Shuo Yue's body was truly in a Treasure Chest, she had everything she needed. She felt that anything she could take out in the nick of time would be able to solve her big problem.

I reached out and took it. It was a thick glove. Looking left and right, I didn't know what was wrong with it.

"Is it a deerskin glove?" Zhang Ziyuan was knowledgeable, and could tell what it was just by looking at it.

After hearing what he said, I came to a realization. I had heard that deer skin was thick and could protect one's hands from poisons. People who used to use poisonous concealed weapons would wear deerskin gloves to prevent themselves from getting hurt.

I've only heard of this legend before, I never thought that Shuo Yue really had this kind of mysterious gloves on him. She probably wants me to put on the gloves to study the mysteries of the zombies.

I gratefully looked at Shuo Yue, put on the gloves, and stretched my hand out to the zombie's body to feel.

Even though I was wearing gloves, I still felt terrified. It was the first time I had explored a zombie at such a close distance, and I felt my appetite churning to the point where I was about to vomit.

As I groped around, I found that the knobs of the zombie seemed to be moving, because it was struggling so hard, I hit it again and it lay still on the ground.

After touching the zombie's head, I found that it could rotate 360 degrees. After a few turns, the zombie made a "ka ka" sound like a machine, and the end of the tunnel lit up.

So that's how it was, the zombie's head was the mechanism of the tunnel, how exactly did it come into being? It was so terrifying, if it wasn't for Shuo Yue's gloves, I probably wouldn't even dare to study zombies, then wouldn't we be unable to open the mechanism?

After opening a few tunnels, we finally walked out of the maze, but we didn't walk out of the illusion world. At the end of the tunnel, there was a terrifying place, an empty space, and above it hung heads and corpses, heads full of expressions, some of them already protruding from their eyes, some of them dying with grievances, some of them with blood flowing from their eyes, corpses of all kinds, some with only half of their bodies missing arms …

"Holy sh * t, that scared me to death!" I hid behind Zhang Ziyuan, I was talking about the ghosts, if I did not have any objections to the looks that Zhang Ziyuan and Xiao Cui had, I would definitely avoid such a terrifying thing.

"Don't be afraid, these are all dead creatures. What's there to be afraid of if they're still."

Zhang Ziyuan said softly, but he managed to speak in a relaxed manner. I am a girl, after all, how can I not be afraid when looking at this kind of thing?

Although Zhang Ziyuan said that, his hand still tightly held onto my hand. I felt a little more at ease in my heart.

"These are all illusions. They're no different from the fake ones in Halloween Park. Are you afraid of those too?"

He didn't expect Shuo Yue to know about the Halloween carnival in the park. Seems like he had been there before, but the problem is, I didn't have the nerve to tell him.

"But what is the point of this illusion? How do we get out? "

Just as he asked this question, the scene in front of him changed. The horrible things that were hanging on his body were no longer there, and what replaced them seemed to be a paradise.

There was a soft bed, and a table full of delicacies, and the smell of wine was overwhelming. It was a huge temptation for the exhausted and hungry of us, and I felt like my stomach was going to growl.

There were also gold bricks and treasures scattered all over the place. The golden light shone so brilliantly that people couldn't even take their eyes off it.

It was then that I realized that this place was not a terrifying illusion, but a seductive one.

If we accept these temptations, I'm afraid we'll never get out.

"He actually used this kind of illusion technique against us. He really doesn't understand us at all. If we were all just enjoying ourselves and had desires in our hearts, how would we have gotten to where we are today?" Zhang Ziyuan said.

Originally, I should have this kind of mentality, but I don't know why I feel like my eyelids can no longer open when I see that soft bed. I really want to immediately fall down and have a good night's sleep on top of it.

Shuo Yue who was at the side also had the same feeling, she staggered to the front of the jar and wanted to reach for it.

"Shuo Yue! "Don't touch the wine jar!" Zhang Ziyuan shouted.

Shuo Yue seemed to be awoken by Zhang Ziyuan's shout. She took a few steps back in shock and shook her head to clear her mind.

Originally, I was also in a daze, and wanted to fall on that soft bed to have a good night's sleep. After hearing Zhang Ziyuan's voice, I immediately woke up, and looked around me in fear, not knowing what kind of magic could be here.

"What happened to you two?" Zhang Ziyuan asked.

"I, I just felt very sleepy and wanted to sleep on that huge bed. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably have fallen asleep by now."

