The man opposite me said no more. He silently took off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders.

Seeing that I wanted to reject his good intentions, he put his hand on my shoulder. "Alright, the past is over. Don't go against your body. This place is too hard, a girl like you can't take it!"

Even though he said so, I still couldn't accept his kindness. His coat was much warmer on his shoulders, but it didn't feel good to see him wearing only a thin white shirt.

Hmph, who told you to provoke me, you deserve it! I continued to grumble at him in my mind, and before I knew it, I fell asleep on my lap.

I don't know why, but the sleeping me did not feel colder and colder. Instead, I felt warmer.

When I woke up, I found that it was the man opposite me who had built a fire for me.

You didn't sleep all night? I looked at him in surprise?

Are you stupid? Both of us are asleep, what if we encounter some danger? Besides, in such a cold place, if I don't watch the fire all night long, you'll freeze to death if it goes out.

I looked at the fire with some sparks still burning in front of me and was speechless.

Alright, the situation is now very clear, other than the two of us, no one else has found the entrance to Xishan's tomb, the sky is already bright, what choice do you have?

Thinking of the two of us entering the tomb, I still refused in my heart. But there was no other way, we couldn't stay any longer.

It's not that I don't want to go in, it's just that it's said that it's extremely dangerous inside. Can the two of us really deal with it?

Ordinary two people obviously wouldn't be able to do it, but don't forget, I am a fighting aficionados. I once entered a very dangerous tomb by myself, and later on, wasn't I also able to escape safely?

I made up my mind. I gritted my teeth and stomped my foot. Fine, I will enter as soon as I go in. Isn't it just a huge tomb? I don't believe it, there's a man-eating monster inside!

Lee and Yue clap their hands and stand up, their faces black from burning the train all night.

I couldn't help but take out my handkerchief and wipe it.

At first, he was stunned, but after he reacted, he suddenly grabbed my hand. Lady Su Su, you …

I quickly withdrew my hand, afraid that he would misunderstand, and explained, "I, I just want to thank you for guarding the fire for me last night. Seeing that your face is too dirty, I'll wipe it off. Don't think too much about it!"

After saying that, my whole body felt awkward. After entering the tomb, I still had to rely on Li He Yue's rich experience. If I were to say something too stiff now, it would probably be awkward the whole way.

Lee and Yue had been explaining to me all along the way that the knowledge about tombs was that anyone with status would cultivate their own tombs in such a remote place. After asking Mr. Feng Shui to take a good look at them, he would use the entire mountain as a main body to prevent tombs from being stolen.

However, tombs robbers nowadays were getting more and more skilled. Excavating this type of tomb was simply not a problem.

Then, there must be a lot of killing traps inside? I asked.

They are all powerful people who are afraid of the tomb robbers, and disturbed their own rest. Thus, they designed all sorts of wondrous sights in their own tombs, and in the end, the designers and the excavators were all buried together inside, sealing the entrance to the tomb. No one knows where the tomb is located.

He pushed open the door and entered a tomb chamber that was very different from the place he had come from. Not only was it grand and magnificent, it was also completely clean.

There were no coffins inside the tomb, but there were a few large lifelike sculptures. Some of the sculptures were of soldiers riding war horses while some appeared to be of infantry. Everyone held their weapons and appeared to be extremely fierce.

"From the looks of it, this should be the burial chamber for the funeral. Since we're here, the thieves won't leave empty-handed. How about we follow each other?"

"You really have a crafty heart. If some evil spirit really takes the item, wouldn't it bring disaster upon yourself?"

"If you walk too much at night, you will eventually encounter a ghost. Since you dared to steal a tomb, of course, you're not afraid of dirty stuff."

After saying that, I started to flip around. I rolled my eyes, too lazy to deal with him. Forget it, if you want to take it then take it, but be careful, there might be a trap here. "

"There's a trap? How did you notice?"

"Look at these burial items. They seem to be placed in a disorderly and disorderly manner, but in truth they are very orderly. I'm afraid that whoever you are assigned will trigger the traps, and you might lose your life."

Li He Yue knew that I was an expert at mechanism. After hearing what I said, she hesitated, "Lady, don't scare me. These are all good things. If you put them down, I will regret it!"

"Don't you think it's strange that there's no mechanism in such a large tomb?"

Li He Yue shrugged her shoulders. "Look at the things here, most of them are bronze artifacts. It seems like they are very old."

