"It's a long story, I've seen too many divine rod s these few days. All of them said that I'm in a dark place, did they encounter some demons or ghosts? "Think about it carefully. I don't think that Uncle is some kind of monster or monster. After that, they wanted me to accept this item as a precaution."

Seeing Yue Feng's expression, I simply wanted to burst out laughing: "That's not bad, I've really used it this time. Two Demon General s have already been caught, there's still one left, where the hell is he looking for? "

"We might as well ask the people in this castle for clues." the young general said.

The four men were indeed from the same family. They seemed to be two husbands, two wives and a son. The two men were brothers.

"That's why I can't find any trace of that last Demon General anywhere."

One of the young men said, "Actually, the agarwood is not a ready-made piece of wood. It grows in a few huge shrubs in the forest behind the castle.

"In other words, the Demon General behind him should have also guessed that the agarwood might still be a big tree, so it should have gone to the forest behind the castle?"

The young man nodded. "That's right. Let's go take a look. If he really took the initiative and destroyed those trees, then we really should die a thousand times for our crimes."

The two brothers said that their family names were very strange and didn't have a fixed map. Their family names were the last words of their family names, passed down from generation to generation.

The last word of their father's name was' Zhongzhong ', and the two of them had the same surname, so one of them was called' Zhongdai ', while the other was called' Zhongdan.'

Hearing that young man speak like that of an idiot, I almost laughed out loud. It seems that they didn't have any entertainment facilities when they went into seclusion, so they probably didn't know the meaning behind the disease.

With great effort, I managed to hold back my laughter as I followed the two of them into the forest behind the castle.

The forest was very large, and I had never seen many plants before. Furthermore, due to the unique natural climate here, most of the trees here were tall.

In front of us are some of the agarwood's shrubs. According to our family history books, because we had to use this kind of wood a few times, we cut down five trees before. Now, there are only two left. China University said.

I looked in the direction he was pointing at, and sure enough, there were two shrubs that were clearly different from the others. These two shrubs were not only tall, but also had different colors to them, as if they were completely black. What was even more strange was that he was different from the other trees.

Looking up along the trunk of the tree, the leaves were all red, and it didn't look like a maple leaf at all.

Those that we call the Divine Dragon Leaf, it is said that the function of this leaf is also very strange. If it is used as medicine, one can eat many strange diseases. China University continued to explain.

It looks like the Demon General didn't find this place, we just need to wait in ambush nearby and we should be able to find him. I feel really relieved, these two agarwood are still here.

It was indeed a good idea to wait for someone, so we found a slightly higher bush and hid inside it.

Taking advantage of the ambush, I couldn't help but ask, have you really been guarding this place for generations and never left? Is your race different from ours? Why are your skin so white?

In fact, I think the arrival of the Golems is a good opportunity, and I've always been worried that the members of this family would be blind in their ostracism. If we wait for them to come and ask them for wood, we'll be rejected 100% of the time.

If that were to happen, it would be equivalent to me saving them. After that, it would probably be much easier for me to ask them for more things.

"In our generation, we have never gone out anyways. We have never seen the outside world, and we haven't seen any outsiders since I can remember. I reckon you're the first outsiders I've seen."

"Because we do not communicate with the outside world, our clans are basically all close relatives married, so our physiques are all ordinary people. Originally, our clan had twenty-thirty branches, but because the medical conditions in this place were poor, now, we are the only two branches left."

"Then, what are you going to do about your next generation, when there are no longer any people who want to marry, leaving only your own siblings?"

"We don't know either. We'll just take it one step at a time. Plus, we're all afraid of the sun, so we don't have a single window in the entire castle."

So that's how it is. Being afraid of the sun, is it albinism? Looking at their pale faces, I guessed.

It was already dark when he heard hurried footsteps coming from the bushes beside him.

It's here!

Sure enough, the last Demon General was searching everywhere, as if he was looking for something.

When he saw the two huge ancient trees, he probably knew that these were the agarwood he was looking for.

It was said that these few trees were all from Paleogene. Shen Nong had grown these trees from godly wood, and everything that was made from its wood had a special function. Even the leaves on these trees were excellent herbs.

