistol, but directly stretched out his hand to hit me in the leg.

At the same time, I stretched my hand down. I grabbed his hand holding the gun and put my thumb on the hammer, so that the hammer could not push the striker to hit the primer, so as to prevent him from shooting the pistol. Then he pulled his left hand back and put his right hand in front of his palm. At the same time, he moved his right foot forward half a step, rotated his body, put his shoulder on his armpit, and gave him a shoulder fall.

When he fell on the roof and ground, he twisted his left hand and grabbed his pistol, but this guy lay on the ground, twisted his legs and threw me down. Then he split his legs and hit me on the head. Most normal people's reaction at the moment is to roll outward to avoid his attack, but I unexpectedly rolled inward and let his feet in military boots roll sideways and cross his arms on his lower leg stomach to block the attack. Followed by a lower fist, it hit his lower Yin heavily, and the huge pain made him shrink into a ball.

But the ferocity of this man really surprised me. He bent over in pain and inhaled, and stabbed out a shining AK army. As soon as he raised his hand, he even pressed me with a knife. The tip of the knife was directly facing the part of my heart. The whole man jumped up and pressed the weight on the hands holding the knife.

With his body weight and a flutter, he can't push and defend with both hands. I'm not a pervert like shopkeeper Qian. My feet made a "rabbit kicking an eagle" and kicked him away. As soon as I turned over, I made a move to go to the pistol not far from the gun. Sure enough, he grabbed the tip of the knife and threw out the bayonet.

After the fake action succeeded, I flashed over the throwing knife and rushed to the opponent who was also unarmed. In the previous action, I saw that he had worked a lot of Kung Fu in Taekwondo and played Kung Fu on his legs very smoothly. Sure enough, as I expected, he swept his legs in the middle of his side and kicked me in the ribs. But it is obvious that the front heavy blow has affected his flexibility and strength, and his legs are much slower.

I knew he had this move. I cut and kicked his offensive leg halfway, followed by a low leg kick on the patella of his knee. With a rattle, his joints were broken and his lower legs bent forward.

In his long scream, I punched him with all my strength, and he fell back. The back of his head was heavily knocked on the cement protrusion on the edge of the roof, and he didn't move after two convulsions. Seeing this, I said to myself, "the hands taught me by the goblin are really useful. I should ask her more in the future."

After taking care of this troublesome guy, I collected the guns and ammunition from several corpses on the roof. Along the gap in the middle of the circular staircase, he threw several SR-3 "whirlwind" small assault rifles and eight magazines to Lao hei and shopkeeper Qian on the first floor. Although this kind of gun is only the size of submachine gun, it adopts 939mm rifle bullet. With these firepower, people on the first floor should be able to hold on for a while.

After doing all this, I picked up the man's APS pistol that had been fighting with me for a long time and ran to meet Ah Wei. I found that he was playing with a radio device on the roof. In the past, it was a three-phase circuit with three colors of red, green and blue. A Wei was rubbing the bare copper core wires on the circuits of the three switches. This is equivalent to triggering these three switches and transmitting corresponding signals.

This is the alarm radio? I asked as I guarded with a gun.

"Yes, the switch should have been controlled at the front desk, but the circuit has not been completed. Now different departments will receive this radio alarm signal and display on their computer that the hotel has been attacked by tornadoes, terrorist attacks and nuclear bombs at the same time." Ah Wei said proudly. I really want to know how he will explain to the people of the homeland security department later.

Sure enough, not long after the signal was sent out, there was a long siren and a row of more than a dozen police cars from different departments on the road in the distance. The assault vehicles of the state special police force, Swat and the secret service team of the Ministry of homeland security were also sandwiched inside. The enemy surrounded us. Seeing that the situation was bad, they withdrew from the woods under the cover of night

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