Shuo Yue also had a face full of confusion. I smelled the sweetness of the wine and wanted to slap the mud seal off and have a good drink. At that time, my mind was already unable to think of anything else.

What was going on? Could it be that the illusion in this place made people fall for it naturally, then why was Zhang Ziyuan completely fine?

So that's how it is. I understand now, you two must not be fooled by the things here. Humans all had emotions and desires, and there were no exceptions for strong willed people. It was as if they were thirsty, hungry, tired, sad, depressed, and happy. They were all unstoppable. Since you are humans, you have naturally found the path here. I am just a ghost that roamed the Three Realms, so I will not be affected.

It seems that we still underestimated Miyazong Tibet's illusion technique, and thought that as long as we had a strong will, there wouldn't be any problems.

"Then, what would happen if we were hit by these illusions?" I asked fearfully.

"I reckon that the wine and dishes are the intestines poison, and that soft bed is also a hidden death trap. In short, we won't be able to get out of here if we touch any of those things."

Damn, this is too wicked! One move and we're going to die! If Cao Yang's illusion technique can only see through our hearts, then this secret sect's Master's illusion technique is truly taking our lives.

Suddenly, I felt that deadly drowsiness surge up, as if I could close my eyes and fall asleep. That soft bed once again gave me that fatal temptation.

What was going on? The situation had already progressed in an unpredictable direction. Seeing that my body had touched that soft bed, Zhang Ziyuan rushed over with the intent to grab my hand.

However, I didn't expect that I would be so late. My entire body had already been coiled up. At last I was awake and found the whole bed wrapped around me, as if it were trying to wrap me in it.

I felt like I was suffocating because the bed was getting more and more crowded.

It was too late to call for help. I was gasping for breath, coughing and clawing wildly with one hand, as if trying to grab at a lifesaver.

In my trance, I seem to have seen the panicked looks and expressions of Zhang Ziyuan and his, but I could no longer hear anything in their ears.

Gradually, I fell into a deep sleep, surrounded by the void and darkness. I didn't know if I was in another space or not.

When he opened his eyes, it was dark. It was as if he was in another world within that huge bed, a void without borders.

"Zhang Ziyuan! Shuo Yue! " I shouted a few times, but there was no response. I guess they couldn't hear me anymore.

I really didn't think that I, Su Su, would actually fall flat on the same bed. I just wanted to sleep, why did I have to go to bed to sleep?

After scolding him a few times, he felt that it was useless and hurriedly found a way to get out of here.

I walked along some light spots, and suddenly a zombie with an electric saw jumped out to attack me.

The zombie's face was covered in blood, which scared me so much that I ran away. When I thought about it later, why should I be afraid of a zombie? Maybe I could ask him what kind of place this was and how he got out of here.

I was stunned again. How can a zombie speak, but this zombie really knows how to talk …

"Don't run, this place is surrounded by emptiness, you won't be able to escape!"

Hearing the zombie's words, I managed to hold on, and the Saw Zombie stopped chasing me.

"Who are you? "Where is this place?" Since the other party knew how to speak and he didn't have any ill intentions, he should be able to ask, right?

Zombie opened the saw with a ferocious expression, "You want me to tell you something? You have to agree to a request of me, and I'll take you in half!"

Damn, this zombie is crazy. If it sawed me in half, then wouldn't I be dead? Would I listen to your nonsense?

Recently, he had encountered too many zombies. Originally, this kind of thing rarely appeared because the requirement to form a Corpse Transformation was very high. He didn't know why the secret sect's magic would always attract zombies.

"Stop joking. If you want to say it, then say it. If you don't want to say it, then forget it. You're not going to conduct an experiment with your electric saw!"

Now that he couldn't tell which one was the real illusion, he felt that getting out of here was the most important thing.

"Forget it, teasing you isn't fun. You must have been thrown into a big bed before you came here, right?" This is the world in the middle of the bed! "

When I heard the zombie's words, my face turned weird. What other world is there in the bed? In my view of the world, a bed is used for sleeping.

"Then, how can I go out?"

I asked tentatively. If that zombie knew the way to leave, wouldn't I have earned it?

Zombie poured a bucket of cold water on me. "If I knew how to get out of here, I would have left a long time ago. I've been trapped here for more than 20 years, and I haven't found a way to solve this!"

He's been trapped here for more than twenty years? Could it be that he was a monster from the illusory realm that Sect Leader of the Secret Sect received from him more than twenty years ago? Does that mean that he, like me, is an outsider and not a concocted illusion?

"You were caught by the old monk of the secret sect?"

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