When he saw the godly wood he was looking for, he held his pair of big eyes and looked for a long time in disbelief before he was able to confirm.

He then took out a few matches, probably intending to set the two trees on fire.

The protector at the side was shocked, I reckon they thought that he wanted the precious agarwood, he didn't expect us to destroy it after finding it, I didn't notice, but both of them jumped out to stop him.

"Stop, what are you doing? These two trees are rare in the world, and you are not allowed to destroy them! "

"Y-you guys actually escaped?"

Looking at the situation, we are already moving towards an uncontrollable state. I don't think we can just sit back and do nothing.

Seeing that I was about to be taken advantage of, I held the Space Abyssal Sword in my hands and planned to follow the same method as before. However, I didn't expect this Demon General to have a lot of agility, so after doing a few rounds, he was actually unable to hit me on my spine.

Some of the higher level Demon General s, in order to hide their own weaknesses, would forge some armor for themselves. This Demon General was obviously a high level demon, his spine seemed to be covered in some steel, his entire body looked like a dinosaur.

It wasn't easy for me to cut into his spine, but I felt that the steel on his back was not normal. The Space Abyssal Sword was made of gold and jade, but when I slashed into his back, it seemed like it didn't move at all.

It seemed that if he didn't take out the steel from his back, it would be difficult to deal with him. I don't believe it. I can't take the armor off him.

I whispered to the two men next to me. He had steel armor inlaid on his spine.

Yue Feng immediately volunteered himself. Leave this matter to me, I'm fast, I'll give it a try.

He quickly pounced towards the position behind Demon General, and tightly laid on his back. Because of the tall stature of the Demon General, he was actually not very nimble.

Yue Feng then tried to dismantle the steel armour on the Demon General's back.

"The inlay they put in is really solid! With my power, I might not be able to move! " Yue Feng roared.

I immediately threw the Space Abyssal Sword in my hands over. "You take it. Try using this sword, maybe you can break it open!"

That Demon General also seemed to know our intentions, and desperately tried to shake off Yue Feng who was on his back, but because his body was not agile, he was unable to do anything.

Don't look at the frail Yue Feng, who was about to be violently shaken down by the Demon General, I immediately pounced and tightly grabbed onto his leg.

Compared to that Demon General, I am only as thick as his waist. It is impossible for me to control other parts of his body, so I can only hug onto that elephant sized leg.

The three of us teamed up flawlessly, as if he could no longer tell which one of us is the one fighting against Yue Feng who was desperately trying to pry open his armor, or me who was grabbing onto his legs, or Zi Lang who was attacking his face.

It was said that even if the rabbits were anxious, they would still bite. Furthermore, with such a divine strength from the Demon General, Yue Feng had already used the Void Spirit Treasure Sword to pry open the armor on his back. At this time, the Demon General was already worried.

He kicked his leg and taught me how to hit him. I felt as if I was sent flying into the sky before I fell heavily onto a tree. The intense tremors made me feel as though my internal organs had moved away from their position.

I forcefully suppressed the nauseous feeling I felt and shakily stood up to pounce once more.

Every step he took felt like he was about to fall apart. It seemed that he really did fall quite heavily this time. He felt a sweet sensation in his throat and might even vomit blood later on.

At this moment, Yue Feng was also flung out by the Demon General and smashed into the ground ruthlessly. I felt dizzy and I couldn't even see if the armor on his back had been removed or not.

Yue Feng shouted at me, "Sister Su Su, the armor on his back has already loosened.

Zi Lang also cried out in alarm, "It's unstoppable and it's also in chaos. We have to take this opportunity to quickly finish it off. That girl, hurry up and hold him. I'll take care of the thing on its back!"

As expected of someone who had been a general before, his reaction was fast and he made the correct decision immediately.

Resisting the discomfort, I pounced again, trying to restrain my opponent's movements.

Zi Lang's actions were extremely fast, and only now did I realise his true strength. He leapt into the air and directly landed behind his opponent, and with a speed that left no time for one to cover one's ears, he stretched out his hand.

Yue Feng had already loosened his armor, but after Zi Lang tried to pull it out, he heard his opponent scream, and a stream of blood spurted out, staining the young general's face.

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