"Bronze artifacts indicate that it has existed for a very long time?"

"Yeah, don't you know anything about history? From the Stone Age onward to the Bronze Age, then there were ceramics, jade, and gold and silver. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, bronze artifacts were very popular. The ceremonial instruments used for offering sacrifices and the tableware used for daily living were mostly bronze artifacts. "

"That is to say, this tomb was buried several thousand years ago?"

"It's not too far off from the mark. Furthermore, according to the inscriptions on the vessels that accompanied the group's burial, this should be the tomb of a king belonging to a empire that has not been recorded in history."

Ancient Chu Country, that's even more unheard-of. My history was not good to begin with, how would I know of a dynasty that has not been recorded in history.

"You see, the inscription at the bottom of this burial vessel is a very strange language. It has never appeared in any previous documents and I am not 100% sure that I can decipher it. However, I can still understand the general meaning behind it."

"What does it say?"

"Back then, when the Nine Prefectures were in turmoil and the dukes were contending for hegemony, many nations waged a chaotic war that lasted nine years. Ancient Chu Country was originally one of those countries, whose power was not considered strong. However, after going through a series of changes and reforms, their economy and military power had developed.

"So in the end, they all unified the Nine Prefectures?"

"That's right. The Queen buried here should be the ruler of the Nine Provinces, the Ancient Chu Country, back then."

"That's amazing. I was wondering why his tomb was so big and why there are so many accompanying objects. It turns out it's because of the peerless Emperor. Why is there no record of him in history?"

"Perhaps something happened after that, causing everything in this piece of history to be turned upside down, causing this piece of history to become a blank."

"What a pity that such an unparalleled Emperor did not leave behind a single word in history. After he died, he lay quietly in this enormous tomb."

"Yeah, according to what you said, what's the use of doing so many glorious things while alive?" After that, there was a cup of yellow earth, and no one will remember it. "

In reality, I was still skeptical of the man in front of me. Who knows, what Ancient Chu Country he mentioned, does really exist? Since there weren't any records, he would just say whatever he wanted.

"You should have already taken the things, right? I'm not interested in the actual situation of the owner of this tomb. I'm thinking about how we're going to get out … "

"Hey, what is this?" Li He Yue curiously asked as she pointed to a large box in the corner.

That room, although it looked unremarkable and was covered in dust, there was a heavy lock on it, which piqued my curiosity.

"For a burial item to be placed in the tomb, it must be placed with such a large lock. I think that there must be something good inside. Why don't we open it and take a look?"

"This is really strange. Miss, are you interested in the items here as well?"

"Do you have any way to open it or not? The chains on this big box are all made from Frost Iron Essence. It seems like it won't be easy to open that big lock."

"I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable, but this level of trifling matter isn't difficult for me." As he spoke, the man opposite him took out a handful of thin steel wire and inserted it into the big lock, twisting it left and right twice.

At first, there was no movement, but Li He Yue didn't seem to be in a hurry. She took out the iron wire and folded it a few times, then stabbed it back and kept twisting it.

"To be honest, even if you didn't come to steal the tomb, you would still earn a lot if you became a thief."

"Stop teasing me. How could someone like me be willing to be a thief? Aren't you interested in the things here? "Hurry up and come take a look."

This large box seemed to have some sort of magic. People like me who were not interested in archeology and tomb robbing could not help but want to open it to see what was inside.

After opening the big box, the result was out of our expectations. In such a big box, there was only a small scroll.

Li He Yue stretched out her hand and picked up the scroll. However, the moment she picked up the scroll, it seemed like a mechanism had been activated. Kacha! Kacha!

"What's going on?" Li He Yue's face changed as she hurriedly asked.

Before he could think about it, he saw the surrounding sculptures undergo a huge change.

The wooden sculptures that looked like they were made of clay were all instantly shattered. On closer inspection, what was shattered was only a layer of mud stuck to the surface. Underneath the soil, there was actually a living person!

It was as if a terracotta soldier that had been silent for a thousand years had suddenly revived, causing people's hearts to tremble.

"What … what is going on?" Li He Yue's expression was extremely ugly. In his entire life, he had never encountered such a strange phenomenon.

I looked at the shattered statues in front of me and slowly calmed down. "I guess the scroll in the box just now was the main switch of a mechanism. After touching the scroll, all the soldiers and horses sealed in the statue will automatically revive."

"You mean, these aren't real sculptures, but soldiers, horses, and horses who were used for the burial?"

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